Tag Archive for: social media advertising

How To Improve Facebook Ad Performance and Measurement

Per ususal, the last quarter of the year is a busy one and a very important time for businesses like yours. For 2021 in particular, you are most likely attempting to execute paid social media strategies with Facebook ads and digital marketing plans while navigating through a sea of privacy and platform changes across the entire online advertising industry.

Facebook estimates that in aggregate they are underreporting iOS web conversions by approximately 15%. however this is an overarching number with a broad range for individual advertisers. Facebook claims that the conversions occurring in the real world, like sales and app installs, are higher than what is being reported for many advertisers. Onimod Global experts are here to help you understand these changes, specifically in Facebook ads, and optimize performance in this new environment.

Actions to Improve Facebook Ad Performance and Measurement

As you build your campaigns, try to keep these Facebook advertising best practices in mind:

  • Before you analyze performance, allow some time: Delayed data is a real pain. Due to the fact it’s almost inevitable as well as modeled reporting, we advise waiting a minimum of 72 hours or the full length of the optimization window selected before evaluating the performance for campaigns that are optimized for conversions. Daily assessment is of course still possible for campaigns and should be monitored, but waiting to analyze and report will ensure you get the most accurate picture of performance.
  • Analyze at the campaign level, not the creative level: Where it’s possible and makes sense for your analysis, analyze reporting at the campaign level. While you can always assess performance at the ad set and ad level is possible, some estimated conversions are aggregated and reported with a delay. We advise to take this into account when assessing ads performance.
  • Enable Aggregated Event Measurement: This essentially means to choose the web events (like a sign-up or a purchase) that are most aligned with your core business outcomes and are frequently used as the events to optimize against in your campaigns. If you are running ads optimized against events that have not been prioritized in Events Manager, it may potentially effect your results negatively.
  • Set up the Conversions API: The Conversions API creates a simple, reliable and privacy-safe connection between your marketing data, such as website events and offline conversions, and Facebook. Adding the Conversions API to your existing setup will help you optimize your ad campaigns, decrease cost per action and more accurately measure campaign outcomes while offering the same privacy protections we’ve put in place across our other Business Tools. Many advertisers are already seeing success with Conversions API, and you can check out their stories here.
  • Use the learning phase help Facebook discover the best way to deliver your ads: One tip we recommend to be able to exit the learning phase sooner is to consolidate your ad sets, expanding your audience or choosing an optimization event that occurs more frequently. Another way you can make the most of the learning phase is reducing the frequency of manual edits or expand your audiences, so there are more opportunities for people to complete your optimization event.
  • Take all available tools into account: You may also want to consider all measurement solutions available to you, on Facebook Ads platform and off. During this period of transition, it’s crucial to review all measurement solutions to identify potential underreporting that may be occuring for your business.
  • Continue to test and learn: Through testing new bidding, format and audience strategies, you can identify what is working today and evolve over time as Facebook Ads continue to improve. Testing new creative and marketing strategies is essential for improving your performance over time.

Final Thoughts on Facebook Ads

When there’s even more to take into account in terms of making your Facebook Ads perform better, it’s important to know how each will benefit you and drive results. We will continue to share case studies and considerations to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things Facebook advertising, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about Facebook advertising or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

How To Advertise On Clubhouse

Have you heard of Clubhouse yet? It’s the newest social media app to take the world by storm. The invite-only drop-in audio platform currently has over 2 million people users interacting with the platform each week. The new platform is currently valued at over $1 billion US dollars.

After a tweet recently sent out by Elon Musk, the platform received a huge push after he tweeted that he would be hosting an event on Clubhouse. It just so happened that he was joined by the Robinhood CEO, Vlad Tenev, gaining even more traction.

To sum up the platform in a few words, Clubhouse offers people a loose collection of drop-in clubs and events, where you can not only listen to people discuss topics ranging from startups and technology through to philosophy and comedy, but also contribute your own questions and thoughts. It’s kind of like a spontaneous podcast that anyone can listen to live, and several hundred to several thousand attendees dropping in from all over the world.

The platform has completely exploded in popularity and is growing rapidly by the day (the app had just 600,000 weekly users in December of 2020). The caliber of users is increasing since the Elon Musk tweet, and all are at least experimenting with the new platform. The obvious question for creators, brands, and contributors, however, becomes ‘how do we monetize this?’.

Currently, Clubhouse does not offer any in-app advertising functionality, as the company doubles down on the growth and user experience of its platform. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t advertise on Clubhouse. Let’s take a look at both podcasts and meetups (during normal non-COVID times) to discover how marketers can jump ahead of the curve and make money advertising on Clubhouse.

