The Right Social Media Image Sizes In 2020

With the world searching more and more online during the COVID-19 crisis, it’s important your brand and social image is professional and polished. Using images which aren’t the correct size for each platform’s requirements can impact your brand perception. Low quality and pixelated visuals make you look unprofessional or not up to date. Are you not sure if you’re using the correct image sizes? Use our image size guide to see the key image requirements for all the major social platforms.


  • Your profile photo is representative of your brand. We recommend that is a consistent logo among all of your social media accounts. This image must be 180 x 180 pixels.
  • Cover photos are the banner behind your profile picture, and this should also be consistent across social platforms that allow for an image in this location. Cover photos should be 820 x 312 pixels, if it’s anything smaller than this your image will be stretched and distorted.
  • Images that are shared in a post, for example a blog post news update, have a recommended size of 1,200 x 630 pixels.


  • Twitter profile pictures have a recommended size of a 400 x 400 pixel square. Keep in mind that the actual Twitter profile picture appears as a circle, so we advise you to have the proper spacing around your logo so nothing is cut off.
  • Twitter also has a cover photo, which should be about 1500 x 1500 pixels for an image size. Pick an image that compliments your profile picture and make sure it is consistent across all platforms as well.
  • Photos in tweets, when expanded, appear at a maximum of 1024 x 512 pixels and a minimum of 440 x 220 pixels. Keep in mind that on mobile, the app collapses photos which could make for an awkward crop situation. Make sure your content is always centered horizontally to avoid odd cropping.


  • Instagram profile pictures are small but powerful. These show any time you have a new story, in direct messages, and of course at the top of your profile page. The image size is recommended to be 110 x 110 pixels.
  • Your thumbnails for photos, or often referred to as your photo grid, will appear as 161 x 161 pixels. If you’re going for a certain aesthetic, the thumbnail size is an important one to keep in mind. Individual image uploads can be square or rectangular. Square photos image size is 1080 x 1080 pixels and rectangular images should use a 4:5 ratio.
  • Instagram stories are a must for your brand to remain relevant on the platform and also where you will have the most visibility. The recommended resolution for stories is 1080 x 1920 pixels or an aspect ratio of 9:16.


  • Your profile image for YouTube should be the same consistent branding as your other social channels as mentioned above. The image size for YouTube profile picture is 800 x 800 pixels.
  • Attractive and engaging thumbnail images are crucial to success of your videos. For YouTube, make sure your thumbnail image size is 1,2080 x 720 pixels.
  • YouTube also allows for a cover image photo in addition to your profile image. The recommended image size here is 2,560 x 1,440 pixels.


  • On the Pinterest homepage, profile picture image sizes are 165 x 165 pixels.
  • It is recommended to use an image aspect ratio of 2:3 for pins.
  • Pins that are on the homepage or in a board will appear at 236 pixels wide. Once a pin is expanded, it has a minimum width of 600 pixels and the height of the image will scale proportionally.


  • Your company logo is very important when it comes to the identification of your brand, of course. Make sure it’s visible with the image size of 300 x 300 pixels.
  • The company background image is similar to the cover photos on other platforms, where it takes up the entire top portion of your page. The recommended image size for your LinkedIn background image is 1,536 x 768 pixels.
  • Images in your content posts have a recommended size of 1,200 x 630 pixels. Keep in mind that LinkedIn is a professional social network platform with a large focus on building relationships with industry leaders. Make sure your posts are appropriate for this kind of audience and focus less on driving sales or website traffic.

*Data from Social Media Today

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Infographic Tips Every Marketer Should Know

Infographics are a great marketing tool, as they allow for easy communication of complex ideas in a visual way. Over the past few years, they’ve been forgotten due to the mass production of extremely low quality infographics strictly for link building. But infographics are not dead. When properly crafted, infographics, like other forms of visual content, are still highly effective at cutting through clutter and engaging online audiences. It was actually found that high-quality infographics are liked and shared three times more than any other type of content. As your goal is to provide value to your audience rather than generate link-bait, infographics are still highly effective as a content marketing tool.

