Tag Archive for: blog content

Audience Context: Why It Matters

Your content is most likely catered to audience personas, as it should be. All marketers rely on an outlined demographic of the audience you have targeted as potential customers. However, there is no way for a persona to account for your audience context – what is a real person experiencing at the exact moment they see your content?

In a perfect world, 100% of your content would be catered specifically to every potential customer. Thankfully, there are tools we can use to get a better idea of the customer’s headspace to match up with the audience context.

Keyword Planners

Often times keyword planners are used as a crutch to plug in a few key topics and phrases, and overload on content to increase your organic traffic. We advise to rather think of keyword planners as tools to help understand the specific language your readers are using. Focus on the phrases that pose as questions, and answer those questions in your content to give immediate value to your readers.

Google Trends

Once you have your group of keywords and key phrases, enter them into Google Trends to see what else you can learn about people using those search terms. This step will help you to match up your content to fit your audience context. Look into geographic locations, and the time of day, month, or year people access information and searches increase.

Popular Content

Try googling the question you are trying to answer in your content, and see what else is currently out there. Use this to see if you can do a better job explaining the question at hand or fill in missing gaps of information.


Now step one is complete. You know what challenges your potential customers are facing. Now for step 2, which is understanding how your customers feel about their challenges and utilize effective emotional writing to strike a chord with this audience.

Show Audience Context, Don’t Tell

The most simple mistake to make when writing emotional content to engage your audience is telling them that you’re doing it. Don’t tell the reader how they feel. Instead, imagine how they would prefer to feel and give them that. Audience context is all about resonating with the reader without exposing your intention.

Resonate, Don’t Exploit

When it comes to audience context, you should evoke, not exploit, emotion in people. It’s quite simple to exploit intense emotions of fear, anger, agitation in our audiences in order to sell. We advise against this strategy and encourage you to instead show the reader you understand their emotions and maybe even share them.

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4 Reasons Why Your Blog Traffic is Poor

Driving traffic to a blog is much easier said than done. The internet is filled with millions of blogs and it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. There are many potential reasons behind the struggles of your blog traffic. Whether it’s bad SEO, inconsistency, or boring content, it’s never too late to “resurrect” your blog and turn things around. From our blogging experiences at Onimod Global, we have came up with four major reasons listed below as to why your blog traffic may be struggling at the moment.

1. SEO is Lacking:
Ensuring that your blog posts are as highly optimized as possible for relevant search queries must be a top priority. It’s important to point out that a strong SEO presence doesn’t just happen overnight, it takes time and effort. Some facets of your blog to pay the most attention to regarding SEO are the URL title, meta descriptions, key words, headlines of articles, etc. Downloading an SEO plugin for your blog will also help. “Yoast SEO” for instance is by far the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress and should be utilized by all users.

2. Low Emphasis on Social Media:
In addition to focusing on SEO, sharing blog content on multiple social media platforms will most likely be the most effective way to drive traffic. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Google Plus, and other social mediums should all be utilized. The hardest aspect of sharing content on social media is gaining a respectable and loyal following. If your blog is in its early stages and seeking initial traffic, try requesting friends and family members to share your posts through their social media accounts. You never know who will come across your blog and become a fan of your content.

3. Inconsistent Posting:
The last thing viewers/readers want to see is inconsistency or inactivity when it comes to blog posting.  If you want readers to keep coming back and become “regulars” you need to be consistent with your blog. Consistent and frequent posting can also be a factor when it comes to SEO. The more content you put out there online, the better chance you have of ranking on search engines. Ultimately, not sticking to a consistent posting schedule will most likely result in one thing – a decrease in viewership.

4. Headlines and Content lack Engagement:
It’s not hard to figure out that in order for a blog to become successful and drive traffic, the headlines and overall content must be engaging. Headlines should always be designed to grab attention because it is the first impression that potential readers will have of your blog. Your content could be stellar, but if headlines are bad people will have zero interest in clicking on your posts. Regarding content, if you want readers to keep coming back and even start to share posts, your content must be compelling. The famous saying “content is king” is extremely accurate when it comes to blog posting. At the end of the day, if your blog content sucks readers will have no interest in coming back.

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