How to Create the Perfect Digital Marketing Strategy

The key to a great digital marketing campaign is the well thought out plan behind it. If you try to launch any campaign without specific directives, it’s likely that you will waste a lot of time and money without producing any real results. This is why many businesses turn to a digital marketing professional. The experts at Onimod Global are here to assist you, and provide insight into what it takes to put together a high quality digital marketing strategy.

Persona Development

Every marketing strategy should be focused around the consumer. The first step in your strategy is to identify who this consumer is. Many professionals outline a buyer persona because it has been proven to be a substantially more effective marketing method.

The persona allows you as the marketer to develop a much more detailed description of your ideal target audience. These details include goals, challenges, interests, and personal priorities of the consumer.

Campaign Goals

In can also be beneficial to ask these detailed questions of your own company and product. Clearly defining the final objective is essential. Much of the strategy will be built around what you eventually hope to achieve with the digital marketing campaign.

While most plans are structured around conversions and sales, there are a wide variety of other goals to be considered. Increasing brand awareness through simple traffic and reach campaigns can be very effective. It is also common to launch campaigns with the intent to gather positive reviews about a product or company. Make sure that you are considering all of your options before moving on to the next step.


Your measurements will depend upon the chosen objective for the marketing strategy. Determining the overall success of your digital marketing initiatives will be shown through key performance indicators.

Common key indicators are conversion rates, click-through rates, and overall impressions. If your campaign spans across multiple platforms, it would be wise to link them all together in Google Analytics.


Google Analytics is a wonderful tool for digital marketers. This program allows you to combine all of your data into one easily manageable source. After letting all of your ads run over the course of a few weeks, you should have plenty of solid information regarding your marketing efforts. Once the data is compiled, it is easy to glean insights about the campaign.

Analytics provides an opportunity to compare all marketing mediums in use side by side. This way you can clearly see if the Facebook ads are outperforming the Bing ads. Looking at the overall performance of these many platforms can help you see which is most successful, and which is not.

Revisit and Readjust

Now that you possess tons of information and insight into your digital marketing activities. Using analytical tools you should be able to pick out details about the different ads and how they are running across different platforms.

With this information, you should be able to determine how to best spend your ad dollar. Trim the fat of the campaign and eliminate poorly performing advertising options. Or, you can try to rewrite your ads completely and start fresh.

Whatever you decide to do, now you know how. A new plan must be created every step of the way. They do not all have to be incredibly complicated or intricate, but they do need to be intelligent business decisions. The key to any advertising strategy is to have one. Plain and simple.

4 Best Apps for the Every Day Marketer

Employee burn-out is all too common in today’s work space. As digital marketing grows within many different companies, additional effort is needed from the staff. More focus, more commitment, more creativity, and mainly more hours.

The use of these apps are a simple way to stay on track and maintain a healthy work environment. They all service a different type of need from relaxation to productivity and organization. Find out how these apps can best serve you in your day-to-day work life.


Stress Relief:


Stress is entirely too familiar for many working adults. As of February 2017, Statista reported that 39% of U.S. adults experience stress at work or in their professional lives. To ease this stress, we recommend the use of Buddhify.

Buddhify is an app to help alleviate tension and worry through its many guided meditations. The Buddhify app has been gaining a lot of attention, from BuzzFeed in particular, for being a good stress reliever. The app offers a range of meditations for any kind of situation or mood, including one called “Work Break”.

Not only does the “Work Break” track assist many in escaping their stressful realities, but there are also several other useful options. “Ready”, “Being Online”, and “Feeling Stressed” are additional great choices that leave one feeling refreshed and balanced.


As a digital marketer, you are likely to spend a majority of your time sitting and looking at a screen. Onward helps you understand just how much screen time you are actually adding up each day.

The app also breaks down the time you spend on screen into different categories. Social media, news, and communication are all major culprits of excessive screen time. Once the app determines your amount of screen time, it can then suggest things you can do to lessen that time.