1. Branded Events and Clubs

It can be as simple as a branded event. Brand events and clubs always have an extra flare by adding something to the effect of ‘Presented by Company X’ in the title of an event. This is no different to many a local tech or startup meetup that might be presented either online or an in-person type of event. Not only that, but larger more traditional organizations — think IBM, Microsoft, and financial services organizations — are always more than delighted to align themselves with the latest trends and up-and-coming segments.

2. Guest/Celebrity Appearances

Both brands and personalities might want to access the spotlight at high-quality events that draw a large crowd and place them alongside influential figures.

As such, you might be able to offer pay-to-play for speakers/moderators at your events. This gives them an opportunity to get in front of their audience, build their own Clubhouse following, and develop or further solidify their brand and association with a particular demographic.

3. Product Placement

If you’re running an event on, say, beauty, and you have a club that regularly draws thousands of people to its events, then you will no doubt find brands that will want to get in front of your audience. Common in podcasts and events alike, product placement can be huge for an app such as Clubhouse. For example, it could be a conversation centered entirely around reviewing a certain product live, or discussing the features with a trusted influencer.

It might be as simple as name-dropping products, and if you have any reservations about this, limit product placements to products that you’re personally using and give out affiliate links for certain products and/or services that you would personally vouch for.

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Onimod Global is looking forward to the future and helping your business reach your full digital potential. Interested in growing your digital presence for your company? Reach out to us here!

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

6 Customer Loyalty Tips To Drive Local Search Traffic

When dreaming up ways to improve search engine results, it makes sense to consider the customer loyalty factor. Why you ask? Customer loyalty plays a very crucial role in marketing for a company. Whether it may be more trusted customer reviews on your site or user-generated content produced by loyal customers, it is clear that customer loyalty is important to also driving you to the top of search page results. So how can you work to build customer loyalty online? Onimod Global specialists are here to break down 6 top tips on maintaining loyal customers.

6 Customer Loyalty Tips

The search engine optimization specialists from Onimod Global are here to offer several simple ways in which you can develop better customer loyalty within your own organization. The following 6 tips are based off of an article with Search Engine Land:

  1. Social Loyalty: Social media has grown to wield an impressive amount of influence over any given company. Facebook is a top platform that appeals to users looking for recommendations regarding any number of products or services. This feature allows other users to weigh in on the topic and recommend businesses that they find relevant to their friend’s search. This word-of-mouth by proxy through Facebook is significant because it disrupts typical search engine procedures.
  2. Narrative Control: As mentioned with the example of Amazon, online reviews carry an incredible amount of power. Make sure that you are giving customers a way to express their loyalty via online platforms such as Facebook and Yelp. You can even use this information as a testimonial to the benefits that your company offers.
  3. Forever Loyal: Truly loyal customers will seek out a preferred business no matter what the odds. Young used the example of Chick-Fil-A to represent this ideal. He noted that no matter where he goes, he can find a line out the door of Chick-Fil-A, even when other area fast food restaurants have no wait at all.
  4. Loyalty Economics: It can be difficult to track down truly loyal customers. Typically, a company’s marketing efforts toward new clients are much more expensive than if the company were to simply continue marketing toward dissatisfied customers. For this reason, it may be worth considering ways in which you can better the experience of existing customers rather than solely focusing on new customer leads.
  5. Loyalty Database: Data is an invaluable resource for any business. Data regarding repeat customers is even more essential to promoting growth and prosperity. Once you are able to gain information about current loyal customers, you will be more easily able to locate new ones, which cuts out a lot of wasted ad dollar being used in search engine marketing.
  6. Determining Improvements: Even if a company’s customer satisfaction ratings are high, there is usually significant room for improvement. This issue points back to the loyalty database and what insights it can provide to your business. By going back over the numbers you can begin to paint a much clearer picture for both current and potential customers about your business and why it is the right choice for them to purchase goods and services from.

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Onimod Global is looking forward to the future and helping your business reach your full digital potential. Interested in growing your digital presence for your company? Reach out to us here!

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Why Your Small Business Ads Are Getting Blocked By Facebook

Facebook, one of the largest social and advertising platforms in the world, is increasingly relying on artificial intelligence to monitor the platform. If your small business ads are continuously getting blocked on Facebook, there may be another reason besides errors in your ads.

Bloomberg stated in a report that errors made by AI algorithms looking to remove offensive ads from Facebook’s platform have caused already struggling small businesses to miss out on online sales opportunities.

