10 Best Practices for Managing Your Brand’s Online Reputation

Managing your brand’s online reputation is crucial in today’s digital age. A strong online reputation can help build trust, attract new customers, and retain existing ones. Here are some best practices for effectively managing your brand’s online presence:

1. Monitor Your Online Presence

Regular Monitoring: Use tools like Google Alerts, Mention, or Hootsuite to keep track of your brand mentions across various platforms. Regularly monitor social media, review sites, and industry forums to stay updated on what is being said about your brand.

Sentiment Analysis: Utilize sentiment analysis tools to gauge public perception and identify potential issues before they escalate. Understanding the general sentiment towards your brand can help you proactively manage your reputation.

2. Engage with Your Audience

Respond Promptly: Address customer feedback promptly, whether positive or negative. Timely responses show that you value customer opinions and are committed to providing excellent service.

Personalized Responses: Craft personalized responses rather than generic replies. This adds a human touch and shows genuine concern, making customers feel heard and appreciated.

3. Encourage Positive Reviews

Ask for Feedback: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Trustpilot. Make the process simple and accessible by providing direct links or reminders. According to Podium, 93% of consumers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions.

Show Appreciation: Thank customers who leave positive reviews. This not only shows appreciation but also encourages further positive engagement. Publicly acknowledging positive feedback can also attract potential customers.

4. Address Negative Feedback Professionally

Stay Calm and Professional: Respond to negative feedback professionally and empathetically. Avoid getting defensive and strive to resolve issues amicably. A well-handled negative review can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one.

Take Conversations Offline: If a situation is complex, suggest moving the conversation to a private channel to resolve the issue more effectively. This can prevent public disputes and demonstrate your commitment to resolving customer concerns.

5. Create and Share Valuable Content

Content Marketing: Regularly publish high-quality content that showcases your expertise and provides value to your audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. Content marketing not only enhances your reputation but also improves your SEO.

SEO Optimization: Ensure your content is optimized for search engines to improve visibility and attract organic traffic. Use relevant keywords, meta tags, and high-quality backlinks to enhance your online presence.

6. Maintain Consistent Branding

Brand Voice and Tone: Maintain a consistent brand voice and tone across all platforms. This helps build a recognizable and trustworthy brand identity. Consistency in messaging reinforces your brand values and makes your communications more impactful.

Visual Identity: Ensure your logo, color schemes, and overall design are consistent across your website, social media, and other online platforms. A cohesive visual identity reinforces your brand’s professionalism and reliability.

7. Leverage Social Proof

Showcase Testimonials: Display customer testimonials and case studies on your website and social media. This builds credibility and trust, as potential customers are more likely to trust peer reviews over marketing messages. According to BrightLocal, 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values. Their endorsements can significantly enhance your reputation and reach. Influencers can provide authentic reviews and help you tap into new audiences.

8. Regularly Audit Your Online Presence

Comprehensive Audits: Conduct regular audits of your online presence to identify any inconsistencies or areas for improvement. This includes reviewing your website, social media profiles, and online listings.

Update Information: Ensure that all business information, such as contact details and operating hours, is accurate and up-to-date across all platforms. Inaccurate information can frustrate customers and damage your reputation.

9. Implement Crisis Management Strategies

Preparedness Plans: Develop a crisis management plan to address potential PR issues swiftly and effectively. This should include predefined responses and a communication strategy. Being prepared can help you mitigate damage and restore trust quickly.

Transparency: In a crisis, be transparent with your audience. Admit mistakes, outline corrective actions, and provide regular updates. Transparency can help rebuild trust and demonstrate your commitment to accountability.

10. Educate Your Team

Training Programs: Conduct regular training programs for your team on best practices for online reputation management and customer service. A well-informed team can better handle customer interactions and contribute to a positive brand image.

Empower Employees: Empower your employees to act as brand ambassadors, encouraging them to share positive experiences and content related to your brand. Employee advocacy can enhance your reach and credibility.


Managing your brand’s online reputation effectively requires a proactive approach and consistent efforts. By monitoring your online presence, engaging with your audience, and implementing these best practices, you can build and maintain a positive reputation that enhances customer trust and loyalty.

Your brand and company’s creativity speak to the world, which is why at Onimod Global, we understand the importance of online reputation management. We offer invaluable high-end design and branding for your business. Visual identity and marketing materials are our specialty.

Contact us today to enhance your brand’s presence, engage your audience, and elevate your business to new heights. Our team is ready to help you make a lasting impression.

Social Media Strategies that Drives Brand Awareness & ROI

In today’s digital age, a robust social media strategy isn’t just optional for businesses—it’s essential for thriving in a competitive landscape.

Social media platforms offer unparalleled opportunities to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and drive tangible results. Globally, there are over 5 billion active social media users—that’s 62% of the world’s population. This statistic shows the influential role that social media has in people’s daily lives. But it’s not enough for you to just be active on social channels.

Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, crafting an effective social media strategy requires careful planning and execution. Here’s how you can create the ultimate social media strategy that boosts brand visibility and maximizes ROI.

What is a Social Media Strategy?

A social media strategy is a detailed plan that outlines how a business or individual will use social media platforms to achieve specific marketing goals. It involves defining the right target audience, choosing the proper platforms, and creating engaging content at optimal times. A well-crafted social media strategy enhances brand visibility, fosters customer loyalty, and drives meaningful interactions that ultimately contribute to business growth and ROI.

