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5 Ways to Improve Your Website’s CTAs

The CTA is a key element to any effective webpage. It lets users know what to do, helping them move through their buyer journey and ultimately works to increase conversions. Continue reading to learn more about CTAs, as well as 5 strategies to make yours stronger. 

What is a CTA? 

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt on a website that tells visitors to take a specified action. They’re typically written as a command or action phrase, like ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Download’ and generally take the form of a button or hyperlink. 

5 Ways to Improve Your CTAs:

1. Pick the right color and design. 

The look of your CTA has an immense impact on its effectiveness. The main consideration should be visibility. If users don’t notice your CTA, they’re not going to click on it. This is why experts recommend using a button, rather than a text link. After landing on a design, you have to consider color, which also has a large impact on effectiveness. 

Keep in mind that different colors have varying connotations, especially when it comes to marketing. For example, red induces urgency, while blue is considered trustworthy and black is seen as luxurious. It’s also essential to consider how the color fits with your brand identity and how it contrasts with your site’s color scheme to draw attention. 

2. Choose compelling, but careful words. 

What your CTA actually says is just as important as the design. The message should be short, simple, clear and concise. Obviously, the message itself will vary depending on what you want your visitors to do, but it should still follow these rules. Being specific and concise beats out vagueness every time. You should also focus on using positive sentiments and power words to make your copy more persuasive. 

3. Use scarcity and free trials. 

An important aspect of a successful CTA that people often don’t think of is making sure to include the benefits for the user. People are much more likely to click on something when they can see a clear, positive outcome. You can also play to users’ fear of missing out, or (FOMO) by offering deals for a limited time. Whatever strategy you go with, the key is to make the offer clear. 

4. Choose the correct locations. 

The final important aspect to a successful CTA is location. Most users read websites in an F-shaped pattern, according to a study by Nielsen Norman Group. Because of this, it’s best to place your CTA higher up on your web pages. 

While you want users to have multiple opportunities and exposure to your CTAs, they should still be used sparingly. Every CTA should have a purpose. Bombarding users with pop-ups and buttons can confuse them or come across as spam-y. This all could result in a decrease of clicks or increase your bounce rate. 

5. A/B Test

Lastly, it’s essential to A/B test all of the variables we discussed above with different options. You’ll never know what truly performs best if it’s never been compared to other options. 

Final Thoughts

A strong CTA can make the difference between a purchase and a lost sale. Your CTA is where you get the chance to directly influence your visitors to make it to the end of their buyer journey. If you’re struggling to increase your online conversions, sometimes it’s best to rely on an expert, digital marketing agency. At Onimod Global, we are your in-house in-house marketing team, working for you, creating cross-channel digital marketing campaigns driven by machine learning analytics and human intelligence. 

Learn more about who we are, and get started today