Here are 5 important tips to keep in mind when creating and marketing a successful infographic. 

Determine Your Target Audience and Goal 

For an infographic to succeed, it needs to meet the needs of an audience. The first, and one of the most important, steps is identifying the audience you want to reach. Then determining their pain points, desires, etc. A common mistake made when creating an infographic is choosing a topic that’s popular in general, rather than specific to their audience. Infographics that gain the most attention and traffic are specific, relevant, targeted, and meet audiences where they want it most.

Next, determine what you’re trying to achieve with this piece of content. Where and how does it fit into your ultimate marketing goal? It’s important to be sure that an infographic is the best format to communicate your message. You don’t want to waste time on something that doesn’t fit into your larger strategy or miss out on a better solution.  

Chose a Compelling Title 

The headline of the infographic is extremely important. It needs to be compelling enough to grab readers’ attention, while priming them for the data they are about to digest. Clearly defining what the infographic will be communicating right at the beginning makes it easier to understand the rest of the graphic. You also want it to be simple. Titles that get too wordy may not keep someone’s attention long enough for them to make it through the rest of the content. It’s also very beneficial to try optimizing your title for SEO. Although infographics are technically images, they still contribute to the search relevance if part of a blog piece. If optimizing for search is part of your content strategy, we recommend including keywords in your title.

Stay Focused 

It’s best to keep infographics simple and focused on one main idea. It can be tempting to try to cram as much information as possible into the story. You don’t want your infographic to look like an attempt to randomly assemble as much data as possible. An infographic is most effective when it tells a strong and straightforward story that brings more clarity to a topic. 

It’s also important to establish a flow for your design. The reader’s eye should naturally go from one block of information to the next, moving them through a thought process. Once all of your information is in the right sequence and you begin to work on the first draft of your infographic, you can also use images and symbols to help reinforce the flow of your infographic, such as arrows.

Make Viewing Easy 

This tip is applicable in more ways than one. You want the infographic to be physically easy to view. Often times infographics are designed very large and must be downsized when published. This can cause readability to easily get lost. Make sure the smallest fonts can still be read without too much difficulty, whether the viewer decides to enlarge the infographic or not. This can also be done through using contrasting colors.

You also want to make viewing easy by making the infographic easy to find. Just as any other piece of content, it doesn’t just magically go viral. To help your team distribute the infographic effectively, there are a few extra steps to be taken. First, you should optimize your infographic for SEO, as we mentioned previously. Make sure you have the best file names and keywords to get the most traffic. Next, make sure your infographic is easily shareable. Make sure you have the right resolution, file formats, and sizes, whether it’s going out via email, blog, or social. You can even break up the infographic into different assets to get more mileage from one piece of content. Lastly, create a compelling pitch that explains why the content is interesting and relevant. You can do this through highlighting key takeaways, making the pitch personal and brief, etc. 

Double Check Facts and Cite Resources 

Infographics usually include a lot of specific data. It’s important to make sure the pieces of data used are accurate. This can be done by making sure the statistics themselves are true and the sources you’re using are reliable. When using outside sources, it’s also important to make sure you’re citing them. Try to use sources that are as up-to-date as possible. Using old stats, especially in an industry where information is always changing, makes you seem out of touch. It’s easiest to include those citations at the bottom of the piece, but you can include them in the body if it’s not distracting. 


Infographics are alive, well, and very valuable when it comes to content marketing tools. They require a delicate balance between telling a story and providing hard-hitting points to drive your message. Creating a successful infographic doesn’t have to be difficult. It just takes a strong understanding of your audience, your goals, and willingness to put in high quality effort. 

More from Onimod Global 

To catch up on the latest digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here!


Receive Your Complimentary Digital Audit

How can you fix something if you’re not sure what’s broken? Fear not, the expert digital marketers at Onimod Global have the solution for you! Our team offers complimentary digital audits for your company to determine what areas of your current digital marketing strategy needs improvement.


What is included in the digital audit?

Our digital audits measure your organic, paid search and social visibility as well as identify any errors or issues with the website. The audit is to give you a solid grasp of what issues your online business may be experiencing.