It may be daunting to think about creating a social media strategy, but it can provide your business with many tangible benefits, including:

Now that you understand the basics of a social media strategy let’s get to the specific steps you need to take to create one.

1. Set Clear Goals and Objectives

So, what is the first step in creating your social media strategy? The answer is establishing clear goals for your social media presence! Doing so can help you define what success means for your brand, whether it’s increasing awareness, driving traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales. Having specific, measurable goals will guide your strategy effectively. Understanding your target audience is another factor that can play a big role in your strategy. Conducting thorough market research can help uncover your audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors. This helps ensure your content resonates well and drives ROI.

2. Choose the Right Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Select platforms where your target audience is most active. For example, B2B businesses might succeed more on platforms like LinkedIn, while visually-driven brands may succeed on Instagram or Pinterest. Focusing your efforts on platforms that align with your business goals and audience preferences is important. Each social media platform has its algorithms and best practices. Optimize your content for each platform by tailoring formats, hashtags, and posting times. Use native tools like Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics to refine your approach based on performance data.

3. Create Compelling Content

Content is king in the realm of social media. Social media is about building relationships. Engage with your audience by promptly responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Develop a content strategy that includes a mix of engaging visuals, informative articles, videos, and user-generated content. A compelling content strategy helps ensure your content is valuable, relevant, and aligned with your brand’s voice and values. It can also help foster a sense of community. Authentic messaging and engagement can ultimately help enhance brand loyalty.

4. Use Paid Advertising Strategically

Paid advertising on social media can help amplify your reach and accelerate results. Leverage targeting options to reach specific demographics, interests, or behaviors. To maximize ROI with paid advertising, continuously test and optimize your campaigns. A/B tests your ad copy, landing pages, and bidding strategy to identify what works. Regularly review your performance data and adjust campaigns to improve ROI. One helpful tip is to use advanced analytics tools offered by platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to monitor campaign performance and identify areas for improvement. Making necessary adjustments based on your tracking data can help improve campaign effectiveness.

5. Keep Your Plan Updated

Successful social media strategies are not static. Continuously iterate based on insights gained from analytics and audience feedback. Experiment with new content formats, campaign ideas, and optimization techniques to continually improve your strategy’s effectiveness. One of the great things about social media trends and algorithms is that they constantly evolve. Stay informed about industry trends, algorithm updates, and new features introduced by platforms. Adapt your strategy to leverage emerging opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

Final Thoughts

By implementing these steps, you can create an optimal social media strategy that enhances brand awareness and drives ROI for your business. Our mission at Onimod Global is to synchronize your content marketing endeavors with tangible business outcomes. Our data-centric strategies offer insights into your audience’s preferences, your competition’s strengths, and potential industry leadership opportunities.

Stationed in downtown Chicago with offices in Denver, CO, and Waterloo, Iowa, our in-house content team is well-versed across multiple marketing verticals, ensuring we cater to all your unique advertising needs. Our commitment to excellence, up-to-date industry knowledge, and unmatched customer service sets us apart.

Start crafting your ultimate social media strategy today and watch your brand thrive digitally. Reach out to us today.

Instagram’s Latest Hashtag Update: What Digital Marketers Need to Know

Instagram’s latest update revolutionizes content exploration via hashtags, urging marketers to optimize content and profiles for maximum visibility, captivating users in a sea of search results, and encouraging further exploration.

This update swaps out the former “Top Posts” feed with a more expansive search results page when users click on a hashtag. Consequently, Instagram aims to boost profile discovery and inspire varied search habits among its users. Let’s explore further to understand the implications for digital marketers eager to leverage this update.

A Deeper Dive into Hashtag Search Results

Previously, tapping on a hashtag would only display a limited selection of “Top Posts.” However, with the new update, users are now presented with a comprehensive array of search results similar to those found in the Explore section. This expanded view allows users to explore various elements related to the hashtag, including accounts, audio, places, and reels. By offering a more holistic search experience, Instagram aims to enrich user engagement and broaden content discovery within the app.

Implications for Digital Marketers

For digital marketers, this update carries significant implications. Here are some key strategies to leverage Instagram’s latest update:

  • Optimize Content: Marketers should ensure that their content incorporates relevant hashtags to increase visibility within the broader search results. Utilize popular and niche hashtags related to your industry or content to attract a wider audience.
  • Enhance Profile Information: It’s crucial to update profile names and descriptions with relevant keywords to improve visibility in the “Accounts” display. Make sure your profile accurately reflects your brand identity and includes relevant keywords to attract users browsing through hashtag searches.
  • Create Engaging Content: With users now being directed to a wider array of search results, it’s essential for marketers to create compelling and engaging content that stands out amidst the competition. Focus on producing high-quality visuals, videos, and captions that resonate with your target audience and encourage further exploration.
  • Monitor Trends: Stay updated on trending hashtags and topics within your industry and incorporate them strategically into your content strategy. By aligning your content with popular trends, you can increase the likelihood of appearing in relevant hashtag searches and reaching a larger audience.
  • Encourage Interaction: Engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions related to your content. Building meaningful connections with your followers can help increase engagement and visibility on the platform.
  • Analyze Performance: Regularly monitor the performance of your hashtag strategy and track metrics such as reach, engagement, and follower growth. Use insights gained from analytics to refine your approach and optimize future content for better results.

