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Mastering Social Media Design

Inject some life, consistency and professionalism into your brand’s social media pages with Onimod Global. 

Social media design can differentiate between a scrolling thumb and an engaged follower. Vibrant images, interactive infographics, and compelling graphics drive users to pause, like, comment, and convert into customers. 

As the digital landscape continually transforms, how can brands harness the power of social media design to captivate their target audience? Today, this blog will explore improving your social media visual strategy. Here’s what you should know. 

The Changing Face of the Digital Sphere

The digital landscape is in a constant state of flux. Established social media platforms, which many have grown accustomed to, frequently transform to remain relevant and cater to shifting user preferences. Meanwhile, fresh and innovative platforms burst onto the scene, further broadening the ways in which we can engage and interact in the digital sphere. Regardless of the nature of your business—whether it serves other businesses (B2B) or directly caters to consumers (B2C)—there’s an undeniable importance in having a robust visual strategy on social media. 

This emphasis arises from the fact that visuals, like graphics, images, and videos, often receive more attention than plain text in the overcrowded world of social feeds. People are naturally drawn to visually appealing content, evoking stronger emotional reactions and better retention. Thus, leveraging the power of visuals is not just an optional enhancement but a fundamental necessity. If businesses wish to effectively capture their audience’s attention and convey their message amidst the digital noise, they must skillfully utilize the potential of graphic content.

Amplifying Your Visual Strategy: Where to Begin?

Here are 4 steps you can take to amplify your visual strategy: 

  1. Tailor Images for Varied Platforms

Maintaining a regular and uniform posting schedule across various social media platforms is instrumental in cementing a continuous online presence. By doing so, you keep your audience engaged and establish reliability in the digital domain. Nevertheless, it’s imperative to note that every social media platform has its unique layout and aesthetic preferences. 

This means an image or graphic optimized for one platform might not translate as effectively on another. For instance, an image perfectly tailored for Instagram’s square format may not display as compellingly on LinkedIn’s more professional and rectangular layout. Each platform has distinct image specifications to ensure optimal display, and adhering to these can make the difference between a compelling post and one that gets overlooked.

Fortunately, the digital era has ushered in a range of tools designed to assist with these platform-specific needs. For instance, platforms like Canva and Adobe Stock have made it easier for users by providing pre-sized templates that align with the requirements of various social media sites. 

These templates eliminate the guesswork, ensuring that visuals are displayed in their best possible format without any unintended cropping or quality loss. However, diving into custom-designed graphics with tailor-made dimensions is a commendable approach for brands or individuals aiming to make a distinctive mark. This ensures a perfect fit across platforms and imparts a unique visual identity, setting you apart in a sea of templated designs.

  1. Unified Branding is Key

When the phrase “Just Do It” immediately evokes thoughts of Nike, you’re experiencing the power of brand consistency. It’s a testament to how a simple slogan, when paired with consistent branding, can become inextricably linked to a company in the minds of consumers. 

Similarly, your designs—whether on social media, print materials, or other platforms—should reflect your brand’s core identity. They should capture the spirit and values embodied on your primary website and resonate with what your audience perceives your brand to be about.

Consistent branding is about repetition and creating a cohesive and unified image across all touchpoints. By consistently utilizing your brand’s specific colors, fonts, and other unique stylistic elements, you’re solidifying a particular image in the minds of your audience. It’s more than just aesthetics; it’s about crafting a familiar narrative and experience that your audience can identify with, no matter where they encounter your brand.

  1. Deliver Value through Content

Achieving a noteworthy presence on social media isn’t just about the frequency of posts but the depth and diversity of the content you present. A brand’s social media should be a wellspring of value, offering content that not only serves its audience’s interests but is also crafted to encourage further sharing, amplifying its reach. 

  • Share Insights Through Industry Tips: In an era of information overload, concise and relevant industry tips can be a beacon for your audience. These tips foster trust and empower followers with actionable knowledge they can apply, making them return for more.
  • Chronicle Event Highlights: Events, whether they’re conferences, webinars, or product launches, offer many content opportunities. Documenting the key moments, learnings, or behind-the-scenes glimpses can provide a more human touch to your brand, allowing followers to feel a part of the experience. Such posts build anticipation for future events and serve as a repository of moments that encapsulate the brand’s journey.
  • Engage and Educate with Infographics: Infographics are powerful tools for distilling complex information into visually appealing and easily digestible formats. By combining compelling graphics with essential data, infographics can elucidate topics that seem dense or inaccessible in other formats. They engage viewers and enhance retention, making the content memorable and more likely to be shared.

A dynamic and multifaceted content strategy is the cornerstone of a meaningful social media presence. By continually providing value and presenting it in diverse and engaging formats, brands can foster deeper connections with their audience, ensuring sustained relevance in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

  1. Achieve Cohesiveness in Design

Social media platforms provide many opportunities for designers to showcase creativity, but they often come with a paradox: the canvas is vast, yet the real estate for each post is limited. This constraint makes it imperative to communicate your message succinctly while maintaining visual appeal. Here’s how to achieve streamlined communication in design:

  • Embracing Bold Illustrations: Opt for bold illustrations that can immediately capture the viewer’s attention. With their distinctive style and clarity, these graphics can convey complex ideas or emotions in a fraction of a second. They eliminate the need for excessive elements, making the design striking and uncomplicated.
  • Limiting to a Maximum of 2 Fonts: In design, consistency is key. Restricting fonts to a maximum of two ensures that the text is easily legible and coherent. Mixing too many font styles can make the content feel disjointed, confusing the viewer. Complementary fonts provide hierarchy and contrast, making your message impactful and readable.
  • Employing 2-3 Primary Colors: A limited color palette can provide your designs with a cohesive look and feel. Selecting 2-3 primary colors ensures that the visual is not overwhelming. It’s crucial to pick colors that align with the brand’s identity and the mood or message you intend to convey. This strategic selection ensures brand consistency and helps evoke specific emotions or reactions from viewers.
  • Balancing Visuals with White Space: White space, often misunderstood as wasted space, plays a pivotal role in design. It offers breathing room for the elements, improving legibility and guiding the viewer’s focus. Proper use of white space ensures that each design component stands out, preventing the visual from feeling congested or chaotic.

The goal is to create a harmonious balance between striking visuals and clear messaging. By adhering to these guidelines, designers can optimize their creations for the limited space offered by social media, ensuring that their message is seen, effectively comprehended, and appreciated.

Elevate Your Brand with Onimod Global

At Onimod Global, we have a team of graphic designers, animation designers and content writers that are dedicated to creating content and visuals tailored for your social media platforms.

Contact us today to get started on the visual future of your brand.