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4 Ways to Become a Superior Digital Marketer

With the digital marketing industry continuing to expand, the field has become an intriguing job market for individuals seeking employment. According to Silicon Republic, “the digital economy was growing 10 times faster than the traditional economy which resulted in a skills gap of approximately 900,000 vacancies in 2015.” However, with the flux of digital marketers increasing this leads to heavier competition. So what are some ways to set yourself apart from the crowd and become a better digital marketer? This post will explore four ways to help a digital marketer stand out in their field.

1. Utilize Online Resources
There are thousands of free online resources to help digital marketers stay current on news, updates, and anything else important happening in the industry. Credible industry publications such as Search Engine Land, Forbes, Adweek, Search Engine Journal and others are excellent resources to enhance an individual’s knowledge regarding digital marketing. One major benefit to reading articles from these sources is that a serious time commitment is not required. This is something to throw into a routine during a morning commute to work or during lunch hours for example. Ultimately, it’s amazing how much can be learned from spending an hour of your day reading industry news to stay updated, and it will set yourself apart from others not taking advantage of these publications.

2. Attend Relevant Events and Conferences
Although attending a major digital marketing conference could be expensive, the opportunity to gain knowledge from respected industry professionals can’t be overlooked. Speakers at these events typically consist of professionals with years of experience who work for notable agencies. In addition to the numerous learning opportunities at conferences, they are also a great place to build connections with other professionals in the digital marketing industry. Having a large network of digital marketing connections is huge, and you never know what this can lead to in the future. Moreover, attending digital marketing conferences/events is more important than one may believe, and not every digital marketer is taking advantage of this.

3. Be Eager to Learn
In an extremely adaptive industry like digital marketing, having an eagerness to learn is essential. It’s cliche but the digital marketers who “want it more” and enjoy learning have a much better chance of success in a very competitive environment. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, “it’s easy for businesses to differentiate between candidates who have a willingness to learn compared to those along for the ride.” Therefore, it’s evident that digital marketing is an industry that requires plenty of passion and a willingness to succeed. The digital marketers who possess that quality will clearly stand out over those who don’t.

4. Gain Experience Early On
This one sounds obvious, but the earlier you gain hands on experience with digital marketing the better. Some digital marketers arrive to the game a lot later than others and this could be a huge setback. One benefit to experiencing the industry early on is the opportunity to learn from mistakes. All digital marketers make mistakes at some point in their careers and the earlier you can learn from them the better. Gaining experience doesn’t necessarily mean working for an agency as early as possible. Taking online digital marketing courses or experimenting with campaigns during your free time are both examples of gaining relevant experience. In the end, it’s important to realize that no one enters the digital marketing field as an expert. Take advantage of the several resources available to you to set yourself apart from other digital marketers in the industry.

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