The digital audit will include the following:

  • SEO Analysis
  • SEM Breakdown
  • Social Media Influence
  • Website Performance
  • Local Business Optimization

Onimod Global is a trusted Google Partner, assuring you that you’re working with the best in the business. A Google Partner is an online marketing company, trusted by Google. Look for the badge on our site, this recognizes companies that excel with Google’s products.


Account managers at Onimod Global work with a wide variety of clients every day, and there is not a single industry we don’t feel confident in creating a marketing strategy for. Not quite convinced? Check out the dozens of case studies on our site by clicking here!

Here you’ll see how brands and companies are innovating and driving impact with their marketing strategies using Onimod Global.


Ready for your digital score?

Simply visit our digital audit page, and enter your information for a complimentary digital audit. We cannot wait to work with you!

The Ultimate Marketing Strategy for Your E-Commerce Company

Many e-commerce companies cower in fear of its industry leader, Amazon. In just a few short years this online retailer has grown to gather nearly $178 billion in 2017.

Through several key strategic moves such as its recent acquisition of Whole Foods, Amazon has been able to successfully eliminate or minimize the impact of its competition. This wild success leaves many within the e-commerce industry to wonder where exactly they fit.

Fortunately, changing consumer purchasing patterns are helping to provide and even bigger market for all online retailers. But how exactly does a small e-commerce company successfully compete in this type of fierce environment?

Niche Market Strategy

Many e-commerce companies have found a solution with a niche marketing strategy. This type of strategy focuses on an unmet or underserved need of consumers. Since the need is not being met appropriately, these niche brands are providing services that do just that!

Many would assume that a company as large as Amazon would have it all, right? Wrong. Brands like Boxed, Brandless, and Dote are all filling in this needs gap, and as a result that have each seen pretty remarkable results.


Boxed works to deliver bulk consumer goods without any sort of a membership fee. This company recognized that urban consumers struggle to purchase in bulk because of a lack of transportation.

Many people living in large cities do not own or regularly use a vehicle, instead opting for public transportation. This makes it impossible for such travelers to lug home bags upon bags of products.

Boxed perfectly caters to this need by providing large amounts of bulk goods delivered right to your door in a conveniently short amount of time. By carving out this specialized section of the market, Boxed has been able to enjoy substantial profits after finding ways in which they can reduce damage rates to packages, according to Adweek.


The company Brandless has been able to achieve many of the same positive results by implementing its own unique niche marketing strategy. Brandless primarily operates as a company that provides complete honesty and transparency to their customers.

Brandless carries thousands of products that do not have any association with a particular brand. This generic packaging and advertising cuts significant costs and allows consumers to bypass the usual marketing jargon and head straight to the actual product and its contents.

This strategy is effective for two reasons: it saves money and it makes the consumer feel more informed and aware of the products they are purchasing. Such abilities have been incredibly popular with the Millennial generation.


This company specifically targets young women by creating a “mobile mall” that they can shop through using their phone. This single platform combines apparel from more than 130 retailers, which allows consumers the ability to shop through thousands of different items all at once without having to travel to each individual website.

Dote has succeeded in creating a personal and comprehensive experience for their users, and it is all easily accessible to boot. Consumers have become so enthralled with Dote that according to Adweek, they visit the app an average of 3.9 times a day.


All of these brands have achieved greatness, even in the wake of powerful e-commerce giants like Amazon. The key is to differentiate in any meaningful way that you can. While this may not necessarily be the one and only strategy, it does seem to be quite effective.

For more information on marketing strategy, please visit the Onimod Global news page! Our content creation specialists regularly publish new content relating to current industry events and trends.

How to Digitally Optimize Your Campaign for the Hotel Industry

One of the most inspiring aspects of digital marketing is that it can be useful across an incredible number of different industries. Each industry comes with its own unique strengths and caveats, and the industry of hospitality is no different.

Step One: Strategize

Of course, digital marketing success cannot be achieved by simply setting up a campaign through Bing or Google. This action does not make you a search engine marketing expert. In order for any marketing campaign to be successful, there needs to be a certain amount of effort put into formulating a strategy.

