Tag Archive for: SEO analysis

Test Your Website Speed And Performance

The best way to improve your performance is to determine your starting point. Your potential customer does not have the patience to sit around waiting for a slow website to show up on their smartphone or desktop; they want everything immediately. This is why it’s so important to recognize where your site is at currently so you see areas for improvement.

The best way to do that you may ask? Onimod Global’s custom-made digital audit.


Our team offers complimentary digital audits for your company to determine what areas of your current digital marketing strategy needs improvement. Our digital audits measure your organic, paid search and social visibility as well as identify any errors or issues with the website. The audit is to give you a solid grasp of what issues your online business may be experiencing.

The digital audit will include the following:

  • SEO Analysis
  • SEM Breakdown
  • Social Media Influence
  • Website Performance
  • Local Business Optimization

All of these areas are crucial to your success in the digital space which is increasing in traffic daily.

Account managers at Onimod Global work with a wide variety of clients every day, and there is not a single industry we don’t feel confident in creating a marketing strategy for. Not quite convinced? Check out the dozens of case studies on our site by clicking here!


Ready for your brand’s custom-digital audit?

Simply visit our digital audit page, and enter your information for a complimentary digital audit. We cannot wait to work with you!