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SEO Optimization Tips for Your Website

With millions of websites vying for users’ attention, standing out can be tricky. Yet, there is a solution: SEO Optimization.

By optimizing your website for SEO, you can improve your website’s ranking in SERPs and attract more traffic. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to make your website an SEO powerhouse! This blog will explore the steps you can take to optimize your website for SEO and achieve online success. Here’s what you need to know.

Understanding SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, improves your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) by optimizing its content, structure, and performance. SEO aims to make your website more visible to users searching for keywords related to your business or industry. But how do search engines determine which websites to display on their results pages?

Understanding SEO is crucial for optimizing your website and attracting more traffic. Search engines use complex algorithms that analyze various factors, such as the relevance and quality of a website’s content, its structure and organization, and its performance and user experience. The higher your website ranks in SERPs, the more likely users are to visit your site. Let’s look at some ways you can optimize your website for SEO.

Conducting Keyword Research

Keywords are the cornerstone of SEO and pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns. To improve your website’s SEO, ranking at the top of Google’s search results should be your top priority. By identifying your website’s most relevant and high-traffic keywords, you can attract quality website traffic that may turn into leads and new clients.

Fortunately, various tools are available to conduct keyword research, such as Google Keyword Planner. If your marketing budget allows, you can also invest in pay-per-click ads to get organic results for your website. With Google Ads, advertisers bid to appear at the top of search results for specific keywords. Choosing keywords that indicate a user is ready to buy can be a smart strategy for a paid search campaign. You can improve your website’s ranking and attract traffic by targeting the right keywords.

Optimizing Your Website’s Content

Optimizing your website’s content is crucial to attract more traffic and improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Creating high-quality, original content relevant to your target audience is essential. Using relevant keywords throughout your content can help, but be careful not to overuse them, as keyword stuffing can result in penalties from search engines.

Another effective strategy is to use internal links to help search engines understand the structure of your website and the relationships between pages. Internal links can improve the user experience and encourage visitors to explore your site further. Additionally, external links to reputable sources can enhance your website’s credibility and authority in the eyes of search engines.

Headlines are also an essential aspect of optimizing your website’s content. Using H1 and H2 tags for your headlines and including your target keywords can improve your website’s ranking in SERPs. Remember that the quality and relevance of your content are essential factors in SEO. Therefore, focus on creating informative, engaging, and helpful content for your target audience.

Remember that SEO is an ongoing process, and it may take some time to see results. Stay committed to creating high-quality content that provides value to your audience, and you will see the benefits over time.

Optimizing Your Website’s Structure

Your website’s structure is another paramount factor in SEO optimization. A well-structured website makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages. Here are some tips for optimizing your website’s structure:

  • Use a Simple URL Structure: Your website’s URLs should be readable. Avoid using long, complex URLs that include unnecessary characters.
  • Use a Mobile-Friendly Design: More users are accessing websites from their mobile devices. Websites should have a responsive design that looks great on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Use Schema Markup: Schema markup is a code that helps search engines understand your website’s content. Using schema markup, you can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages.

Regularly reviewing your website’s analytics and search engine rankings can help you identify areas for improvement and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly. 

Continually Improving Your SEO

SEO isn’t a one-time fix. It is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and improving your website’s SEO. Here are some tips for monitoring and improving your SEO:

  • Use Google Analytics: Google Analytics provides valuable insights into your website’s traffic and performance. Use it to track your website’s traffic and identify areas for improvement.
  • Regularly Update Your Content: Updating your website’s content can improve your SEO and attract more traffic. Aim to update your content at least once a week.
  • Monitor Your Website’s Backlinks: Backlinks from reputable sources can improve your website’s credibility and ranking. Use tools like Ahrefs to monitor your website’s backlinks and identify areas for improvement.

Additionally, regularly updating your website’s content with new and relevant information can help improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). By consistently monitoring and improving your website’s SEO, you can attract more traffic and achieve online success over the long term.

Final Thoughts

SEO optimization is crucial to attracting more traffic and improving your website’s ranking in search engine results pages. Following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a website optimized for SEO and achieve online success.

At Onimod Global, we are your in-house marketing team based in Chicago, specializing in specific marketing verticals or a well-balanced approach. Our services range from social media to SEO and paid search, and we offer the tools you need to ensure your business succeeds online. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and teaching you the most relevant and up-to-date digital marketing skills.

Contact us today if you have any questions about creating your online presence and need help strategizing. We are here to help you achieve your goals and take your business to the next level.

