Tag Archive for: Digital marketing agency Chicago

Marketing Trends to Jump on in 2023

2022 has been the year of ground-breaking innovation with new and exciting developments in the digital world that impacted the way we communicate with our audience. With the year quickly coming to a close, it’s time to look ahead to see what trends will impact your marketing strategy for years to come.

Today, businesses have an abundance of options to consider when it comes to marketing online. With the wealth of new and innovative digital marketing initiatives available, it can be hard to know where to start.

One thing is for sure: building an effective marketing strategy early for your business is the key to success. Here are our top trends to follow as we say farewell to ’22.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is widely recognized as the future of marketing activity. Google reports that YouTube reaches more 18–49-year-olds than all cable networks combined. Photo and video posts also generate more engagement than those using just text.

Incorporating video into your strategy cannot be an afterthought for any organization. It provides a huge opportunity to connect to a wider audience and build trust. It helps give customers a better understanding and feel for your brand and humanizes it.

There are many ways you can use video marketing, including:

– Showcasing products or services
– Explaining how things work
– Demonstrating how to use your product or service
– Telling stories about your company’s history

Social Media Content

Social media marketing is nothing new – but it truly is a great way to build your brand and connect with customers. It’s also an opportunity to market your products and services while creating a personal connection. However, social media has changed how we interact with brands. It’s important to keep in mind that the hard sell isn’t necessarily the best way to develop an audience on social media.

Instead, you should approach social media content with a story-driven approach that attracts customers and increases engagement across the most popular social media channels in 2022/2023.

Social media is also another space where you need to think about your video and visual content. High-quality images must be part of your strategy, especially across LinkedIn and Instagram. In order to stand out amongst competitors, you must optimize every element of your social media strategy.

You can’t simply schedule occasional posts or share things when you feel like it. You need to build a solid schedule that is just as well-designed and thought out as other aspects of your digital marketing strategy. Furthermore, a well-planned out strategy is easier to manage and deliver than ad-hoc posting.

Utilizing Data

In 2022, the most successful businesses were those who invested in data, analytics and technology experts.

Data is one of the most powerful and valuable assets any company has and making the most of it is vital to inform an effective marketing strategy. Having data, analytics and technology experts sit in-house is a smart move because you understand your consumer better. It also gives you a better platform to think about what your marketing and communications to consumers should look like.

Furthermore, harnessing the power of your data helps to paint a better picture of your customers and their behavior. This allows you to tailor your digital marketing initiatives more directly.


Personalization is the driving force behind all future marketing trends. The days of blasting the same message at everyone are well and truly over. Personalization delivers higher levels of engagement, sparks conversation and attracts new customers.

A great example of personalization is the much-loved #SpotifyWrapped feature that generates a buzz every year. To achieve personalization in your marketing campaigns, you need to make the most of your data and analysis and recognize the value of design. Personalized campaigns must reflect your consistent branding and design, which also goes for your advertising too.

Dominate Your Digital Marketing with Onimod Global

With the end of the year around the corner, now is the perfect time to implement some of our marketing tips for success in the new year.  Onimod Global, has over 13 years of experience and expertise when it comes to all things digital marketing and advertising.

From content creation and press releases, to innovative SEO strategies and automation & analytics, we provide an array of services that can help ease the load off overwhelmed and overburdened marketing departments, especially in medium to large companies where the flow of different tasks is continuous.

Need help applying the latest marketing trends to your 2023 strategy? Contact us here today.

Mastering Storytelling Content in 2022

A well known shift in content marketing over the past 5 years has taken the form of storytelling. At its most basic definition, the digital storytelling process involves using a mixture of content and digital media to bring a narrative to life. Consumers have shown that a product or service that offers an experience is much more attractive to them. Storytelling takes content marketing to a whole new level where a customer is understood, inspired, compelled to use their imagination.

Principal analyst Brian Solis with Alimeter Group shares with MarketingLand what marketers must know today about the gap between content marketing and storytelling.

What should businesses know about storytelling?

Brian says: There are some common pillars of quality storytelling — and it all starts with knowing your audience, what they love/don’t love, what they value, etc.

Aside from the seven common plots of story, there are pillars that resonate with certain audiences, depending on their goals and yours. These include inspiration, usefulness, importance and inclusivity, just to name a few — and these apply to content marketing, too.

How does storytelling make an impact on digital marketing? 