As helpful as Facebook ads have been for all business in general, there are several drawbacks to the platform that have made it increasingly difficult to find success in some situations. Drawbacks include problems with the company’s content-moderation software, limited options for customer support and lack of transparency about how to fix problems.

Interviewed by Fortune, New York-based businesswoman Ruth Harrigan selling honey in souvenir shops has had to rely heavily on Facebook ads  for sales during the coronavirus period. Her business was abruptly stopped due to Facebook blocking her ads account due to policy violations. Harrigan is one of millions of small business advertisers who have come to rely on Facebook Inc. because the coronavirus has shut down many traditional retail channels.

Facebook’s human moderators have been focusing on the US election and Covid-19 misinformation this year, so the company has leaned more on artificial intelligence algorithms to monitor other areas of the platform. That’s left many small businesses caught in Facebook’s automated filters, unable to advertise through the service and frustrated because they don’t know why and can’t reach adequate support to fix the issue.

A Facebook rep interviewed by the Post says, “We know it can be frustrating to experience any type of business disruption, especially at such a critical time of the year. While we offer free support for all businesses, we regularly work to improve our tools and systems, and to make the support we offer easier to use and access. We apologize for any inconvenience recent disruptions may have caused.”

Appealing these often-automated decisions has also become a lot harder. “Due to a temporary reduction in our review capacity as a result of Covid-19, we could not always offer our users the option to appeal,” Facebook wrote in its third-quarter report.

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Looking for an agency to help your small business with your paid social media, specifically running Facebook ads? Reach out to us here!

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

How To Improve Your Facebook Relevance Score

Improving your Facebook relevance score can help you save money and reach more consumers. However, what can you do to boost your relevance score without taking away time from your already busy schedule?

Experts at Onimod Global are here to share everything you need to know about Facebook’s relevance score and how to improve yours!

What is Facebook Relevance Score?

The Facebook Relevance Score is all about the relevance of your ad to your targeted audience. A number from 1-10 (10 is highest and one is lowest) will tell you how relevant your ad will be to your target audience. To improve your ad’s relevance score, you can work on your targeting and the ad creative.

How Does Facebook Calculate Relevance?

There are a number of factors to be considered here. However, before your ad will calculate a relevance score, your ad has to be shown 500 times. After you exceed 500, you can check your relevance score in Ad Manager or any other campaign managing software.

How to see your score in the Ad manager:

  1. Go to Facebook Ad Manager
  2. Click “Campaigns”
  3. Click “Ads”
  4. Click “Relevance Score”

Ads with high relevance scores (8+) often deliver great CPA (cost per action).  Ads with low relevance scores (4 or less) rarely generate great results, at least not for very long.

Why It Matters

The goal is actually to help all parties involved. Facebook grades ads with their relevance score system to provide advertisers with useful feedback, and more importantly, to ensure their platform isn’t cluttered with annoying irrelevant advertising. Ads with low relevance scores result in higher costs, while ads with high relevance scores are rewarded with lower costs.

So, if your ads receive a low relevance score, you need to improve it. This will not only save you money, but will also make sure your ads reach the right audience. The more attention you pay to the relevance score of your ads, the more likely your campaigns will succeed.

How You Can Improve

The good news is improving a Facebook relevance score is quite simple. Here are a few easy fixes to make sure your score is consistently high:

Be specific with targeting: Before you can target the right people, you need to figure out who, exactly, you want to see your ads. While you may think every 18-65 year old in the United States may potentially be interested in your product, Facebook won’t be interested in showing it to everyone. If you’ve never done audience research or created buyer personas before, now is the time to start.

The perfect combination of visual and copy: This may sound logical, but that doesn’t always mean it’s obvious.  Focus on improving the visual to improve your relevance score. Also, keep your copy simple and related to what you’re promoting.

Steer clear of offensive and misleading content: This may seem obvious yet again, however it is something to always keep in mind. Always follow the Facebook advertising guidelines and community standards. Besides, social media is a network of millions of people sharing stories. Remember, you want a build a brand and not a bad reputation.

Refresh your ad: This one is crucial, and probably the most common problem you will have with your relevance score. Prevent the target audience getting tired of your ad and try creating another ad creative with new content. If you keep refreshing your ad, your relevance score will continue to rise.