4 Ways to Boost Your WordPress SEO

Yes WordPress is SEO-friendly, but simply launching a WordPress website isn’t enough to rank at the top of the search engines.

WordPress has been around since 2003, and has certainly come a long way to help define itself as a powerful marketing tool. Over a third of all websites are using WordPress, simply for its publishing platform and well-designed SEO.

However, if you want your site to rank higher than your competitors’ sites, you still need to do some work yourself. Here’s a couple ways Onimod Global can help you improve your WordPress site’s SEO.

Carry Out Keyword Research

Without keyword research, you are not going to know which search terms you should be optimizing your site’s content for. Keyword research should come at the start of any SEO project and be used to plan your site content and on-page optimization.

You can use our Keyword Overview tool to identify the keywords you should be using and optimizing for. Whether you are starting to optimize your site from scratch or are creating new content, knowing the keywords you are trying to rank the page for is essential.

Craft Unique Optimized Title Tags & Meta Descriptions

Your page’s title tag tells users and search engines what your page is about and is commonly regarded as being an important ranking factor. It is what feeds the clickable page title you see on Google search results.

Yoast automatically sets your page’s title tag using your page heading. What’s nice about Yoast is that you also have the ability to overwrite this and improve it in order to work in variations of keywords that you might not include in your page’s heading. Here are a couple things you can do to optimize your title tags and Meta descriptions:

  • You can either use snippet variables, add custom text as your title tag, or use a mix of both.
  • Meta descriptions indirectly impact your site’s organic performance due to Click-through- rate. It is worth spending time to write enticing descriptions. 

Use Internal Linking

You need to use internal linking within your content to help establish topical relevance between different pages on your site, to pass authority earned from external links, and to help users efficiently navigate.

Adding in internal links to other pages in WordPress is really simple. All you need to do is highlight the text which you want to link (this will be your link’s anchor text) and click the ‘link’ button on the toolbar, which will then allow you to either paste a URL or search for pages within your site.

Mark Up Your Pages with Schema

Schema markup can help to enhance your SEO efforts by adding context to your content and data. It helps Google to understand your content, present it in different and useful ways, which enhances a searcher’s experience.

By adding context to your pages, you are making it more likely that you not only rank higher but also get clicks when your page receives impressions. Since Yoast 11.0, a full structured data graph is built for every post or page on your site, but there are instances where you will want to mark up specific blocks within WordPress.  

Last Thoughts

WordPress is one of the most SEO-friendly CMS’ out there, and that is one of the reasons why it is so popular. It is user-friendly and easy to implement a whole host of SEO tactics using just a small number of fantastic plugins. By following the steps above, you are putting yourself in a great position to outrank your competitors.

Onimod Global is your Chicago-based, in-house marketing team, your partner experts for specific marketing verticals or some nice balance in between. We excel in customer service and will teach you the most relevant and up-to-date digital marketing skills. From social media to SEO and paid search, you will have the tools to ensure your business succeeds online.  

Have questions about creating your online presence and need help strategizing? Contact us here today.

5 Google Ads Campaign Tips for 2021

Is your 2021 resolution to improve your Google Ads campaigns and increase your overall business profitability? As marketers, it’s important to maintain control over our strategies and campaigns. Google’s optimizations are not always in the best interests of our business, they also don’t exactly know the context of our brands. To succeed in the upcoming year, we must try new things and change our strategies and tactics. We have to integrate more data, retain control over automatic Google optimizations and fight against increased competition. 

Here are 5 things to do and focus on in 2021 to improve your Google Ads campaigns. 

1. Have keyword intent. 

Google always favors consistency with campaigns. The more similar performance your keywords have, usually the better the campaign will perform overall. When selecting keywords, user intent should be the top priority around which we group our keywords. 

Users who have searched for the name of your brand are obviously more likely to convert once they make it to your website. So, any keywords relating to your brand should be grouped together since they bring the best CPA and ROAS. Any keywords mentioning “price” or “discount” are strong signals of purchasing intent as well. Phrases including “specifications,” “size” or “warranty” are important to bid on, but CTR and CR are likely to be lower, so you want to reduce your bid. 

If you want to improve results, it’s important to visualize and quantify areas in which you can improve things and find new business. The trick is to structure your account appropriately. This can be a tedious and complicated process, but there are a number of tools that can assist you. 

2. Declutter your campaigns. 

Keeping a close eye on all aspects of your campaigns can seem overwhelming, yet it can be key to success. Any underperforming spend represents the portion of your Google Ads investment that either has a low quality score or isn’t converting enough. To reduce waste spend, it’s important to focus on two Google reports: Quality Score and Search Query Report. This will help you analyze the search terms that trigger your ads and identify where to increase and decrease spend. 