Digital storytelling is now crucial to a successful digital marketing campaign tying together several forms of media; social media at the forefront of this campaign. In any successful marketing campaign, the goal is to achieve wider engagement from your target audience and build up a loyal customer base that identify with your brand and cling to your product or service for longer. Storytelling in digital marketing addresses the needs of a fast-paced society in which people cut through a lot of ‘fluff content’ and look to receive information and consume content as fast as possible.

Capturing the attention of potential customers is an important step towards reaching one of your main goals – gaining your customers’ loyalty. That is why storytelling has become so important to the success of digital marketing. It sets apart vibrant brands from simple businesses and loyal consumers from one-time, stop-in shoppers.

Here are three ways storytelling impacts digital marketing and how you can benefit from it:

1. Build up trust with your audience

Traditional boring and straight-forward marketing doesn’t help you form a bond with consumers. Instead, it’s information-packed content overwhelming or boring the user and often reads like assembly instructions. Storytelling is much more intriguing and urges people to follow along engaging with the story. It addresses consumer pain points on a deeper, more intimate level and doesn’t give off the impersonal and cold vibes of a hard sell.

2. Connecting with your target audience

Most consumers have mastered an art of their own — ignoring sales pitches. These days, people are inundated with marketing ads. This has conditioned the brain to skim information and dismiss anything unattractive, simple, and mundane. Digital storytelling, however, can engage them in a manner that leaves them more receptive to marketing efforts.

3. Branding with a genuine meaning

Actions speak much louder than words for customers of 2022. Using digital storytelling to demonstrate how your company is dedicated to your mission, as well as your customers, can help you prove that you’re in it for the right reasons. Taking people along on your journey to show step by step how your business evolved, the experiences you’ve had, and how this helped you provide solutions to their problems will capture your audience’s attention and personify your business.

More from Onimod Global

In addition to storytelling content in 2022 and other digital marketing updates, we will continue to share case studies and the latest SEO updates to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have expertise expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. We would love to work with you and assist with your company’s content creation needs. Got questions about content creation or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

Google Introduces New Search Console URL Inspection API

Yesterday Google introduced the new search console URL inspection API. This will give programmatic access to URL-level data for properties you manage in Search Console.

According to Google’s news release on the topic, “the Search Console APIs are a way to access data outside of Search Console, through external applications and products. Developers and SEO tools already use the APIs to build custom solutions to view, add, or remove properties and sitemaps, and to run advanced queries on Search performance data.”

Google will be providing a new tool with the new URL Inspection API for developers. The tool will assist in debugging and optimizing their pages. You can request the data Search Console has about the indexed version of your URL. The API is going to then return the indexed information currently available in the URL Inspection tool.


How to use the new URL Inspection API

In order to learn how to use the new API, Google also has provided the developer documentation for the API which you can find here. The request parameters are a combination of the URL you are wanting to inspect from yours or your client’s site, and the URL of the property as defined in Search Console.

The response includes analysis results containing information from Search Console, including AMP, index status, rich search results and the mobile-friendliness of the URL.

The Google release also explains how “once you make the API call, you will get a response with all relevant results. If the request fails you would receive an error message instead. If a specific analysis result is missing from the response, it means the analysis was not available for the URL inspected. Here’s an example of the response you’ll get from the API.”


Final Thoughts

The entire release of the new URL Inspection API can be found on Google’s blog. In addition to Google news and other digital marketing updates, we will continue to share case studies and the latest SEO updates to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about Facebook advertising or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

B2B Digital Marketing Trends To Expect In 2022

2022 is here, which means it’s time to forecast a new era of B2B marketing trends. After chaotic months and years, innovation is accelerating at a pace faster than ever. The digital transformation of the economy and the ever-accelerating climb of e-commerce success are projected to bring in significant change in 2022. It is already very evident how digital transformation and the eCommerce boom will change the way B2B sales during 2022. We’ll explain the B2B digital marketing trends to expect in 2022.

Shifts in Spending to Mobile-First Strategy

This upcoming year, mobile and digital advertising will continue to become central to B2B marketing efforts. At the same time, marketers are also adjusting to a work-from-home reality. Nearly 70% of buyers in B2B industries and decision-makers prefer remote or digital interactions with vendors. This number is even expected to rise in the next years, so it’s also safe to assume that these buyers will additionally respond better most likely to more digital marketing strategies.