Contact Onimod Global

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Choosing The Right Social Media Platform For Advertising

Social media advertising is a powerful tool that can really take your online presence to the next level. Now is the time, as so many companies have taken to digital to promote and sell their brand. However, it is not necessary to advertise on every single social media platform. In fact, advertising on certain platforms may drive your profit margin in the opposite direction. So how do you go about choosing which social media advertising platform is the right choice for you? Learn from the experts at Onimod Global to discover the first steps your company should take.

Identify Your Audience

The first mistake lots of companies make is looking at the amount of advertisers on each platform and choosing in this way. For example, 3 million people are advertising on Facebook, so you automatically choose this platform doing no further research. While the amount of people is very telling as to what can be successful, it is better to identify your audience and which platforms they are the most active on.

Write down the following questions:

  • Who is your typical customer?
  • How old are they?
  • Are they male or female?
  • What is their income and education level?
  • What are they interested in outside of your product and service?

Use the answers to these questions in order to build out your audience profile.

Define Your Goals

This is an important step, because each campaign can be better optimized on certain platforms than others depending on how you want customers to convert. There are also several different types of campaigns on these platforms. For example, say your headhunting company wants IT students to fill out a form on your website applying for interviews. Your goal and your audience must match up with the specific social platform. If you aren’t sure where to start with setting an action goal for your target audience, try starting with a brand awareness campaign. Brand recognition always proves to be an important topic for online shoppers.

Find The Audience

Now that you have your audience and goals defined, it’s time to see which social media platform your potential customers are the most active on. To do this, you’re going to determine which platform your audience uses by looking at the demographics of the users on each platform. For example, the younger age demographic is on both Facebook and Instagram, but they are more active on Instagram. Besides demographics and engagement, you’ll also want to look at how individuals use the platform.

Contact Onimod Global

Onimod Global can help take your social media advertising to the next level. Digital Marketing across multiple social platforms allows us to create visibility for your company in the places your customers are searching, interacting and engaging on social media properties.

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

How To Design Facebook & Instagram Ads That Convert

There are over 7 million active advertisers on Facebook, according to Statista. With this impressive number, you may be thinking that increasing your Facebook and Instagram ads budget is the only way to outperform your competition. The experts at Onimod Global are here to tell you that is not always true. It is possible to achieve a great ROI when advertising on a budget.

Are you considering Facebook and Instagram as advertising platforms, but you’re not sure where to start? Our Onimod Global team is sharing our best practices for creating Facebook and Instagram ads that convert.

Facebook Desktop

Use square format. On the Facebook and Instagram platforms, square videos fill the screen more and will be more engaging for viewers on both desktop and mobile devices.

Create a visual hook. The more you can get your ad to look like it blends into your customer’s feed, the better. However, you also want to make sure that your content stands out. Use bright, cool colors.

Don’t overuse branding. Advertising is typically a major turnoff for all customers. The less they feel someone is trying to sell them something, the more likely they are to interact with your ad.

Facebook App

Avoid too much detail in images. In this case, less is definitely more. Make your graphics straight and to the point. Too much detail will either confuse or bore your audience.

Write short copy to fill the space. Do your best to avoid the “read more” button on any of your ads. The ad copy should also be very straightforward, with just enough detail to entice your customer but not information overload.

Choose graphics to blend in with news feeds. Similar to how you would choose an image for an ad optimized for Facebook desktop, you want to ensure your ad doesn’t stand out as an advertisement. The more it blends in, the better interaction you will have.

Instagram App

Don’t use landscape images. A bothersome feature about Instagram is their vertical layout of the app. Always use portrait style images and videos for the best look on your audience’s feed.

Describe how people can use your product. For example, let’s say you’re selling LED signs that can be used for all types of home decor. Show the product in action by taking a video showing the light in different areas of the house. Low production costs and the video will blend perfectly into the audience feed, which translates into better interaction on your ad.

Avoid using too many words on your visual. Instagram gives you so many ways to be artsy and creative in your ad. Make sure you’re not overdoing it on the text and emojis, and really let the media visual that you chose speak for itself.

More From Onimod Global

Following these best practices for Facebook and Instagram ads will help you reach success on a budget. Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Social Media Strategy: Where You Should Start

Has the current pandemic catapulted your small business into the world of social media advertising and e-commerce? In what is already an overwhelming time, starting from scratch on how you’re advertising your small business may seem like too much to take on. Onimod Global is here to help with a guide of where is the best place to start from scratch with a social media strategy.

Audit your current social presence.

Before you are in too deep strategizing about where you need to go, take some time to evaluate where you currently are.

  • Which networks are you currently active on?
  • Are your current platforms optimized (images, URL, bio, etc.)?
  • Which are the most successful for you?