By implementing these strategies, your business can effectively harness Instagram’s new hashtag update to enhance your brand visibility, attract a broader audience, and drive engagement on the platform.

Room for Improvement

While Instagram’s hashtag update represents a step in the right direction, there is still room for improvement. Many users have expressed a desire to reintroduce the ability to sort search results by date posted, allowing for greater relevance and timeliness in content discovery. Addressing this feedback could further enhance the platform’s usability and cater to the evolving needs of its user base.

How Onimod Global Can Help

Instagram’s latest hashtag update presents both opportunities and challenges for digital marketers. At Onimod Global, we understand the importance of staying ahead of industry trends to help ensure our clients’ success in the dynamic world of digital marketing. With Instagram’s latest hashtag update, our team is poised to help businesses harness this opportunity effectively. By optimizing profile keywords, leveraging the expanded search results, we can help enhance our clients’ visibility and engagement on the platform.

Our commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of emerging trends allows us to continuously refine our strategies, helping ensure that our clients remain competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. With our proactive approach, we empower businesses to navigate the complexities of social media marketing and achieve their goals with confidence, contact us today to learn more.

Top Mistakes to Avoid in Social Media Marketing

Social media has become an integral part of businesses’ marketing strategies. With platforms constantly updating their algorithms and rolling out new features, there is always something new to learn. But with so many moving parts, there are also plenty of pitfalls to avoid.

Is your social media content hitting the mark regarding user engagement or reach? Below, we’ve outlined the top mistakes you should avoid in social media marketing and what you can do to course-correct. Here’s what you should know. 

Sharing Low-Quality Content

When it comes to visual-centric platforms like Instagram, the quality of your imagery isn’t just a “nice to have”—it’s an absolute must. Instagram is a highly competitive landscape with over a billion active users and millions of photos and videos posted daily. Users have become accustomed to scrolling through a feed filled with visually stunning, professionally curated content. In this context, any visual that is less than exceptional will quickly go unnoticed, blending into the sea of content without making an impact.

High-quality visuals signal professionalism and credibility. When users see a sharp, well-composed image or a high-resolution video, they immediately associate that level of quality with your brand itself. Conversely, blurry or pixelated images can make your brand seem unprofessional, regardless of how good your products or services may be.

The Text Factor: A Lesson from Twitter

The second mistake is not using Twitter’s character count to its full potential. While visual platforms like Instagram and Pinterest often grab headlines for their influence in social media marketing, it’s crucial not to overlook the power of text-based platforms like Twitter. Twitter may limit you to 280 characters per tweet, but those characters can be a goldmine of engagement, branding, and direct interaction with your audience. 

Twitter’s character limit forces you to get to the point quickly, which is often a blessing in disguise. In an age where attention spans are shrinking, a well-crafted, concise tweet can deliver a message more effectively than a wordy post. Carefully chosen words, short sentences, and compelling phrases can make your message digestible and shareable. And the more your content is shared, the broader your reach becomes.

Ignoring New Features

In social media, change is the only constant. Not embracing the new features can help your brand immensely. Platforms frequently roll out new features to keep the user experience fresh and engaging. The shifts can be subtle or monumental, but they are designed to enhance user interaction and keep people invested in the platform.

Understanding the ‘why’ behind these constant updates can help businesses effectively tailor their strategies. Social media platforms are relentlessly trying to capture user attention and engagement. New features are one way they can outpace competitors and maintain or grow their user base. Instagram, for instance, has recently updated its algorithm. This update will now factor in the time users spend watching your videos. If your videos are captivating enough to be viewed from start to finish, there’s a higher chance your posts will appear in those users’ feeds.

Lacking Cohesive Graphic Design

In an age where users have limitless options, inattention to design details can be costly. Design elements that clash can jarringly interrupt the user’s experience, causing them to skip over your post or unfollow your page. Poorly designed posts are less likely to be shared, limiting your organic reach. When you fail to engage the user immediately through design, capturing their attention with the content becomes an uphill battle.

When it comes to social media, cohesive and attractive graphic design serves a purpose that goes far beyond mere aesthetics. It is a powerful tool that significantly impacts brand recognition, message clarity, and user engagement.

Tailor Your Design to Your Brand

Your design choices for your social media profiles can heavily impact how your brand is perceived. A carefully selected color palette, font family, and image style can attract your target audience and subconsciously communicate your brand values.

Beyond color choices, typography and image styles are the backbone of your brand’s visual identity. Fonts should not only be aesthetic but also legible across devices. The imagery you choose should resonate with your target audience and maintain a quality that reflects well on your brand.

The Power of a Call-To-Action

In social media marketing, a Call-To-Action (CTA) serves as your brand’s persuasive nudge. It’s your way of steering the audience in the direction you desire, be it by sharing a post, subscribing to a newsletter, or clicking through to a product page. While the concept might seem simple, the execution requires careful consideration. The right phrasing, positioning, and context can significantly boost your CTA’s effectiveness.

The first rule in crafting a compelling CTA is clarity. Your audience should instantly understand what you’re asking them to do. Phrases like “Share this post if you agree” or “Click the link in our bio to learn more” are explicit, to the point, and require minimal cognitive effort to comprehend. The easier it is for the audience to understand the desired action, the more likely they are actually to complete it.