A digital-first marketing approach is quickly becoming the ‘holy grail’ strategy for digital marketers which prioritizes mobile advertising and content over offline and more traditional strategies. This will probably come with growing ad spend — though growth is on track to be slower next year than it has been in the past, partly due to the lingering effects of COVID-19.

The number of buyers who want a seller-free experience has grown in conjunction with the amount of millennials in decision-making roles. More direct and virtual approaches to B2B digital marketing may become more popular among B2B marketers as a result.

High-tech interactions with B2B customers

Building off of the first trend, we see technology advances so will the need to leverage increasingly high-tech communication methods. This includes both how you send and receive messages from your B2B prospects.

For example, in 2022, optimizing for new forms of search – like audio and image – will be vital to capture traffic. Additionally, marketing chatbots and AI can help marketers get in touch with more customers and minimize their wait time.

Interactive emails can also increase conversions and improve ROI, helping your business get more out of each communication. AMP emails that enable B2B marketers to provide application-like functionality in a message are standard methods to implement and deliver this interactivity. These are just a couple of examples of how technology will make it easier to reach businesses in 2022.

Shift of lead generation channels

The top goal of B2B marketing is not only generating leads, but ensuring that the leads are of high quality standard. How the leads are developed is likely to change significantly in 2022 and through the rest of the decade. COVID-19 impacted how events are hosted. While some businesses pivoted to online events and others chose to delay or cancel, all marketers had to adapt quickly to the reality that in-person events were no longer always available to generate leads. Several digital marketers have turned to social media for lead gen creation, and haven’t looked back including B2B digital marketing experts at Onimod Global.

The most popular style of social media marketing is also changing quickly. Many B2B digital marketers are now more interested in personalized and specific targeted strategies. Many platforms offer targeting tools with extremely fine levels of detail so they can deliver niche content to specific audiences.

More from Onimod Global

Taking advantage of these digital marketing trends for B2B marketing in 2022 can make the biggest difference in the performance of your lead generation. We will continue to share case studies and the latest SEO updates to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success. Our mission is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about Google display ads or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

How To Create Successful Display Ads in 2022

Is one of your 2022 New Years resolutions higher reach for your business’s online audience? Look no further, Onimod Global experts are here to help you achieve this goal. Google, the world’s most popular search engine, is definitely a great place to get started when it comes to advertising online and utlitzing their display ads. In this blog post, you’ll learn best practices for Google Ads and tips on making your campaigns successful.

What is a display ad?

A display ad, or also commonly referred to as a banner ad, is a visual-based form of online advertising. You usually see these ads on websites, apps, and social media platforms.

These ads will feature a photo along with advertising copy. The goal result is a display that is interactive and also encourages users to engage with the ad.

What is the Google Display Network?

In a nutshell, the Google Display Network is a set of websites that your ad can appear on. Millions of websites – this is Google, after all.

All in all, the network is comprised of over 2 million websites, 650,000 apps, and 90% of internet users. When you use the Display Network for advertising, you have the chance to get your ad right in front of that 90%.

How to set your display ads up for success

Get familiar with the targeting options

How successful a campaign and the ads within it is mainly comes down to targeting. The effectiveness of targeting will likely determine the outcome of your campaign over anything else.

There are many ways you can go about targeting an audience, and all depend on the goal of your campaign. For example, you can target ads based on the content of the ad itself, so that it appears next to similar content, such as a dog food ad on a pet website. Another way that you can target ads is based on your target market. Let’s say your dog food business wants to target only older people who like dogs or frequent pet pages. You can also target ads to people who previously have consumed your content in some way, which would be called remarketing. This could be a user who previously visited your website, or interacted with you in other ways (for example, watching a video on your YouTube channel).

The best way to determine which targeting method is right for you is to experiment. Try them all if you can to determine which best suits your business.

Exclude sites that are off-topic in the Google Display Network

Of course, no one wants to show up on an irrelevant website or inappropriate web page. The good news is with Google, they allow you to avoid this.

Google allows you to exclude certain sites or pages that you feel are irrelevant and/or inappropriate for the good or service your business provides.You can also block sites where your ads don’t perform well.

You can prevent your display ads from appearing in certain locations, based on:

  • app category
  • any specific topics
  • device used such as: computer, tablet, or mobile

You can also ban specific apps, websites, and content.