Onimod Global offers a free digital audit that measures your online success in terms of SEO, social media influence, local business optimization, SEM breakdown, and more. Check it out further and get your very own custom digital score.

Define your type of business and ideal customer.

Are you service or product based? Are you primarily B2B or B2C? These are very important questions to determine which socials you need to be focused on creating content and advertisement campaigns for. Every business is unique, but there are industries that perform well on certain social channels versus others. For example, B2B businesses can focus more efforts on social media channels such as LinkedIn and YouTube versus Facebook. These platforms will give you the opportunity to reach your target market in a more direct way. For example, if your company is selling a type of consultancy service, your content is a better match to a professional networking channel such as LinkedIn. B2C businesses, where you’re selling a product or service to anyone and everyone, this can be very successful on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. On these channels, you are able to show your product and service to a target audience that is more likely to convert into sales.

Even the best marketers will fail if they are marketing to the wrong audience. Use the following criteria to help you come up with a highly focused persona of a potential customer:

  • Age
  • Job Title
  • Location
  • Pain points (where your business offers their solution)
  • Most used social network

Create useful and engaging content.

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet.” – Bill Gates

This is arguably the most attractive step of creating your social media strategy. From this post, you now know there are several steps that take place before getting to this point. Your social media content needs to always have a purpose behind it. Decide in your team what your mission is for social media. For example, it could be informing and educating your customers on the respective industry and its services. This ensures the content you curate will be attractive and engaging to your audience.

Here are a few examples of content that you can create:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Interviews
  • Company News
  • Infographics

Remember that quality content is far more important than the quantity of what you post. However, it is crucial that you consider creating high quality, engaging content as a top priority. Experts at Onimod Global strongly recommend creating a content calendar with specific topics and types of content. This will also serve of great use when looking back on the month and reviewing the performance of your content.

Track and analyze.

This is the most important step, a lot of content creation is about trial and error. Let all of your decisions, both in content and in your business in general, be data driven. Social media strategies are never set in stone, make sure you are always evolving.

Are you in need of more assistance with your social media strategy? Onimod Global is here to help with a custom social media strategy and content plan.  Check out the dozens of case studies on our site by clicking here!

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Make sure to stay tuned to Onimod Global news for part 2 of this week’s series and learn all about e-commerce and online marketplaces going live Thursday. To catch up on the latest digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.



Updates To Social Media Advertising With COVID-19

Social media platforms were quick to ban people from creating advertisements in reference to COVID-19. Several industries eager to educate the public about and promote their efforts to fight the coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease it causes were blocked by Twitter and Google. The decision to ban ads that mention the virus came after executives decided that they did not want to appear to be profiting from the crisis. Twitter has now officially revised their stance in order to allow advertisers to mention the virus in select promotions.

Twitter’s official stance:

“In response to the shifting advertising landscape, and in order to support helpful causes during this time, we’re now allowing managed clients and partners to advertise content containing implicit or explicit reference to COVID-19 in certain use cases, with restrictions.”

Those specific use cases will be:

  • Adjustments to business practices and/or models in response to COVID-19
  • Support for customers and employees related to COVID-19

This enables brands that are approved to advertise changes to their business operations and their assistance measures. However, Twitter will still be enforcing restrictions on using content with mention of the virus that goes against the public good.

For example, Twitter states specifically that it will not allow ads that include:

  • Distasteful references to COVID-19 (or variations)
  • Content that may be sensational or likely to incite panic
  • Inflated prices on products related to COVID-19

This is great news for business to be able to communicate to their customers via social media any changes as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown. Other social media platforms are joining in on enabling their platforms to be more useful for business advertising. Facebook has also recently launched a new set of Page tools to help businesses update their operating hours and service delivery options to help them stay connected, and operational, amid the global lockdowns.

One of the newest measures to assist businesses dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 shutdowns is rolling out grants for small businesses.

Facebook official statement:

“In the US, we are committing $40 million to support 10,000 small businesses in 34 locations where our employees live and work. Those local businesses can go to facebook.com/grantsforbusiness to see the eligibility for applications, which will start in the US next week.”

In addition to grants, Facebook is adding a gift card listing tool so customers can order digital gift cards for their favorite restaurants and businesses. This is currently being rolled out in the US and will soon be available internationally.  Facebook is also adding some new Page options which will enable impacted businesses to list temporary changes to their operations as a result of COVID-19.

Final Thoughts

These are logical moves from both social media platforms, and moves which will provide benefit to many. To catch up on the latest digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.