Elevate Your Social Media Game with Onimod Global

Creating consistent, high-quality, and engaging social media content can be a daunting faucet of running a successful business. That’s where Onimod Global comes in.

We assist with social media management, digital marketing, and high-end graphic design. Our digital marketers can help elevate your brand’s online presence, enabling you to focus on your core business actions and goals. 

Contact Onimod Global today to take your social media marketing to the next level.

Leveraging LinkedIn: A Comprehensive Guide for B2B Marketers

Marketers have a vast landscape of social media platforms to navigate, and each platform presents unique opportunities. But when it comes to B2B marketing, LinkedIn stands out as the ideal channel for more reasons than you may realize. Let’s take a deeper look.

From optimizing your business profile to generating engaging content and executing successful ad campaigns, today, we explore how to effectively leverage LinkedIn for B2B marketing. 

Understanding LinkedIn’s Potential for B2B Marketing

Have you ever asked yourself why LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B marketers? The reason is twofold: LinkedIn’s robust user base and rich, business-focused content. LinkedIn is a professional networking powerhouse, boasting over 774 million users and spanning 200 countries. 

It is a platform where business decision-makers, influencers, and executives converge. This offers B2B marketers an invaluable opportunity to reach a unique targeted audience. LinkedIn is a hub for insightful business content. It’s where professionals share industry trends, insights, and thought leadership, making it an ideal platform for B2B brands to establish a strong voice.

The Magic of LinkedIn for B2B: Strategies and Tactics

First impressions matter. That’s why having a compelling company page that clearly articulates your value proposition is crucial. Ensure your banner image, logo, and ‘About Us’ section accurately and professionally represent your brand.

Like Google, LinkedIn has its search algorithm. Thus, incorporating relevant keywords into your company page and personal profiles is essential for visibility. Consider the terms your audience might use to find your business and weave these keywords naturally into your descriptions.

Connections are the backbone of LinkedIn. Contact relevant industry professionals and join groups to foster a meaningful network. Remember, the goal isn’t just to grow your numbers and create a value network where meaningful interactions occur.

LinkedIn is an excellent platform to share thought leadership content. Write articles, share blog posts, and engage with others’ content to demonstrate your industry expertise and build trust with your audience. Use LinkedIn’s native publishing platform to produce articles directly on the site. This will help increase your visibility and present your brand as a leading voice in your industry.

Best Practices for LinkedIn B2B Marketing

  • Be Consistent: Consistency is key to maintaining an active and engaging presence. Regularly post content, interact with your audience, and respond to comments or messages.
  • Use Visuals: Posts with visuals tend to have a higher engagement rate. Use images, infographics, or videos to make your posts more appealing.
  • Leverage Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts. It will help users interested in those topics to discover your content.
  • Personalize Connection Requests: When sending connection requests, always personalize your message to increase acceptance rates.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: LinkedIn often rolls out new features and updates. Stay informed and leverage these updates to enhance your LinkedIn marketing strategy.
  • Learn from Others: Follow other successful companies and influencers in your industry. Analyze their strategy, content, and engagement tactics to glean insights that can be applied to your strategy.

LinkedIn Advertising

Leverage LinkedIn’s paid advertising to amplify your reach. You can use sponsored content, InMail, text ads, or dynamic ads depending on your objectives. LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities allow you to narrow your audience to industry, job function, seniority, and more, ensuring your content reaches the right people. 

These pay-per-click (PPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) ads appear on the sidebar of LinkedIn. They’re an affordable and effective way to increase brand awareness and generate leads.

LinkedIn’s Sponsored InMail allows marketers to deliver personalized messages directly to users’ inboxes, offering higher open rates than traditional email marketing.

LinkedIn Stories and Live: New Ways to Engage

Embrace the latest LinkedIn features like Stories and Live to stay ahead of the curve. LinkedIn Stories allows for sharing short-lived content, a perfect way to share behind-the-scenes looks into your business, brief updates, or quick tips. On the other hand, LinkedIn Live lets you host real-time broadcasts to your network, ideal for Q&A sessions, product launches, or webinars.

Measuring Success on LinkedIn

LinkedIn offers robust analytics tools to measure the success of your efforts. Regularly track and analyze your metrics to understand what’s working and where improvements are needed. Implementing a successful LinkedIn strategy requires time, effort, and a keen understanding of the platform. The potential rewards for lead generation, leadership, and brand awareness are immense.

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn’s potential for B2B marketing is immense, from its robust user base to rich, business-focused content. Leveraging it effectively, from profile optimization to creating engaging content and executing successful ad campaigns, can help B2B marketers tap into this potential and drive their business growth.

At Onimod Global, we deliver digital marketing strategies that achieve results. Whether you’re looking to boost your LinkedIn presence or improve your overall digital marketing strategy, we’re here to help. 

Reach out to us today to learn how we can help elevate your B2B marketing efforts.

A Deep Dive Into Instagram Threads: Meta’s Latest Revolution

Today’s focus point is Meta’s newest platform innovation – Instagram Threads. With digital landscapes perpetually changing and evolving, advancing with these shifts is more crucial than ever. Now, let’s dive into this new platform and how it could shape the future of social media and digital marketing.