Utilize the similar audience feature on the Google Display ads network

This typically only helps you, in the sense that it further hones in on people that will be interested in your display ads. It’s based on your remarketing audience (mentioned above). If you haven’t already, you’ll want to enable remarketing ads before beginning to try out this tip. And according to Google, when you combine Similar Audience targeting with remarketing, you can increase conversions by up to 41%.

More from Onimod Global

Starting off the new year is a clean slate for new business improvements and adjustments, and we’re here to help you achieve all digital marketing goals. Our mission is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about Google display ads or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

3 Tips For Ranking Higher On Google Maps In 2022

Whether you’re a local small business, a bigger brick and mortar, or anywhere in between, there is no arguing that your Google Maps ranking is one of the most important factors in your online presence. Did you know that 80% of local searches result in a conversion? If you aren’t taking advantage of the opportunity to rank in local searches coming up in 2022, you’re missing the chance to increase lead generation, attract more in-store traffic, and of course reach higher conversions and revenue.

But the hard hitting question: how do you maximize local search? Simple answer: marketing on Google Maps. Keep reading to learn what digital marketing strategy we recommend heading into 2022 and how to rank better on Google Maps to generate higher leads and generate more revenue.

Why your Google Maps listing matters

Google Maps is the most popular map app in the U.S. with over 150 million active users. Millions of people are on the app daily and searching for services to locate businesses meeting their needs. As you think to further market your business locally, you can make big strides in maximizing the benefits of Google Maps by ranking high in relevant searches.

In addition to how relevant this is to the daily smartphone user, consumers often arrive at business listings via direct brand searches, keyword searches, and local discovery searches. With so many ways to get discovered by consumers, optimization has several benefits, which includes:

  •  Providing customers with more ways to engage with your brand
  • Appearing in the local vicinity with high ratings
  • Boosting visibility of your business

Steps to higher ranking

  1. Optimize your listing
    This is the simplest yet most important aspect to increasing your visibility on Google Maps. This particular listing is what your audience sees when they search through Google Maps. If you want to help your listing appear higher in Google Maps search results, you must optimize your listing. This includes adding your business name, phone number, accurate opening hours, and all of the basics. Whether someone sees your information on your Google My Business listing, Facebook, or your website, this information should be the same across all platforms.
  2. Place products at the top of your listing
    Information just released by Google and Search Engine Land explains how you can now add product placement at the top of your Google Maps listing and your Google Business Profile, formerly Google My Business. Read more from Search Engine Land on this topic here.
  3. Reviews are key to success
    It can’t be stressed enough how important reviews are to your Google Maps listing. Reviews are crucial to increasing your brand trust and developing transparency around your business. If the Google review is negative, you should always leave a response doing your best to resolve any issue.

Final thoughts

As trusted Google experts, our team is here to help with holistic digital marketing strategies including optimizing your Google Business Profile listing and ensuring you have the highest rank possible. Whether it is SEO tips, social media digital marketing, or paid media strategies, our goal is to make your business more successful. To get in contact with an audit and to see how you can improve your digital presence, get in touch with us here.

Google Ads brings image extensions to desktop

New search engine update coming your way in just a few weeks. The new Google update will be bringing image extensions to desktop devices before the end of 2021. In addition, advertisers that are already using image extensions for mobile devices will automatically show those extensions on desktop. Google Ads will begin to roll out image extensions to desktop devices in the coming weeks, the company announced last week. This update will not only be added to static images, but also apply to all dynamic image extensions.

Why marketers should care.

It really depends, however image extensions can be extremely helpful in making your ads more visually appealing, which might encourage visitors to click on them. Before the end of 2021 and available the start of 2022, image extensions will also be available on desktop which will enable you to show any images that are relevant to users whether they’re at home or on the go.

If you’re already running image extensions on mobile, they’ll automatically show on desktop devices as this update rolls out, so make sure to monitor performance so that you can assess whether this is something that’s worthwhile for your brand.

Prior to this update, the images attached to ads would only show on mobile devices. For advertisers that are already using image extensions, their ads will automatically show these images on desktop devices as this update rolls out.

Desktop device performance can be broken out by segmenting your data by “Device.”

Dynamic image extensions are also expanding. 

This update also brings dynamic image extensions, which automatically select the most relevant image from your ad’s landing page, to desktop devices. In addition, these are also now available for all languages.

