Tag Archive for: Image search

5 Tips to Incorporate Images into Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is more than sending a message to your customers. It involves emotions, needs and desires to have it resonate with your customers. The best way to get your audience to take action is by using images.

Images are more than just a pretty picture—they’re a way to engage with your customers’ emotions, needs and desires. Marketing copy without images doesn’t resonate with customers. Continue reading here to learn more.

1. Images Are Memorable

Seeing a pretty picture sticks with you longer than the short description or advertisment it was shown in. Did you know that when people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of it three days later? But if that same information is paired with a photo (or some other type of image), the likelihood of people retaining that info is increased to 65%!

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your retention rates, try pairing your content with an image.

2. Images Communicate Faster

If you’re trying to be heard and seen in a very fast paced world, images are your best friend.

We see over 5,000 advertisements a day—and most of us can’t even remember what they were for. Think about the images that stick with us: the Coca-Cola polar bears or the red M&M dancing in front of a crazy background.

Images work because they are digested quicker than text. It takes readers about 10 seconds to process and decide on the value of written text—not to mention the time required to read it! On the other hand, the mental and emotional impact from an image happens almost instantly.

3. Images Keep People Wanting More

Images are an important part of content marketing. They encourage readers to stick around and engage with your website.

In fact, TIME magazine wrote a piece about website visitors staying on a site for no more than 15 seconds. Having cool and interesting photos can help engage readers to learn more about what you do as a company and in turn has them spending more time on articles and site pages.

4. Images Increase Engagement

When it comes to digital marketing, the image is everything.

Whether your content includes images that illustrate text or simply accompany an article, readers want to see visuals. Articles and blog posts that contain images get over 90% more total views than those without.

Press releases also see a 45% increase in views when a photo or video are included. The same goes for social media: Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images, and Facebook posts with images see over 2x more engagement than those without.

At the end of the day, visuals make it easy for readers to digest and remember what they’re reading.

5. Images Help Make Sales

Online shopping is even more popular now with significant pushes from TikTok. However, most buyers won’t know what their product will exactly looks like once it arrives. This is where having high quality, and accurate photos of a product are so important. Most consumers want to know the quality of an item by looking at a photo. About 63% of customers think that image quality is more valuable than product information or even a detailed product description.

Final Thoughts

Whether you decide to use, Stock Photos, Branded Images/Graphics, Infographics, GIFs, or User-Generated Content there are many ways to employ visuals into your marketing. At Onimod Global, we specialize content creation, image and ad creation and much much more.

Looking to get started on digital marketing efforts for 2023? Contact us today.

Similar items: Rich products feature on Google Image Search

Image Search recently launched “Similar items” on mobile web and the Android Search app. The “Similar items” feature is designed to help users find products they love in photos that inspire them on Google Image Search. Using machine vision technology, the Similar items feature identifies products in lifestyle images and displays matching products to the user.

Julia E, product manager on Google Image Search, announced on the Google search blog that you need to use schema.org product metadata on your pages and schema.org/Product markup to make sure your products are eligible for inclusion on these image results. Specifically:

  • Ensure that the product offerings on your pages have schema.org product markup, including an image reference. Products with name, image, price & currency, and availability meta-data on their host page are eligible for Similar items.
  • Test your pages with Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to verify that the product markup is formatted correctly.
  • See your images on image search by issuing the query “site:yourdomain.com.” For results with valid product markup, you may see product information appear once you tap on the images from your site. It can take up to a week for Googlebot to recrawl your website.


Right now, Similar items is available on mobile browsers and the Android Google Search App globally, and they plan to expand to more platforms in 2017.

If you have questions, find them in the dedicated Structured data section of their forum, on Twitter, or on Google+ or speak to a Digital Marketing expert here at Onimod global today.