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5 Important Questions to Ask Your Website Development Agency

There are numerous questions that an organization may have when outsourcing a website development project to an agency. Investing in a new website is no small expense for a business owner, so addressing any questions that arise is a must. With our previous website development work at Onimod Global, there have been many questions we have received from clients over the years. Listed below are just a few critical questions that every business should ask their agency when it comes to a new website development project.

1. What does the previous work look like with other clients? 
Knowing what an agency is capable of when it comes to their website development expertise is extremely important. Request case studies from agencies to see what an agency has to offer in terms of website development, and what benefits can be provided for your organization. Click Here to view our previous website development work and case studies at Onimod Global. Ultimately, conduct research on multiple agencies to ensure the one you select is legitimate and will produce the final product you are looking for.

2. Is Google Analytics being utilized to track data and set up goals? 
Ensuring that a Google Analytics tracking code is installed to a new website is crucial and it’s amazing as to how underused this tool is by many businesses today. One major benefit that Analytics provides is where website traffic comes from and what adjustments can be made. Setting up goals in Analytics to track certain conversions like form completions and downloads is another critical aspect that Analytics provides. Essentially, being able to monitor general website traffic information is huge and implementing Google Analytics should always be a step in the website development process.

3. Will the website be optimized to increase online visibility? 
Regardless of the objectives an organization desires for their website, online visibility and being able to drive traffic should always be a priority. Therefore, if a site is not optimized for search engines how will it drive traffic? Ensuring that a website is highly optimized will require a lot of SEO knowledge and time. There are many components of SEO that involve “on page” optimization like paying attention to title tags, content, meta descriptions, keywords, and internal link building. There are also “off page” optimization tactics like blogging and utilizing local directory sites. In the end, having a highly optimized website is a must and be certain that the agency developing your website is familiar with these practices.

4. Is the Google Tag Manager being used?
Application of a tag management system like the Google Tag Manager to a website is extremely beneficial for any organization. In technical terms according to Google, the Tag Manager “replaces hard-coded tags on a website with dynamic tags that are easier to implement and update.” Tag management systems like Google’s provide multiple benefits such as adding AdWords, Analytics, and even third party tags instead of having to manually edit the site code. Therefore, this reduces errors and allows the simple deployment of tags on a website, so be sure to address this area of concern with your agency.

5. What does the timeline look like until the site officially launches? 
It’s important to be on the same page with your agency about the development of a timeline and what the expectations are. Depending on the complexity of the site a website development project can take anywhere from months to years. It’s essential to stay in contact with your agency throughout the entire process as new requests may arise and an agency should always be adaptable to client changes. An experienced team like ours at Onimod Global has worked together on multiple web dev projects and understand how important client timelines are.

Contact Us: If you’re a business seeking an upgrade in website development, feel free to reach out to our expertise at Onimod Global and check out Our Work. We look forward to hearing from you!