Google has also added a free, searchable library of stock images to help advertisers source visuals. To access the library, select “stock images” when you’re asked to choose an image for your image extension. Stock images can be cropped to a square or landscape format from directly within Google Ads before adding it to your image extension.

Final thoughts

In addition to Google Ads updates, general SEA and other digital marketing tips, we will continue to share case studies and the latest digital marketing news and tips to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about how to optimize your search engine advertising or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

Why You Should Combine Social and SEA

Are you a PPC connoisseur or a paid social media pro? Are you neither of these things and looking for more insight on how to develop a paid digital marketing strategy? You have definitely come to the right place, as Onimod Global experts are here to share insight on both types of paid digital advertising and where it makes sense for you to invest you ad dollar.

Reasons to combine SEA and social media advertising

Why should PPC and social media ads be combined and regarded as a unit? When you combine the social media activities with PPC, you activate double the power online. Simply put: it’s a great way to increase your brand awareness and generate new leads.

1. PPC is successful: Search engine advertising that is targeted can lead to website traffic and success in just a short period of time. Use this effect to make your social media channels not only grow in following, but also in conversions.

2. Control demographics and usage: Users’ demographics cannot be controlled accurately when only using search engines. One the other hand, social media channels contain a huge collection of personal information such as photos and demographics – it’s worth using these data for PPC as well.

The journey to paid digital advertising

The journey to the goal of your paid digital advertising success is most often anything but straightforward. This is a crucial point that should always be kept in mind during your strategy process. Through being strategic with a funnel ad campaign, your customers may very often come into contact with your brand before they decide to buy. Another important note is people may already know your brand from a variety of platforms and influencers and have become aware of you in a positive way. This potential circumstance makes them more likely to click on PPC ads.

Due to all social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, have become indispensable in many people’s everyday lives. They therefore offer excellent opportunities for “advertising”. Not in the traditional sense, though, but in much more creative ad formats that are meant to look native to the platform being disguised among organic content.

The difference between social media ads and PPC

Social ads are ads created for and shared on all social media platforms. Depending on the platform, the ads appear on users’ news feeds and, ideally, users will become more familiar with your brand and convert. The clearly designed Facebook ad manager will guide you through the creation of a campaign in which you act strategically and define your goals in the first step. You can create campaigns for Facebook or for Instagram.

Are you currently directing traffic from your PPC clicks only to websites or shops? Yes, that would make the most sense, because you generate the most revenue. Try something different and you may be surprised on the result: promote your social media channels through PPC. For example, make relevant content for your consumers which will lead them to wanting to consume more of your organic content.

This is where all of the success comes into play: with all of these platforms. you build a relationship with your customers and strengthen the image of your brand. The purchase of your product is not yet in the foreground of many people, if they, for example, are not yet familiar (enough) with the brand. However, if you manage to turn these people into fans of your Instagram page, their initial interest in your brand may eventually grow into a decision to make a purchase.

Final thoughts

All in all, we recommend you to ensure their is a cohesiveness between your brand and organic content to your social media ads, and PPC advertising is just as important from a search engine perspective. In addition to paid digital advertising and other digital marketing tips, we will continue to share case studies and the latest digital marketing news and tips to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about how to develop a paid digital marketing strategy or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.


SEO Strategy – Voice Search and its Impact in 2021

How many times have you said ‘Hey, Google?’ today? You would most certainly not be the only one. Voice search is not only on the rise, it’s becoming second nature for everyone in their day to day lives. It’s not only questions being directed at smart speakers, but there’s also a massive surge being used for mobile. With that being said, if you aren’t optimizing for voice search in 2021, that is likely to have an impact on your ranking in the future. Experts at Onimod Global are here to help you discover more about voice search and how your keyword decisions could make all the difference.

As usual, data is very telling. Almost one-third (27%) of the online users globally use mobile voice search. Those numbers will be considered minuscule in the future as they’re bound to double in the next few years. The big pressing question: why is this the case? Is it just because it’s practical, or because it’s convenient, or maybe just because it’s trendy? One thing is certain: it’s gaining popularity as it is for sure easy to use, fast, and conversational compared to conventional typing. 

Voice Search 101

By definition, voice search is voice recognition technology that allows users to perform searches by speaking directly to their supported devices. These range from smartphones like your iPhone and Samsung to your computers to any home assistant devices such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri and many more device assistants. In total, Google voice searches have skyrocketed over the past several years, so how you incorporate voice search into your digital marketing strategy is a must. 

