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How to Create TikTok-Worthy Video Ads Without a Video Production Team

TikTok has revolutionized the way brands advertise, providing a platform for creative and engaging video content. However, you might think that creating TikTok-worthy video ads requires a professional video production team and a hefty budget. That’s not necessarily the case.

In this article, we will explore how you can create captivating video ads for TikTok without a video production team, allowing your digital marketing efforts to not go unnoticed.

What are TikTok Reels?

Among the various features on TikTok, “Reels” has gained immense popularity and has proven to be a highly effective tool for successful marketing campaigns. TikTok Reels are a popular feature within the TikTok platform that allows users to create short-form videos ranging from 15 to 60 seconds in length. Let’s get started on how to reach your digital marketing goals using Reels! 

  • Capitalize on the Growing TikTok Community

TikTok boasts a massive and rapidly growing user base, making it an ideal platform to reach and engage with a wide range of audiences. By leveraging TikTok Reels, brands can tap into this active community and connect with potential customers who are actively seeking entertaining and engaging content. The platform’s algorithm-driven content discovery helps brands gain exposure, even if they are new to TikTok.

  • Showcase Creativity and Authenticity

TikTok Reels encourage users and brands to embrace creativity and authenticity. This presents an opportunity for brands to showcase their unique personality, values, and creativity through engaging and entertaining short videos. By creating authentic content that resonates with the target audience, brands can build a genuine connection and foster trust with their viewers.

  • ​​Leverage Bite-Sized Content for Quick Impact

TikTok Reels’ short-form video format (up to 60 seconds) allows brands to deliver concise and impactful messages. This bite-sized content is perfect for capturing the attention of viewers with shorter attention spans. Brands can use this format to deliver quick product demonstrations, share important announcements, highlight key features, or even entertain and engage the audience with creative storytelling.

  • Tap into Trending Challenges and Hashtags

TikTok is all about trends and challenges. Stay up to date with the latest viral challenges and trending hashtags relevant to your brand or industry. Incorporate these trends creatively into your video ads to capitalize on their popularity and catch the attention of TikTok users. By joining the conversation, your brand can become part of the cultural zeitgeist and increase its visibility.

  • Leverage TikTok’s Editing Features and Effects

TikTok provides a range of editing features and effects that can enhance the visual appeal of your video ads. Experiment with filters, text overlays, stickers, and sound effects to make your videos more engaging and dynamic. Play with transitions, jump cuts, and speed variations to add flair and keep viewers hooked. Use these features wisely to create visually stunning ads that captivate your audience.

  • Utilize Call-to-Actions and Links

TikTok Reels allows brands to add call-to-action buttons and links to their videos, directing viewers to take specific actions. Brands can leverage these features to drive traffic to their websites, landing pages, or online stores. By strategically placing call-to-actions and links in their TikTok Reels, brands can create a seamless customer journey from viewing a video to taking the desired action, such as making a purchase.

  • Using Existing Content

Despite agencies pushing for expensive professional video production (where a team flies to your destination at your expense), you can save thousands of marketing dollars using existing content. How? Our full-scope digital marketing agency can utilize your existing static images and video clips to create TikTok ads and social media videos – all without a camera team in your face! Let us know if you’d like to see some client examples of our video production work for social platforms like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram!

How Onimod Global Can Help

Digital marketing agencies play a pivotal role in fortifying your brand’s position and amplifying its reach in the digital realm. At Onimod Global, our focus is on supporting businesses to achieve success through modern marketing strategies. 

Our team of experts can assist you in creating valuable content, like TikTok Reels, to engage with potential customers. We are dedicated to using our experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Final Thoughts

Crafting video ads that possess the allure of TikTok does not necessitate an elaborate video production crew or an exorbitant budget. By harnessing the expanding userbase of TikTok, embracing authenticity, fashioning concise and influential messages, tracking trends and hashtags, utilizing TikTok’s editing functionalities, and implementing persuasive calls-to-action, you can forge captivating and consequential video content that strikes a chord with TikTok users. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about how we can assist with your social media strategy.

Social Media Marketing: Should Your Business be on TikTok?

TikTok is the fastest growing social media network in the world right now, with the app having been downloaded over 1.5 billion times in the App Store and Google Play. If you’re not already there, you’re probably wondering, should my business be on TikTok? We’re going to help you answer that question. Let’s discuss the app, its audience, and what kind of business can benefit from adding TikTok to their social media marketing strategy. 

What is TikTok? 

For those unfamiliar, TikTok is an app that allows users to create and post videos within a news feed. Users are allowed to create clips 3-15 seconds long and compile clips into a video up to a minute in length. Users can add music or sounds to the videos that are available within the app. Most of the content is comedic or dance oriented, but the variety of content is growing. For example, we are starting to see videos featuring creators using or reviewing their favorite products. 

Who is on TikTok?

Just a few years ago, the majority of TikTok users were around the age of 13. Today, 60% of the app’s monthly active users in the U.S. are 16-24 year old. Another notable demographic is that 55.6% of users are male and 44.4% are female. This is an appreciable difference compared to other social platforms that show a female-favorable user base, such as Instagram with a 65%-35% sway. It’s also worth noting that 43% of users are in India. No one is certain why this is, but 40% of new downloads are based out of India. All in all, the largest number of users come out of the U.S, India, and Douyin, China. 

How Can Brands Use TikTok? 

There are four main ways brands can utilize TikTok:

  1. Directly: You can create your own channel and upload relevant videos through the channel.
  2. Influencers: Influencer marketing is growing in popularity on TikTok. Major brands like Google, Coca-Cola, Universal Pictures, and Sony have worked with popular users to raise brand awareness and extend reach of their recent promotions. 
  3. Paid Advertisements: There are three main types of paid ads brands have to choose from on TikTok as of now: 
    1. Launch Screen Ads: These appear when a user initially opens the app. Users can tap on the ad to get sent to an external webpage or participate in a hashtag challenge. 
    2. Video Ads: In-feed videos are also offered as a native way to advertise content on the app. You can pay to have your content promoted on the “For You” page.  
    3. Branded AR: Brands also have the ability to create branded lenses, filters, and stickers, which are similar to Snapchat. 
  4. Hashtag Challenge Plus: While this is still a paid feature, it is strictly e-commerce focused. Brands can sponsor a hashtag or a theme that creates a challenge for users to create videos participating in the challenge. Users can then browse products associated with the brand. 

Is it Right for Your Business? 

To answer this question, you need to ask yourself as a marketer or business owner a number of other questions. Will you be able to create original content that promotes your brand? Do you understand the style of content on TikTok? And most importantly, what is your target audience? If you’re looking to target Gen Z or Millennials, TikTok is a great way to gain mass exposure. Additionally, it’s a great way for brands that have a corporate tone to create a more youthful and fun feel for themselves. If your brand strictly targets an older demographic, it may not be worth the investment just yet, but it may be in the near future. 

More from Onimod Global 

At Onimod Global we are experts in social media marketing. We know which platforms are best for brands, and create visibility for brands where customers are searching, interacting, and ultimately converting. Find out more about what we do, or contact us today!