Many digital marketers often dabble in graphic design from time to time. Unfortunately, it can be hard to be a Photoshop or Adobe InDesign pro with very limited experience. This is where Fonta can help.

Fonta is a unique little design studio app with the ability to change an image using many simple special effects. You can create stylish captions across your image, change up the background, add a funky border, or try out some new lighting effects in this user friendly app.

The best part is that this app is free! Normally priced at $0.99, Fonta has recently removed its charge, making it even easier for beginners to produce high quality illustrations.




Have you ever made an amazing spur-of-the-moment professional connection but didn’t have a business card to give them? Most people outside of the sales occupation do not carry business cards. They are often forgotten about until a moment, like the one just mentioned, where you begin kicking yourself for not having them in the first place.

With CamCard, you are able to store and share business cards anytime and anywhere, so long as you have your smartphone. This app scans and automatically stores new business cards. It can also exchange e-cards with other users, eliminating the need for a physical paper card altogether.

Why Email Marketing is Thriving

As new technologies are developed, previous practices and techniques become outdated. Email marketing is different. This more traditional form of digital marketing still performs well in today’s modern environment, and here is why.

The Data:

An info graphic created by WebsiteBuilder gives stunning statistics about email marketing. According to the graphic, 71% of mobile purchases are the result of emails sent by companies. The graphic goes on to claim that emails deliver an ROI that is 3 times higher than that of social media.

This data clearly shows that email marketing is still influential and effective. Even small businesses can see huge growth with these strategies. So how can you better your email marketing to drive these same results?

The Potential:

Email marketing has evolved. In order to garner attention from potential customers and clients, your business needs to stay ahead of the game. There are plenty of email marketing programs that will allow you to more easily connect with users. As long as they provide a big enough database for your contacts, easy data export capabilities, and trendy templates, you should be set.

One of the most important things to remember when crafting your email is this: build a relationship. Not only do you want to interest and engage the user, but you also want them to become personally invested in you and what you have to say. This all comes from a connection.

The Logic:

Many consumers receive these emails because they asked to in some way or another. Whether they subscribed to a newsletter or followed a company on twitter, they gave permission to be contacted.

Since the user has already done most of the work, now all you have to do is make them care. Assist the consumer by helping them learn what they have to gain from working with your business.

Promotional offers and discounts are highly effective when used in email marketing. General information and updates within the company also help to keep subscribers involved. Whatever the recipient may be looking for, try to help them find it with your emails.

5 Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

When it comes to making marketing decisions for an organization, the decision to hire “in house” or outsource marketing efforts can sometimes be a difficult decision. In the ever changing world of digital marketing, it’s in a company’s best interest to hire an agency to take on the work. The question then becomes “what are the major benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency?” Listed below are five crucial reasons as to why an organization should hire an agency for all of their digital marketing efforts.

1. Time:
Running the day to day operations of any business can be tiresome regardless of the industry. Therefore, allocating time to digital marketing efforts on top of daily tasks is in some cases impossible for certain companies. Digital agencies like us at Onimod Global dedicate all of our time to client needs and ensure high quality results.

2. Expertise:
Related to time allocation, most companies do not have the digital expertise that agencies possess. Having extensive knowledge of SEO, SEM, website development, social media marketing, and other digital skills is what agencies specialize in. Therefore, if you desire high quality results from your digital marketing efforts, hiring an agency is the way to go.

3. Cost Effective:
As a business owner it’s no secret that budgeting and spending money effectively can make or break a business. Hiring digital marketing employees in house has proven to be much more costly than outsourcing to an agency. It’s all about ROI. Digital marketing agencies place an extremely high emphasis on their clients’ return on investment.

4. Adaptability:
The world of digital marketing is continually changing as we know it. Having the capability to adapt to new software, applications, updates, etc. is something that agencies prioritize. Being able to constantly adapt also relates to time and expertise, as training and adapting to new technologies can get extensive.