Whether you’re working as an SEO consultant or working on building a website right now from the ground up, we advise you to ensure your site and all pages are optimized it for voice search. 

Website Voice Search Optimization in 2021

You may still be asking yourself, what are all of the benefits that come with optimizing for voice search in 2021?

  • More revenue: More visitors mean will in turn result in more conversions, and more conversions will of course equal more revenue.  
  • Higher rankings: Almost always these queries will rank in the top 3 positions on search engine results pages (SERPs).   
  • Higher authority: When you start ranking for voice searches and increase your audience, you boost your website’s authority. 

There is of course a catch, and that catch is called keywords. So in order to make your voice search optimization work as planned, you need optimized content. As always, keywords are the key.   

Voice search SEO requires:   

  • Question-based keywords: Queries should be in the form of questions, as that is also how the query is typically formed
  • Long-tail keywords: Really think about user intent and focus on action queries 
  • Conversational content: Natural-sounding language is key

Your Google My Business Page Is Important

More often than not, most users finish their queries with the words “near me.” The determining factor for where your page will rank for those types of searches is the Google My Business listing. This is by far one of the easiest ways to get noticed by your target audience via voice search, but one important key factor is ensuring your content and all contact information are complete and on point. 

Google needs to know where your business is located when someone asks to display similar businesses in your area. Include your name, address, and phone number (NAP) in the listing and choose the right business category and area code. 

Additionally, you can try to rank for those “near me” queries by targeting local keywords that contain location-specific phrases that generate results related to the same geographic location. 

Final thoughts

In addition to voice search SEO strategies and other digital marketing tips, we will continue to share case studies and the latest digital marketing news and tips to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about how to optimize for voice search or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.


3 Steps for a Successful Holiday SEO

A holiday season simply wouldn’t be complete without frantic shopping, especially online shopping. Regardless of if people are shopping on Black Friday, Cyber Monday or completely throughout the holiday shopping season, millions of customers rush to get their hands on gifts for friends and loved ones. That means retailers must be well prepared for your holiday SEO strategy.

One way to really stand out for e-commerce business owners and marketers is a top notch holiday SEO strategy. If your brand is looking to optimize for holiday-specific website traffic, here are the three main steps to take to make sure you’re ready.

A good indication of where to start for keyword research is with trends from 2020. You can find this in the Search Terms report in Google Search Console. First ask yourself:

  • Which pages generated the most traffic last year and likely to gain lots of traffic this year as well?
  • Which search queries were the most used to discover your products and deals?

After you’ve gathered this information, analyze data from other channels that your company is active on. In particular, definitely research the top referral sources — affiliates, social media websites, email campaigns. Determine which channels drove you the most conversions and prioritize them for this year’s strategy.

Google Search Console is much more suited for providing you with technical website data versus Google Analytics. Long explanation short, this tool reports how search crawlers ‘view’ your website and interact with it to explore and attempt to determine its value for users.

Identify keywords relevant for holidays

In order to have a successful SEO strategy, keyword research is an absolute must. Irrelevant keyword targeting or those with no purchase/product research intention translates to budget waste. Going after overly-competitive keywords that every other online store is after means low chances for success. To create your holiday keyword plan, we again recommend to search into historic data from last year. Did you see any interesting keywords that shoppers used to find you? A great place to look is the Google Search Console for these specific queries.

When it comes to holiday keyword research, make sure you are careful about which keywords you want to battle and win. During the holiday season, you’d need to rank fast. So don’t go after overly-competitive broach keywords such as “buy cosmetics online.” Why’s that you ask? The reason is because your company would be competing for shopper attention with carousel ad results, Amazon product listings and category pages from other national retailers.

Create landing pages for special launches

This will give you a significant leg up on SEO holiday queries. To increase your chances of showing up during the time of your holiday offers such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday-related search queries, it’s important to create pages that target relevant keywords. (That you’ve discovered during the previous step). In order to discover the best prices available for their query, users will often search for keyword combinations with “[brand name] or [product] deals, discounts, promos”.

You can research which options are trending in your product vertical using historical results from Google Trends. Depending on the industry your business is in, it may be beneficial to create a Black Friday or Cyber Monday page for each product you plan on offering at a discount.

Final thoughts

In addition to holiday SEO strategies and other digital marketing updates, we will continue to share case studies and the latest SEO updates to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about how to make the most of your SEO during the holidays or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.