What is Instagram Threads?

Meta Platforms, formerly Facebook Inc, has recently launched an Instagram Threads application, an innovative platform designed to rival the popular social networking service Twitter. Instagram Threads hit the app store on July 4, 2023, as a significant addition to the existing family of Meta’s products.

Instagram Threads is a standalone app, not just another feature within the conventional Instagram app. It offers a Twitter-like experience, enabling users to follow conversations in threaded replies. Threads are public and can be followed by anyone on the app, allowing users to respond directly.

The launch of Instagram Threads is a landmark move, positioning Meta to compete with Twitter in social media. This app aims to help users navigate numerous conversations, follow topics of interest, and engage with broader communities.

Instagram Threads

Twitter’s New Competition

Twitter emerged in 2006 as a microblogging platform, rapidly gaining popularity due to its concise format of 280-character messages, known as tweets. It became a go-to platform for sharing news, opinions and engaging in public conversations. Twitter grew exponentially, attracting millions of users worldwide. In recent years, there has been a significant exodus of users from Twitter, with many opting to leave the platform for various reasons.

One of the main reasons for users leaving Twitter is the issue of toxic and abusive behavior. Twitter has long been under fire for its inability to address harassment, hate speech, and online abuse effectively. Another factor contributing to Twitter’s user departure is the spread of misinformation and the proliferation of echo chambers. The platform’s fast-paced and real-time nature makes it susceptible to the rapid spread of rumors, fake news, and propaganda. 

Instagram Threads offers a more immersive and personalized social media experience than Twitter. With its emphasis on communities, diverse content formats, algorithmic curation, privacy controls, and foray into virtual reality, Meta Threads aims to redefine how users connect, share, and engage with each other digitally.

 How Can Instagram Threads Impact Digital Marketing?

The arrival of Instagram Threads is an exciting development for digital marketing. Brands, influencers, and marketers will have a new platform to engage their audience and prospective customers more interactively and meaningfully.

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement

Digital marketing revolves around customer engagement. Instagram Threads make it easier to follow conversations and participate in them. Brands can post threads about new product launches, events, or relevant topics and gain customer insights.

  • Content Sharing and Visibility

With Instagram Threads, content visibility could skyrocket. Given its public nature, a well-crafted thread could reach your followers and those who follow the conversation. Its visibility allows for an expanded audience reach, which every digital marketer values.

  • Improved Customer Service

Instagram Threads could also revolutionize the way brands handle customer service. For instance, brands could post a thread about a new product, and then customers can ask questions or voice concerns within the thread. This can offer a more structured approach to customer queries and complaints, enhancing the overall customer service experience.

  • Niche Marketing

Since users on Instagram Threads can follow conversations about specific topics, it provides an excellent opportunity for niche marketing. Brands can leverage this feature to target a more defined audience by creating threads around relevant niche topics.

Final Thoughts

The launch of Instagram Threads marks yet another shift in the digital landscape. As the platform is new, we await its full potential and influence over social media and digital marketing. However, given Meta’s track record, it’s safe to anticipate that Instagram Threads will be a game-changing platform.

Onimod Global is eagerly exploring the potential of this new platform. We believe in staying ahead of the curve and delivering top-notch solutions that leverage the latest digital advancements. We’re excited to see how Instagram Threads will reshape digital strategies, and we look forward to implementing them in our approach to provide the best results for our clients.

Stay tuned with us for more exciting updates and insights from the world of digital marketing.

The Role of Social Media Advertising in Driving Business Growth

In the contemporary business landscape, brands must recognize the power of social media. With the correct strategy and execution, social media advertising can be the vehicle that drives your business to the next level. Continue reading below to learn how. 

Social Media advertising has revolutionized how businesses reach and communicate with their customers. But what exactly is it, and how does it boost your business’ revenue? Let’s find out.

Understanding Social Media Advertising

Do you recall the last time you went a whole day without checking your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn? If the answer is no, you’re not alone. Approximately 60% of the world’s population uses social media, and the average daily usage is 2 hours and 24 minutes. Social media has become integral to our lives, shaping how we receive information and connect with others. This digital transformation has made social media an indispensable tool for businesses.

In essence, social media advertising uses social platforms to promote products or services. Businesses pay to display their advertisements, sponsored content, or other promotional material on selected social platforms. The goal is simple: reach a broader audience, engage potential customers, and drive growth. Let’s examine the impact social media has on business growth.

The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Business Growth

Social media advertising brings many benefits to businesses. Firstly, it can increase a brand’s visibility and recognition. Imagine your brand being visible to billions of users worldwide! That’s the potential reach of social media advertising. Your brand gets exposed to a diverse audience, fostering recognition and recall.

Moreover, social media platforms foster improved customer engagement and loyalty. The conversational nature of social media platforms provides a unique opportunity for brands to build meaningful relationships with their customers. Engaging content can spark conversations, promote interaction, and instill loyalty.

Additionally, social media advertising allows for targeted and personalized campaigns. Unlike traditional advertising mediums, social media allows businesses to tailor their ads to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behavior. This personal touch can enhance the customer experience and increase conversion rates.

Just like people have personalities, brands can too. Brand personality refers to the set of human characteristics that consumers associate with a brand. It’s what makes your brand unique and relatable.

