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Google Ads Tips for Start-Ups and SMBs

Navigating the online advertising landscape can be daunting for small business owners. Yet, it’s crucial for boosting your brand’s online presence.

65% of clicks on Google are driven by paid campaigns. This statistic highlights the potential of Google Ads in propelling your business forward. If you are new to the world of Google Ads, here are some tips on taking advantage of the advertising giant and getting it working in your favor.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads stands out as a highly effective tool for enhancing your online presence. This platform operates on a paid advertising model, enabling you to craft a variety of online ads tailored to resonate with distinct segments of your audience.

By strategically bidding on keywords and phrases that align with your brand and audience interests, you can significantly improve the likelihood of presenting your ads to potential customers precisely when they are most receptive. The platform’s integrated analytics tools allow for seamless management of your campaigns and real-time tracking of their performance.

For businesses aiming to elevate their brand recognition and actively engage with customers to boost sales, Google Ads offers an indispensable solution.

Advantages of Google Ads

Google Ads offers a combination of wide reach, user-friendliness, enhanced brand visibility, and cost-effectiveness, making it a highly attractive tool for businesses looking to expand their online presence and connect with a broader audience: 

  • Wider Reach: Google Ads provides unparalleled access to a vast audience. As the most popular search engine, Google processes billions of search queries daily, offering a unique opportunity to position your brand in front of a diverse and extensive audience. 
  • User-Friendly Interface: One of the key strengths of Google Ads is its user-friendly and intuitive interface, making it accessible even for those new to digital marketing. The platform guides users through the setup process, offering helpful tips and straightforward tools for creating and managing campaigns. 
  • Brand Visibility: Through Google Ads, businesses can significantly enhance their brand visibility. By appearing in search results, on partner websites, and in video ads on platforms like YouTube, your brand gains exposure to a wider audience. This increased visibility helps in building brand recognition and recall, making it easier for potential customers to find and engage with your business online. 
  • Cost-Effective: Google Ads is known for its cost-effective approach to advertising. The platform operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This approach allows for better control over advertising budgets, as you can set maximum bid amounts and daily spending limits. 

Getting Started with Google Ads Advertising

To embark on your advertising venture with Google Ads, the initial step involves setting up a Gmail account and creating a Google Ads Manager account. Once your account is active, you can start exploring potential keywords to target. The Google Ads Keyword Planner Tool is a vital resource in this process, enabling you to:

  • Analyze search volumes for specific keywords and phrases.
  • Calculate the cost-per-click for bidding on chosen searches within your Google Ads.
  • Identify new, potentially more effective keywords for your ad campaigns.

Next, you can decide on the type of ads to run, aligning them with your marketing objectives. Here’s an overview to guide you in selecting your ad formats:

  • Search Ads: These are text-based ads displayed on Google’s search results pages.
  • Video Ads: Create video ads to appear on YouTube and within Google search results.
  • Shopping Ads: Showcase your products through listings, usually in a carousel format, at the top of Google search results pages.
  • Display Ads: Utilize image-based ads or ad content across a variety of websites, apps, and platforms within the Google Display Network.
  • Discovery Ads: Engage users with visually striking ads in their feeds across the Google Display Network.
  • Local Ads: Tailor your ads to specific regional audiences for more localized reach.

This guide aims to streamline your ad selection process, ensuring that your Google Ads strategy is well-aligned with your business goals.

Developing a Winning Strategy for Your Google Ads

A significant advantage of Google Ads is the flexibility it offers in bid management, catering to different budget sizes and campaign strategies. You can choose between automated and manual bidding. For those with tighter budgets, manual bidding allows you to set limits on your cost-per-click (CPC), ensuring you stay within your financial boundaries. On the other hand, automated bidding is ideal for saving time and works well if you have a more adaptable budget, allowing for optimization across various campaigns.