This basic and primary phase is so often understated or ignored, and unfortunately this ignorance can cause serious problems down the road. It is not enough to just generate leads. Instead, you should be focused on gaining quality conversions. What is the use in having thousands of respondents who will never actually book a stay in your hotel?

Step Two: Make Use of Your Resources

When it comes to advertising for your hotel, there are many different digital tools that you can utilize. A major advantage to digital marketing is that it gives you the ability to generate quality leads for a relatively low price.

In the world of digital advertising, two major brands dominate; Google and Facebook. These will be your go-to ad platforms as you begin to construct a digital marketing campaign for your hotel.

These two platforms possess several strengths such as:

  • Low cost per conversion.
  • Localized ads to target consumers currently located near you.
  • Mobile ads that appeal to the preferences of consumers today who are looking for ease and convenience in their purchases.
  • Native advertising throughout the regularly used social media and search engines that consumers use in their every day routine.

The list goes on, but these four reasons alone are enough to peak the interest of any hotel brand. There are also many other platforms that your brand can utilize, but these two advertising platforms should serve as a good baseline for your first steps in digital marketing.

Step 3: Review and Revise

It is always important to review a campaign before it is launched. This final step helps to rid the campaign of any minute errors that may not have been noticed the first time around. Taking a second look also provides the marketer with the chance to make sure that all ads align directly with the campaign’s mission. It can be fairly easy for a digital campaign to split off into a slightly different direction as it is making its way through the construction process.

This stage also provides a period in which you can review your other marketing sources and make sure that they are up to date. For example, many brands neglect their website and the incredible impact it has upon their brand. Brilliant and engaging ads will do little to convince a consumer of quality when all ads lead back to a broken and outdated website.

More From Onimod Global

As always, the digital marketing experts from Onimod Global are here to make sure that you receive the best information possible regarding the digital marketing industry. Our content specialists frequently publish new content pertaining directly to industry news and trends.

To access our full compilation of news articles, please click here. Thank you, and we look forward to providing you with more digital marketing insights soon!

Client Website Launch: Midwest Solar Control

Midwest Solar Control ( is the Midwest’s premier 3M Authorized Prestige window film dealer offering the highest-quality products in the industry. In need of a new website and better SEO presence, our website development expertise at Onimod Global has taken Midwest Solar Control to the next level.

To build Midwest Solar Control a highly functional website from scratch with engaging content and an enhanced SEO presence. At the same time we wanted to ensure device accessibility through Responsive Web Design. Midwest Solar Control didn’t just need an appealing website, they needed to showcase their window film expertise and generate as many new business leads as possible.

Onimod Global’s Strategy:
We implemented an effective Website Development and SEO strategy to develop a highly responsive website. We built a robustly designed and developed website that empowers Midwest Solar Control to attract clients and create a user friendly experience.

Old Website:

Current Website:
Chicago website design agency

Massive Upgrades

  • Enhanced on-page Call to Action Tools
  • Enhanced SEO Presence
  • Custom Design
  • Increased Security
  • Mobile Responsive Upgrade
  • Custom Back-end for easy client-side updates.
  • Clear Navigation
  • Enhanced on-page Menus
  • Advanced Firewall
  • Job Application Portal
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Full-width Image and Transparent Headers
  • Redesigned News section

Contact Us
: If you’re an organization like Midwest Solar Control seeking an upgrade in website development or any other digital marketing services, feel free to reach out to our expertise at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. Also be sure to check out our other work by viewing our Case Studies!

Digital Marketing Advice From Procter & Gamble’s Chief Brand Officer

Marc Pritchard, chief brand officer of Procter & Gamble, had many things to share with the attendants of the most recent ANA’s Masters of Marketing Conference.

Kristina Monllos of Adweek reported on the event, and gave keen insight into Prichard’s presentation. Prichard referenced his many years of experience working with the P&G brand, and the struggles it has faced through digital marketing and advertising.