Leveraging Social Media Advertising for Business Growth

Not all social media platforms are equal when it comes to ad revenue. An organization should prioritize platforms aligning with its target audience. Here’s a brief overview of some popular social media platforms:

  • Facebook: With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a powerhouse in social media marketing. Its diverse user base and robust advertising options make it ideal for reaching a broad audience.
  • Instagram: Known for its emphasis on visual content, Instagram is a go-to platform for businesses in the fashion, travel, or lifestyle sectors. It’s popular among younger demographics and offers unique features like Stories, IGTV, and Shopping.
  • Twitter: A platform for real-time news and conversations. It’s excellent for customer service, trend-spotting, and participating in industry discussions.
  • LinkedIn: The professional nature of LinkedIn makes it perfect for B2B marketing, recruitment, and thought leadership content.
  • YouTube: As the second largest search engine after Google, YouTube is an excellent platform for video marketing. Tutorials, product reviews, and vlogs are popular content types on this platform.

Content is king, and social media is its kingdom. The quality and relevancy of your content can make or break your social media advertising strategy. It should be engaging, valuable, and shareable to captivate your audience and prompt them to action.

Real-World Examples of Successful Social Media Advertising

The beauty of social media advertising lies in its measurability. The abundance of data available helps businesses understand their audience better, evaluate their strategies, and make data-driven decisions for improvement. 

To truly understand the power of social media advertising, look no further than brands like Airbnb or Spotify. Their creative and engaging social media campaigns have made waves and significantly contributed to their business growth.

  • Airbnb: The success in marketing through social media can be attributed to its ability to harness the power of storytelling and user-generated content. In Q4 of 2016, 77% of the content Airbnb shared on Instagram was user-generated. The outcome of this strategy was remarkable, as 80% of Airbnb’s Instagram engagement stemmed from this user-generated content. By employing these strategies effectively, Airbnb built a strong brand presence, connected with its audience personally, and ultimately drove business growth.
  • Spotify: The company has successfully utilized social media as a powerful marketing tool by building a solid brand persona. They deliver engaging content to their consumers and, in turn, can foster user-generated content, collaborate with influencers, personalize marketing messages, and engage in real-time with their audience. These strategies have contributed to Spotify’s widespread popularity and helped them establish a strong presence in the music streaming industry.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

When it comes to identifying the right target audience, it can be a challenging yet vital task. Striking the right balance between reaching a wide audience and honing in on those most likely to engage with your brand is crucial. Especially when it comes to wasting ad dollar.

Another hurdle to overcome is ensuring content visibility amidst the ever-changing algorithms of social media platforms. These algorithm changes can significantly impact how your content is seen. In order to navigate through these issues, it is essential to stay updated and remain flexible in your approach, adapting your strategy accordingly.

Working with an established digital marketing agency can help you stay ahead of the trends. At Onimod Global, our decades of social media advertising experience can help businesses navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, develop effective strategies, and optimize their online presence. Let us help you leverage your digital platforms’ power and achieve your marketing goals efficiently and effectively.

Final Thoughts

Social media advertising plays a pivotal role in driving business growth. It expands brand visibility, facilitates customer engagement, and offers targeted advertising. However, effectively utilizing this tool requires understanding, strategic planning, and execution.

At Onimod Global, our team is passionate about leveraging our knowledge in social media advertising to drive business growth with modern marketing strategies. Contact us today to discover how we can elevate your business to new heights. 

How to Create TikTok-Worthy Video Ads Without a Video Production Team

TikTok has revolutionized the way brands advertise, providing a platform for creative and engaging video content. However, you might think that creating TikTok-worthy video ads requires a professional video production team and a hefty budget. That’s not necessarily the case.

In this article, we will explore how you can create captivating video ads for TikTok without a video production team, allowing your digital marketing efforts to not go unnoticed.

What are TikTok Reels?

Among the various features on TikTok, “Reels” has gained immense popularity and has proven to be a highly effective tool for successful marketing campaigns. TikTok Reels are a popular feature within the TikTok platform that allows users to create short-form videos ranging from 15 to 60 seconds in length. Let’s get started on how to reach your digital marketing goals using Reels! 

  • Capitalize on the Growing TikTok Community

TikTok boasts a massive and rapidly growing user base, making it an ideal platform to reach and engage with a wide range of audiences. By leveraging TikTok Reels, brands can tap into this active community and connect with potential customers who are actively seeking entertaining and engaging content. The platform’s algorithm-driven content discovery helps brands gain exposure, even if they are new to TikTok.

  • Showcase Creativity and Authenticity

TikTok Reels encourage users and brands to embrace creativity and authenticity. This presents an opportunity for brands to showcase their unique personality, values, and creativity through engaging and entertaining short videos. By creating authentic content that resonates with the target audience, brands can build a genuine connection and foster trust with their viewers.

  • ​​Leverage Bite-Sized Content for Quick Impact

TikTok Reels’ short-form video format (up to 60 seconds) allows brands to deliver concise and impactful messages. This bite-sized content is perfect for capturing the attention of viewers with shorter attention spans. Brands can use this format to deliver quick product demonstrations, share important announcements, highlight key features, or even entertain and engage the audience with creative storytelling.

