Digital Marketing

4 Effective Ways to Generate Leads Online

Are you searching for new and effective ways to generate leads for your business online? Check out these 4 tactics. 

1. Webinars 

Webinars are a great opportunity to inform potential customers about your company, products and services, as well as drive more purchases. Be sure to inform your audience on how you can solve your problems. This will likely make your audience more willing to receive your message. Webinars also allow you to capture attendees data to target them with marketing messaging later. 

Best practices for webinars include: 

  • Ensuring slides are on brand. 
  • Making it easy for people to ask questions. 
  • Displaying contact details throughout. 

2. Video Content 

Users are more likely to engage with your products or services if there is a video that explains how it works and how they can benefit from them. This, in turn, makes it easier to make purchasing decisions. Best practices for video content includes: 

  • Keeping them under 60 seconds. 
  • Repurpose and reuse videos in as many places as possible. 
  • Make sure there is a clear CTA. 

3. Email Nurturing Campaigns 

Nurturing campaigns can help nudge potential customers to complete a purchase. Even if there isn’t a purchase, email campaigns are a great way to build awareness for your brand. Use templates to speed up delivery and be sure to include clear CTAs throughout the entire message.  

4. Social Media Competitions 

Conducting social media competitions offer a great opportunity to capture the data from ideal customers. Be sure the entry is simple, such as sharing/liking/commenting on a post, following your page, etc. Also be sure to offer a prize, and make it something easily shareable. This can also help increase your overall reach. To drive leads, make sure your capture entrees data so you can target them later. 

Get Digital Marketing Help from the Experts 

If you’re interested in generating more qualified leads for your business and growing your company, the experts at Onimod Global can help. We can assist with everything from content creation, paid advertising on social media or search engines, SEO, website development and more. Get started on your next marketing project by contacting us today. 

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