The same concerns are often echoed in the experiences of all marketers. Everyone grapples with challenges in their marketplace and the positioning of their own brand. There are always new ways to innovate, create, and improve upon what already exists.

Prichard hit on the following main topics as ways for a brand to rethink their digital marketing tactics:

  • Transparency
  • Ad Quality
  • Mass One-to-One Marketing
  • Messages For Good


Brand transparency is a rapidly increasing area of concern for consumers. It has become the norm to assume that advertising and marketing is dishonest and untrustworthy.

In order to convince people that your brand is truly the best choice for them, you need to gain their trust. Consumers won’t believe just anything that you tell them. In today’s market, potential customers prefer to be shown rather than told about a brand.

So how do you go about showing off your brand’s trustworthiness? For more insight into the subject of brand transparency, take a look at another Onimod Global Blog, “The Importance of Transparency in Digital Marketing” by clicking HERE.

Ad Quality

The quality of your advertisements is what will determine its relevance. Major search engines like Google have no greater purpose than to provide the most relevant results for its users.

Google makes continual updates to its algorithm to maintain its search engine’s integrity. Click HERE to learn more via our article, “What Google’s Algorithm Adjustment Means for Digital Marketing.”

Another key aspect of quality ads is their frequency. You want to make sure that you are showing your ad to the right consumers, but don’t overdo it. In the case of P&G, Prichard explained the brand’s struggles with ad frequency by saying, “Excess frequency is a massive source of waste, and it really annoys consumers. No wonder ad blockers are growing 20 percent a year. I mean, how many times does a person need to see a toilet paper ad to get the point?”

Mass One-to-One Marketing

The title of this digital marketing topic is a bit perplexing. After all, how can something be unique and personalized while also being applied on a mass scale? The meaning behind this idea is to make an ad as personable as possible, while also applying it to a large audience.

This complex concept is often put to use in many ways that you may already be familiar with. For instance, if you have recently made a purchase through Amazon, then you will likely receive a follow up email from Amazon asking you to review the product. Amazon sends the same follow up message to thousands of other users, but only if they have selected to purchase that individual product.

Messages For Good

It is a bit unclear as to what Prichard meant by “messages for good” in Monllos’ article. This may be referring to a cause marketing strategy, which has proven to be very successful for many brands in recent years.

It may also be discussing the development of an advertising strategy that will withstand the test of time. In order to leave consumers with a clear idea of a brand, you have to make sure you are delivering a consistent message.

Prichard announced that the brand’s shifts in digital marketing strategy are, “about two-thirds complete on these steps today and should be largely finished by the end of 2017.” Keep an eye out to see the meaning of this fourth and final brand objective unfold through P&G’s digital marketing efforts in the following months.

Brand New(s)

In the meantime, stay up to date on the latest digital marketing news by visiting the Onimod Global Blog today! Our team is constantly working to provide expert insight into digital marketing trends all over the world. Click HERE to visit our blog and learn what your brand may be missing!

4 Reasons Why Having a Professional Website is Critical for Any Business

Having a professional website for any business in today’s market is a crucial recipe for success, yet it’s amazing how many organizations have low quality websites or nothing at all. There are multiple reasons why companies should have a professional looking website, and this post will explore a few of them. With our website development expertise and experience here at Onimod Global, here are four reasons why we think professional websites for businesses are critical.

1. Credibility:
A lot of times a potential consumer’s first impression of a business comes from their first visit to a website. Therefore, having an appealing and professional website can “make or break” consumers impressions. Regardless if your organization is superior to competitors or not in terms of a product or service, consumers perceptions may think otherwise when one website is more professional than the other. One final point to make regarding credibility is that it gives a business an opportunity to showcase previous work, who their clients are, and provide convincing testimonials.

2. Cost Efficiency:
Many business owners have the belief that professional looking websites are expensive, therefore not willing to make any investments. This mindset is wrong is so many ways. Yes there are fees involved like hosting, domain, outsourcing expenses, etc. but the investment is a must and not as big as owners believe. Ultimately, refusing to adapt in a digital world by not investing in a professional website is a mistake, as it will end up costing more in the long run.