3. Identify and double down on your strengths. 

It’s a common misconception that bidding on new keywords automatically leads to increasing sales. While this is sometimes true, it’s more effective to make sure you have the maximum market share on the keywords that are your most profitable, beyond just branded traffic. 

The best way to ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunity is to monitor your impression share on Google Ad SEPRs. Lost impressions relate to missed opportunities on searches related to the keywords you bid on. Best practice includes focusing on your top 10 campaigns and checking the market shares of your competitors, monitoring closely when you’re not shown and identifying why that might be. 

4. Use high quality creatives. 

Ad copy and visuals obviously play a huge role in your campaigns. Users are exposed to more than 6000 ads daily, so standing out and grabbing attention is essential. The quality of creative weighs up to 80% in the performance of Facebook Ads campaigns and the case is similar for Google Ads. Optimizing ads and creatives includes giving in to statistics. It’s impossible to know for sure which creatives will perform best without testing multiple versions. It’s also important to continuously test ads. Even when you identify a clear winner in one test, create new versions to continue to test to ensure you’re always increasing your ad performance. 

5. Spend smarter, not more. 

Spend should be allocated not only on keywords or placement levels, but user profiles also need to be taken into account. Data is gathered from users’ declarative info, when and where they’re active online, as well as Google Analytics shared data and inferred data from previous search queries. It’s important to take these user profiles into consideration and make bid adjustments to your most valuable audiences and criteria. 

More from Onimod Global 

At Onimod Global we’re experts in all areas of Google Ads. If you’re looking for digital marketing assistance, we can help your business reach its full digital potential. Interested in growing digital presence for your company? Reach out to us here!

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

How to Develop the Most Effective Keyword Strategy

The development of keyword strategies has changed drastically over time. Back in the day (AKA 5 to 10 years ago), a common goal among search marketers was to obtain as many keywords as possible. The number of keywords in your account was something to respect about a marketer in that time and today that has remarkably changed. Instead of focusing on the quantity of keywords, the emphasis is centered now on the quality of what keywords you want to target. The experts here at Onimod Global have a few do’s and don’ts you can implement into your keyword strategy.

Do: Identify themes.

Identifying themes for specific pages is crucial. There is only so much room to expand on any existing keywords you have before it just becomes irrelevant to your site and won’t create any relevant traffic or visibility. An example that Search Engine Land suggests is instead of attempting to search for every possible, insanely-specific description of a shirt like “pink polka dotted yellow shirt”, look for other opportunities to branch out. For example, look into different types of shirts such as “sweaters”, “tees”, “blouses”, and so on.

Don’t: Keyword Stuffing.

This is exactly as it sounds, stuffing a bunch of the keyword you’re attempting to rank for in a particular page on your site. Don’t get us wrong; it’s essential to have those keywords on the pages you want to rank for that specific keyword. The key is to find that right amount of using that keyword where you’re still delivering high-quality content. Not only is this pretty unethical, but it also can look like spam and will be treated as such by Google or other search engines.

Do: Utilize meta descriptions.

A meta description is merely a short paragraph that appears on SERP (search engine results page). These can increase your click-through rate if you optimize your keyword in this location. The meta description has virtually nothing to do with ranking in web searches; however, it is helpful with click-through rate which will increase your ranking in the long run.

Don’t: Get caught up in your professional terminology.

This is extremely easy to do, and it can hurt your page ranking on SERP. This is because you can often forget to account for ways that a consumer without your technical knowledge might seek out your product or service. When deciding on keywords you want to target, remember to think like a consumer. For any of you that focus mostly on B2C sales, this is significantly important. An opportunity to take advantage of would be to do market research in focus groups to discover what consumers are wanting or needing your services would search.

Do: Monitor the impact of new keywords.

When adding new keywords, you want to make sure they are adding value to your account. A straightforward way to track this is to label new keywords as they are attached, this way you can quickly give a performance review, whether that be good or bad. Additionally, make sure that a keyword you have added is contributing positively while not taking away from existing keywords. If this is the case, make sure the performance of the account overall is increasing in strength.

Don’t: Duplicate keywords.

Duplicating keywords is another factor in keyword strategy that is a common mistake, but easily avoidable. Broad match keywords don’t rely on which order the terms are in, so keywords that would be considered duplicates are just words rearranged in a search. For example, “charcoal suit jacket” and “suit jacket charcoal” would be viewed as a duplicate and would also compete for the same search. The main thing here is you don’t want to be competing against yourself and spend more on clicks than necessary.

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