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How to Add Sustainable Marketing to Your Business

Sustainable marketing has become an increasingly important issue across all industries in recent years. Consumers expect their support companies to follow suit as they become more environmentally conscious. Here’s how.

More and more consumers are communicating how important it is to connect with and support brands that share their values. If your business is already doing the work to become sustainable, you must connect with eco-conscious customers transparently and genuinely. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of sustainability in the marketing and advertising world and how you can incorporate it into your strategy. Here’s what you need to know.

Why Sustainable Marketing Matters

Over the past few years, sustainability has become a crucial aspect in many industries, including primarily digital ones. Sustainable marketing is now at the forefront of discussions, and companies recognize the importance of incorporating sustainable practices in their operations. In digital marketing and advertising, these practices can be especially powerful in shaping consumer behavior and attitudes.

By incorporating sustainability into your messaging and practices, you can positively impact the environment while enhancing your brand’s reputation. Here are a few reasons why sustainability matters in marketing and advertising.

Consumer Expectations

Consumers are increasingly demanding that the companies they support prioritize sustainability. According to a survey by Nielsen, 78% of consumers say they would be willing to change their consumption habits to reduce their impact on the environment by recycling, using less plastic, and purchasing products that are made sustainably.

These findings indicate that sustainability is not just a passing trend but a growing priority. Consumers who prioritize sustainability in their marketing and advertising efforts have an opportunity to appeal to these environmentally conscious consumers and build long-term brand loyalty. However, companies must be transparent and authentic in their sustainability claims to maintain consumer trust and avoid greenwashing.

Brand Reputation

Companies that prioritize sustainability are often seen as more ethical and trustworthy, which can enhance their brand reputation and attract loyal customers. This is particularly true for younger consumers, who are more likely to support companies that align with their values. 75% of Gen Z  said they wanted to see that brands were ensuring employee and consumer safety.

The survey found, “If [brands] are not authentic, Gen Z will be the first to raise a red flag.” This further underscores the importance of sustainability in marketing and advertising efforts, especially for companies that want to appeal to younger demographics. By incorporating sustainability into their marketing and advertising efforts, companies can appeal to these environmentally conscious consumers.

Cost Savings

Sustainable practices can have multiple benefits for companies. Reducing energy consumption and waste can lower operational costs and benefit the environment. Additionally, implementing recycling programs and reducing packaging waste can lower waste disposal costs and generate revenue from selling recycled materials.

Secondly, sustainable practices can improve a company’s reputation and customer loyalty. This can translate to increased sales and revenue. A survey found that 75% of millennials are willing to work for environmentally responsible companies, even if it means accepting a lower salary. Furthermore, almost 40% of respondents chose one job over another because of an organization’s sustainability practices.

By focusing on sustainability, companies can contribute to environmental protection and improve their bottom line while attracting environmentally conscious consumers who prioritize sustainable purchasing practices.

How to Incorporate Sustainable Marketing & Advertising

Marketing communications that include printed materials and other PR activities, including branding and packaging, can be especially tough on the environment.  There are many ways that companies can incorporate sustainability into their marketing and advertising efforts. Here are just a few examples:

  1. Use Sustainable Materials: Businesses can use sustainable materials for promotional items and packaging. Items like recycled paper or biodegradable plastics can also be used over traditional products.
  2. Reduce Waste: Use digital marketing techniques instead of print materials.
  3. Partner with Sustainable Organizations:  Partner with organizations that promote sustainability, such as environmental charities or sustainable product manufacturers. Use their platforms to raise awareness about environmental issues.
  4. <strong>Create Sustainable Campaigns: Create marketing campaigns that promote sustainable practices. Encourage customers to switch to reusable products.

Honesty and Transparency Matter

Your customers want to know how your products are made, from start to finish. Suppose you can’t provide full transparency about an environmentally friendly and fair supply chain. In that case, you should consider optimizing it because companies must now prove their contribution toward a sustainable future.

They also want to know what cause you support. If you’re a social enterprise, this is ingrained in your core values, but also remember to be specific in your message and don’t write: “We donate 5 percent to charities.” as that tells us nothing. Be specific and write what 5 percent means and who you support. Write about your cause in a way that inspires, not brags, because it’s not you who donates; it’s your customers.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to recognize the significance of sustainability and take steps toward implementing sustainable practices.

If your business adopts a more sustainable presence, transition to a digital-focused marketing strategy that includes social media, text message marketing, live-streaming platforms, email, and other appropriate digital channels. Digital marketing significantly reduces carbon footprint and eliminates traditional marketing strategies – such as fliers – that are harmful.

At Onimod Global, we specialize in developing digital marketing and advertising strategies prioritizing your company’s unique values. If you want to create a customized strategy for your eco-friendly business, contact us here today. We’ll gladly provide more information about our services and how we can help you achieve your digital marketing goals.