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3 Ways To Check Your Website’s Technical SEO Health

Regardless of how great your content may be, the ranking of your website and its traffic will suffer if there are issues with your technical SEO. This is why it’s crucial to perform routine SEO health checks so you can stay up to date on the performance of your website and constantly optimize for the best performance.

Website crawlers – to know them is to love them

A Web crawler, sometimes called a spider or spiderbot and often shortened to crawler, is an Internet bot that systematically browses the World Wide Web and that is typically operated by search engines for the purpose of Web indexing.

It’s one of the most powerful assets you have when working on your website and trying to optimize it. Your website links are an essential tool to use in determining what pages are the most important content to your target audience, and not all of your links are created equal.

What that means is essentially there are ways to heavily optimize and influence what Google sees as the most important pages of your site. It also will help Google and other search engines to direct traffic to certain areas of your website.

Ensure search engines are rendering the page correctly

Crawlers are essential to ensuring your pages are rendering correctly. If your website’s content isn’t optimized for these bots, it won’t show up in your bots and may not render correctly. There are ways to avoid this, and that includes marketers presenting their content in a format that both searchers and crawlers can view.

“Things that require user clicks and user involvement will be difficult, if not impossible, for bots to reach,” Ashley Berman Hale from SMX Next said. “Go to the most popular pages and enclose important content in Google quotes to see if they’re included.”

Another thing you can do to improve the technical SEO is to see the rendering of your pages is to use Google’s mobile-enabled tools to take a screenshot of what everything looks like.

Review indexing for your site’s pages

If you find that Google and other search engines are crawling and that they’re correctly rendering your sites, check all of the indexed pages. A page is indexed by Google if it has been visited by the Google crawler (“Googlebot”), analyzed for content and meaning, and stored in the Google index. This gives you the clearest indication of the state of your site, highlighting selected pages, excluded pages, and why search engines made those decisions.

“You can check everything that Google sees, which is insightful,” said Hale, “ While half of our battle is getting the good stuff into the index, the other half can be getting the bad stuff out.”

More from Onimod Global

These simple and effective ways to check on the health of your technical SEO can make the biggest difference in the performance of your website. We will continue to share case studies and the latest SEO updates to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success. Our mission is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about Google display ads or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.