  • Tap into Trending Challenges and Hashtags

TikTok is all about trends and challenges. Stay up to date with the latest viral challenges and trending hashtags relevant to your brand or industry. Incorporate these trends creatively into your video ads to capitalize on their popularity and catch the attention of TikTok users. By joining the conversation, your brand can become part of the cultural zeitgeist and increase its visibility.

  • Leverage TikTok’s Editing Features and Effects

TikTok provides a range of editing features and effects that can enhance the visual appeal of your video ads. Experiment with filters, text overlays, stickers, and sound effects to make your videos more engaging and dynamic. Play with transitions, jump cuts, and speed variations to add flair and keep viewers hooked. Use these features wisely to create visually stunning ads that captivate your audience.

  • Utilize Call-to-Actions and Links

TikTok Reels allows brands to add call-to-action buttons and links to their videos, directing viewers to take specific actions. Brands can leverage these features to drive traffic to their websites, landing pages, or online stores. By strategically placing call-to-actions and links in their TikTok Reels, brands can create a seamless customer journey from viewing a video to taking the desired action, such as making a purchase.

  • Using Existing Content

Despite agencies pushing for expensive professional video production (where a team flies to your destination at your expense), you can save thousands of marketing dollars using existing content. How? Our full-scope digital marketing agency can utilize your existing static images and video clips to create TikTok ads and social media videos – all without a camera team in your face! Let us know if you’d like to see some client examples of our video production work for social platforms like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram!

How Onimod Global Can Help

Digital marketing agencies play a pivotal role in fortifying your brand’s position and amplifying its reach in the digital realm. At Onimod Global, our focus is on supporting businesses to achieve success through modern marketing strategies. 

Our team of experts can assist you in creating valuable content, like TikTok Reels, to engage with potential customers. We are dedicated to using our experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Final Thoughts

Crafting video ads that possess the allure of TikTok does not necessitate an elaborate video production crew or an exorbitant budget. By harnessing the expanding userbase of TikTok, embracing authenticity, fashioning concise and influential messages, tracking trends and hashtags, utilizing TikTok’s editing functionalities, and implementing persuasive calls-to-action, you can forge captivating and consequential video content that strikes a chord with TikTok users. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about how we can assist with your social media strategy.

5 Ways Social Media Can Benefit Your Business

Social media benefits millions of users daily. It’s a goldmine for companies looking to build brand awareness, acquire new customers, and increase customer loyalty.  Here’s how to help ensure you’re taking advantage of social media’s dynamic capabilities. 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not just places for sharing photos and messages but also powerful tools for businesses to promote their brand and connect with customers.

A business without a social media marketing plan is certainly at a disadvantage in today’s digital world. Whether you’re a large B2B enterprise organization or a small e-commerce business, we will explore five ways social media can benefit every part of your company and marketing strategy.

1. Changing Customer Service

Social media has transformed customer service in many ways. Businesses today are under mounting pressure to provide exceptional customer service to their fan base, as negative comments can quickly spread and damage their brand reputation. In the past, customers would have to call a company’s customer service hotline or send an email to resolve an issue. The benefit of social media is that customers can now reach out to businesses through their social media accounts, getting their questions answered and issues resolved easily and faster.

As mentioned, social media also provides a more public forum for customers to voice their opinions, which can be positive and negative. By becoming more accessible, transparent, and interactive, social media allows businesses to build stronger customer relationships. By responding to comments and messages promptly and addressing any issues professionally, companies can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and build trust with their followers.

2. Building Brand Awareness 

In today’s digital age, social media has become essential for businesses to build brand awareness. By creating a solid social media presence, businesses can establish themselves as industry authorities and increase their reach. This is especially important in a competitive market where thousands of competing businesses are fighting for the attention of your potential customers.

By consistently posting high-quality content and engaging with their audience, businesses can stand out and establish a loyal customer base. In addition to increasing brand awareness, social media can help businesses monitor their brand reputation and address any negative feedback. By staying on top of social media conversations, businesses can resolve customer complaints and maintain a positive image.

3. Helping Your Brand Stay Relevant

Social media has become a critical platform for businesses to stay relevant in today’s fast-paced world. With trends evolving at lightning speed, social media is where trends are born and spread. To keep up with emerging trends relevant to your audience, it’s crucial to keep your finger on the pulse of social media.

Social media is not just about trends. Social media is a vital component of a long-term brand strategy that helps businesses stay top of mind for years. Brands that ignore or neglect their social media presence risk becoming irrelevant and being abandoned by their communities.

In the face of fierce competition for consumer attention, you must tune into conversations around your brand and industry. Social listening is a valuable tool that allows businesses to analyze what people say about their company. Businesses can build a stronger brand image and foster deeper connections with their customers by engaging with their audiences.

4. Revamping Your Sales Strategy

Social media has become an essential component of a successful business marketing strategy. With the ability to target specific audiences and track engagement and conversions, social media advertising offers a cost-effective way to reach new customers. By creating targeted ads and optimizing them for specific goals, such as website traffic, or sales, businesses can increase their return on investment (ROI) and drive revenue growth. Social media can also nurture leads and build customer relationships through personalized messaging and content. By leveraging the power of social media in their sales strategy, businesses can achieve their sales goals and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

5. Helping Build A Brand Community

Engaging with customers on social media is critical for businesses to stay culturally relevant. According to The Sprout Social Index, 41% of marketers agree brands that actively engage with their communities are culturally relevant. Promptly responding to messages and reviews shows you value your customers’ opinions. With brand community, businesses can build trust and foster deeper connections with their audience.

