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5 Tips for Creating Effective Landing Pages

When seeking conversions of any sort, a landing page can “make or break” a user’s decision to convert. Building a compelling landing page tailored for conversions is much easier said than done. There are numerous factors that go into the creation of a landing page, but what separates good landing pages apart from bad ones? This post will explore five effective landing page practices from our previous experiences thus far at Onimod Global.

1. Use a Landing Page Template:
In today’s digital world, setting up a landing page from scratch may already put you at a disadvantage. There are many online resources out there that provide user friendly templates to get you started on the right path. Some that come to mind are Instapage, Leadpages, Unbounce, and certain WordPress plugins. Most landing pages that you’ll come across today are most likely created from a template.

2. Emphasis on Call to Action:
Having a clear call to action is one of the most important features for any landing page. The call to action is essentially what you want website visitors to do. Some highly used call to action phrases include: buy now, register, more info, sign up, contact us, etc. It’s also important to not distract site visitors with lots of other requests on the page. There should typically be only one, clear cut call to action. Ultimately, the call to action is by far the most important aspect of any landing page.

3. A/B Testing:
A/B testing is one of the most efficient strategies when it comes to finalizing a landing page. A/B testing consists of tweaking certain characteristics to test one landing page layout against another. Characteristics that can be tested include text font, color, size of buttons, navigation features, subheadings, use of bullet points, and any other web page feature you desire. The overall purpose of A/B testing is to ensure that your landing page is user friendly with main points and the call to action being “eye catching.”

4. Precise Information:
The last thing you want to do with any landing page is ramble on with information and drive potential conversions away. Over time research has indicated that the more choices you offer people, the less chance you have of getting desired conversions. A couple of questions to ask yourself when constructing a landing page are “do I really need to gather every piece of information possible?” or “is it relevant to include every piece of company information?” Keeping forms short and simple will most likely increase your response rates and moving all company info to the “about” page is probably your best bet.

5. Show Off Credibility:
It’s no surprise that consumers tend to place a higher value on products/services that other people have already approved. Showing off statistics, testimonials, or mentions from the media is an effective way to display an organization’s credibility. Great testimonials in particular should always be showcased somewhere on the landing page. Word of mouth is a powerful thing, whether it comes in the form of testimonials or even likes and shares.

Contact Us: For more information regarding digital marketing expertise, visit the Onimod Global Website. We provide weekly news updates on the latest in the world of digital marketing. Enjoy!