The effectiveness of your ad hinges on its ability to capture the attention of your audience. To make your ad content truly stand out, consider the following elements:

  • Craft Compelling Headlines: Your headline should be attention-grabbing and relevant, enticing users to engage with your ad.
  • Engaging Body Copy: Utilize a conversational tone that echoes your brand’s unique voice, making the ad relatable and engaging to your target audience.
  • High-Quality Visuals: Incorporate striking graphics or video content that enhances the appeal of your ad, making it more visually engaging for viewers.

These strategies are essential in creating Google Ads that not only draw attention but also resonate with your target audience, leading to better engagement and results.

Working With Onimod Global

Designing a successful online marketing campaign is a strategic process, essential for attracting the right customers and fostering business growth. Navigating this landscape can be challenging, especially if you’re not fully versed in the latest marketing trends and techniques.

Google AdWords, while being a potent marketing tool, can also be a significant investment. At Onimod Global, we are trusted Google Partner. Our vast digital experience and tailored advertising solutions focus on optimizing your returns while ensuring efficient use of your marketing budget. Our work spans various sectors, from SMBs to global corporations, enabling us to leverage this diversity to enhance your campaign’s effectiveness and drive sales.

If you have any inquiries about Google Ads or wish to discover more about Onimod Global and our Digital Marketing services, feel free to reach out to us today.

5 Google Ads Tips That Will Make You More Money

Google Ads: one of the top marketing tools which assists you in displaying ads to promote your products or services online. If you are using Google Ads to advertise your goods or services, then you are making a conscious effort to improve your market share and increase your business. When your ads are set up properly, Google Ads can help to increase online traffic, in-store traffic, brand recognition and generate sales while reducing marketing costs. Through the process of helping digital marketing teams assess their campaigns with our expertise, we’ve constructed a list of five essential tips to help optimize your Google Ads campaigns and get the most from your ad dollars.


Keywords: Choose Carefully

This has relatively large and powerful effects on not only how much you spend on your campaign, but also how well your Google Ads convert. One of the most common and costly mistakes is focusing all your attention on positive keywords that bring you traffic. Don’t forget to construct a list of negative keywords (words you don’t want people associating with your company) as well. When building your Google Ads campaign, one of the most important things that you will have to do is set a match type for your keyword bidding strategy.  Consider starting with broad match. You can then add the negative match keywords to exclude those searches on Google that aren’t related to your business.

Alter Keyword Match Type Over Time

When launching a brand new Google Ads campaign, start out with several ad groups that have strong themes of similar keywords. Over time, the focus tends to become more a blend of Modified Broad, Phrase and Exact Match words as the data starts to show what actually converts.

keyword match

This graphic from Search Engine Journal showcases how keyword match can modify over time. Each match type is a trade-off between impressions, relevancy, and cost. For most impressions, Broad Match will be a success. However, it can also mean you are matching to a bunch of irrelevant searches and wasting your money.

Relevant Landing Pages

This is one of the most overlooked topics when it comes to paid search. It’s easy to get lost in the paid search platforms, tweaking bids, testing ad copy, and funneling all your energy into the platform itself. A successful PPC ad drives qualified potential leads to a landing page, but that’s only the first half of winning. The second part is getting them to convert into a paying customer. Maintaining consistency between your keywords, ad copy, and landing pages should improve both your click-through and conversion rates while lowering your CPC.

Optimize Google Ads Performance

Perhaps the most critical part of running a Google Ads campaign is making sure that it is optimized for your target audience. Optimizing a campaign consists of establishing profitable keywords and ad campaigns and terminating those without success. This can be difficult to determine when you need to make adjustment or eliminate a campaign entirely.

Onimod Global, a trusted Google Partner, specializes in all AdWords product areas. We can help you create and optimize ads that show up on Google Search. We can also advise on keyword strategy and budget planning. Contact us here to learn more about how we can optimize your Google Ads campaigns to their fullest potential.

Look For Opportunity To Drive Mobile

Many of your future customers use mobile devices, and more and more, users convert on them. Especially after the huge push in digital business during 2020, mobile-focused campaigns can potentially give you the best chance to engage your mobile customers in the right format on their preferred device.

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