Social media is another tool that benefits businesses to showcase their personality and humanize their brand. By creating authentic and relatable content and engaging with their followers, businesses can stay relevant and top of mind for their target audience. In today’s digital landscape, where customers have high expectations for personalized and responsive brand interactions, social media engagement is essential for businesses to remain competitive and succeed.

If you’re struggling to connect with your audience, working with a digital marketing agency can help.

Working With Onimod Global

Working with an experienced social media marketing agency can be an invaluable investment if you’re having difficulty connecting with your audience on social media. At Onimod Global, we are experts in providing various digital marketing solutions for every type of business and industry. Our talented social media team excels in content creation, webinar marketing, SEO, and more, as we stay attuned to the latest technological advancements in the digital marketing industry. For a full list of our offerings, see here.

Final Thoughts

]Social media benefits every part of your business, from building brand awareness to improving employee engagement. By creating a social media strategy and leveraging its power, businesses can drive sales, increase customer loyalty, and build a strong company culture.

At Onimod Global, we’re passionate about our experience in brand strategy and social media advertising to help businesses succeed with modern marketing strategies. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help elevate your business to the next level.

What is Social Selling?

In 2023 cold calls simply don’t cut it anymore. As the digital landscape evolves, businesses are turning to social media to reach and engage with new customers. And while social selling has been around for a few years now, many organizations are missing out on this new marketing strategy. 

With more consumers turning to the internet to find products and information, businesses that are not utilizing social selling are missing out on valuable opportunities. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of social selling in today’s business environment and provide practical steps for implementing a successful strategy.

Get ready to level up your marketing strategy and tap into the power of social media.

What is Social Selling?

Increasingly, the opinions of our social network and other consumers factor into our buying decisions.  Research shows Millennials and Gen Zers are 4.1x more likely to say that user-generated content (e.g., product reviews, photos, or testimonials from other customers) is important when they’re considering a purchase. In this era of hyper-connected customers, social selling takes on a new prominence.

Social selling involves utilizing digital platforms to reach potential customers and establish connections. This method is a crucial tool for sales professionals seeking new leads and connections with relevant individuals.

A report conducted by LinkedIn’s “Global State of Sales 2022”, estimated one-third of sellers have successfully closed deals worth over $500,000 without physical interaction with the buyer. Additionally, 89% of customers are more likely to consider a brand if the seller demonstrates a change in their approach.

So how do you become a social seller? If your business and sales employees are already using social media, their best bet is to leverage those networks as sales channels.

Choose Your Network

When it comes to social selling, not all social networks are equal. Different social networks have different strengths and weaknesses, and what works for one business may not be effective for another. To maximize your results, it’s essential to understand the unique features and demographics of each social network and tailor your approach accordingly.

For instance, if your business operates in the B2B space, LinkedIn may be the most effective platform for making connections with other businesses. On the other hand, if you want to find and follow people in your industry, Twitter may be a better option. It’s important to look at engagement rates and determine where your target audience is active to make informed decisions about which social networks to use. By doing so, you’ll be able to reach the right people and achieve your business goals more effectively.

Make a Target List & Know Your Audience

Knowing your target audience is key to successful social selling. To get the most out of your efforts, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the companies or individuals you want to connect with. Creating a list of these target prospects can help you focus your efforts and ensure that you’re spending your time and resources on the right people.

When creating your target list, consider factors such as industry, job title, location, and size of the company. Having a clear understanding of your ideal customer profile will allow you to craft a messaging strategy. This will resonate with your target audience and help you build meaningful relationships. By taking the time to identify and understand your target audience, you’ll be able to maximize the return on investment of your social selling efforts and achieve your business goals more effectively.

Post Relevant Content and Be Consistent

Content is a crucial component of any social selling strategy. By finding and sharing relevant and interesting content with your target audience, you can position yourself as a trusted resource and establish credibility with your prospects. This content doesn’t have to be directly related to your company or products, but it should be relevant and of interest to your target audience.

Sharing media articles, podcasts, webinars, and other resources can help you demonstrate your expertise and provide value to the right people. By doing so, you’ll be able to build trust, establish relationships, and create opportunities for engagement and sales. Remember, the goal of social selling is to provide value and help your prospects, not to push products or services. By focusing on adding value, you’ll be able to achieve better results with your social selling efforts.

Implement Social Listening Tactics

Social listening is a valuable tool for businesses looking to stay informed about what’s happening in their industry. By implementing social listening, you can see what customers are saying and keep an eye on your competitors. This can help you stay ahead of any emerging trends. It can also help you resolve issues in a timely manner. Staying informed and engaging with your audience will allow you to build stronger relationships. Eventually it will lead to better results with your social selling efforts.

Final Thoughts

Social media continues to play a significant role in the sales process and companies need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in order to succeed.  With the right marketing strategy (and agency) in place,  you can help drive growth and increase revenue.

At Onimod Global, we are dedicated to helping businesses achieve success with their modern marketing strategies. Whether you need help identifying and targeting your ideal audience or creating valuable content to engage with potential clients, our team has the expertise and experience to help you reach your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with your 2023 digital marketing marketing strategy.