3. Visibility:
Social media pages and word of mouth advertising are great, but an appealing website will take a business to the next level. Online traffic and the number of daily searches on search engines (Google especially) are through the roof in today’s digital world. Moreover, having a high functioning website will enhance the overall visibility of an organization and greatly increase the ability for potential consumers to find you.

4. Convenience:
In addition to increased visibility, convenience is another reason to invest in a professional website. Smart organizations have figured this out and adapted. Consumers aren’t driving around anymore looking for places to shop for example. Instead they are shopping online or conducting searches on where to go. The accessibility that websites provide for potential consumers is invaluable. Another relevant aspect to point out involves the evolution of smart phones. Smart phones have made online searches as convenient as ever before, so this further proves the importance of having a professional website in today’s competitive market.

Contact Us: If you’re a business seeking an upgrade in website development or any digital marketing service, feel free to reach out to our expertise at Onimod Global. Check out our previous work and case studies by CLICKING HERE. We look forward to hearing from you!

New Client Website Launch: West Suburban Garage Doors in the Chicagoland

West Suburban Garage Doors ( is a garage door services company serving areas of the Chicagoland including Oak Park, Hinsdale, Elmhurst, Downers Grove, and other cities. In need of a new website and better SEO presence, our website development expertise at Onimod Global has taken West Suburban Garage Doors to the next level.

To build West Suburban Garage Doors a highly functional website from scratch with engaging content and an enhanced SEO presence. At the same time we wanted to ensure device accessibility through Responsive Web Design. West Suburban didn’t just need an appealing website, they needed to showcase their garage door expertise and generate as many new business leads as possible.

Onimod Global’s Strategy:
We implemented an effective Website Development SEO strategy and API Integration to develop a highly responsive website. We built a robustly designed and developed website that empowers West Suburban Garage Doors to attract clients and enable them to become consistent conversions.

Old Website:
West Suburban Garage Doors

Current Website:

Massive Upgrades

  • Enhanced on-page Call to Action Tools
  • Parralex Effect backgrounds
  • Enhanced SEO Presence
  • Mobile Responsive Upgrade
  • Custom Design
  • Enhanced on-page Menus
  • Advanced Firewall
  • Custom Back-end for easy client-side updates. 
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Full-width Image Headers
  • Increased Security
  • Job Application Portal
  • Clear Navigation
  • Redesigned News section
  • 2 Color Transparent Header

Contact Us
: If you’re a ROI driven business like West Suburban Garage Doors seeking an upgrade in website development or any other digital marketing services, feel free to reach out to us at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!

New Client Website Launch: Woodfield Garage Doors

Woodfield Garage Doors ( is a garage door services company serving areas of Chicago including Elgin, Mt. Prospect, Buffalo Grove, Arlington Heights, and other cities. In need of a new website and better SEO presence, our website development expertise at Onimod Global has taken Woodfield Garage Doors to new heights.

To construct a highly functional website from scratch with engaging content and an enhanced SEO presence for Woodfield Garage Doors. At the same time we wanted to ensure device accessibility through Responsive Web Design. Woodfield didn’t just need an appealing website, they needed to showcase their garage door expertise and generate as many new business leads as possible.

Onimod Global’s Strategy:
We implemented an effective Website Development SEO strategy and API Integration to develop a highly responsive website. We built a robustly designed and developed website that empowers Woodfield Garage Doors to attract clients and enable them to become consistent conversions.

Old Website:

Current Website:

Massive Upgrades

  • Enhanced SEO Presence
  • Enhanced on-page Call to Action Tools
  • Parralex Effect backgrounds
  • Mobile Responsive Upgrade
  • Advanced Firewall
  • Custom Design
  • Custom Back-end for easy client-side updates. 
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Full-width Image Headers
  • Increased Security
  • Enhanced on-page Menus
  • Job Application Portal
  • Clear Navigation
  • Redesigned News section
  • 2 Color Transparent Header

Contact Us
: If you’re a ROI driven business like Woodfield Garage Doors seeking an upgrade in website development or any other digital marketing services, feel free to reach out to us at Onimod Global on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!