5. Connections:
Some of the top digital marketing agencies in the field today have great connections with Google, Bing, and other organizations to stay ahead of the game. Being able to obtain inside information from Google for example is huge. Being a member of the Google Partners program is one of the major ways digital agencies set themselves apart from others.

Contact Us: If you’re a business seeking an upgrade in digital marketing efforts, feel free to reach out to our expertise here at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. SEO, SEM, Website Development, Social Media Marketing, or any other digital marketing need we’ve got you covered. We look forward to hearing from you!

Client Spotlight: Community Sailing of Colorado

Community Sailing of Colorado is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has provided public access sailing opportunities to the people of Colorado since 1995. CSC offer hands-on sailing classes for all ages, experience levels and abilities across the Front Range. CSC’s summer camps and classes are held at the Boulder and Cherry Creek Reservoir. In need of a new website and better SEO presence, our website development expertise at Onimod Global has taken CSC to the next level.

Main Objective:
To build a platform to view inspirational content and make booking inquiries. while ensuring device accessibility through Responsive Web Design. As with any business, Community Sailing of Colorado didn’t just need an engaging website, they needed a high functioning tool to generate business and create awareness around their brand.

Onimod Global’s Strategy:
We implemented an acute Website Development SEO strategy and API Integration to build a customer registration portal that is used to manage and communicate with their clientele regularly. We built a robustly designed and developed website that empowers Community Sailing of Colorado to attract consumers and conjure up a sense of nostalgia and intrigue, enough for the consumer to gain information and be able to make a conversion decision.

Old Website:


Current Website:

Immediate Results:
6 Months after the new website launch:

  • Organic Search +40%
  • Website Registration Conversions +215%

Contact Us: If you’re a local business like Community Sailing of Colorado seeking an upgrade in website development or any other digital marketing services, feel free to reach out to us at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!

Client Spotlight: Prime Portables in Chicago

Prime Portables Inc. is Chicagoland’s #1 Portable Restroom Rental Company. Prime Portables is a full service portable restroom rental company that provides services to the entire Chicago Metropolitan Area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The industry is more competitive than one may think, and with Onimod Global’s digital expertise Prime Portables continues to stay ahead of the competition.

Initial Challenge:
Prime Portables, a new business only a few years old wanted to be the premier portable restroom company around Chicago. To achieve this, they needed to be different, and people need to know who they are and what they offer.

Prime Portables wanted a bold new website to tell their story, gain their reliable reputation and truly represent their presence as a trusted and quality portable restroom company in the Chicago area.

The main challenge: Long established competition. Other companies sprang up with their own models for portable restroom rentals a long time ago. The nature of the portable restroom business—hyper-competitive in the extreme—meant that Prime Portables’ online marketing strategy had to hit consistent home runs.

SEO, SEM, Social Advertising, Website Development, Customer Behavior Analysis, A/B Testing, Advanced Segmentation Targeting, Advanced Conversion Tracking, and Custom Reporting. All of these combined is what our Digital Synergy Service has to offer.

Our cross-channel digital marketing expertise, data analysis, precisely targeted digital marketing campaigns make sure the brand and product meets the consumer when and where they need them.

Immediate Results:
Q1 2015 vs Q1 2016:

  • Organic Leads +5,700% (116 vs 2)
  • Google Adwords Conversions +553% (85 vs 13) 
  • Organic Traffic +44%
  • Local Map Traffic +426%

An explosion of conversions from Google AdWords and organic traffic via Google, Yahoo and Bing.  Natural rankings and subsequent traffic increases due to organic SEO and local business optimization. Essentially, with assistance from our expertise at Onimod, Prime Portables continues to stay on top of the game due to their strong cross channel digital presence.

Contact Us:
If you’re a local business like Prime Portables seeking an upgrade in brand awareness, website development, or any other digital marketing service feel free to reach out to us at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!