5 Signs Your Website Needs a New Design

In today’s digital world, your website isn’t just a place on the internet—it’s your storefront, your business card, and your best salesperson all rolled into one. But just like a physical store needs a fresh coat of paint and updated displays from time to time, your website might also need a makeover to keep up with the times and meet the expectations of your visitors.

Here are five signs that it might be time to consider a redesign:

1. Outdated Appearance

Think of your website as the face of your business online. If it looks like it hasn’t been touched since dial-up internet was a thing, it could be turning away potential customers. An old-school design can give the impression that your business isn’t up-to-date or reliable. According to a study by Stanford, 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company’s credibility based on their website’s design.

Why it Matters: A modern, visually appealing design not only looks good but also shows visitors that you care about your brand and their experience. It builds trust and encourages them to explore further.

What to Do: Consider updating your design with current trends in mind. Fresh colors, clean layouts, high-quality images, and a cohesive style that reflects your brand’s personality can make a world of difference.

2. Poor User Experience (UX)

Ever been to a store where you couldn’t find what you were looking for, and the aisles were confusing? Websites can feel the same way if they’re hard to navigate or slow to load. If visitors struggle to find information or complete simple tasks, they’re likely to click away. According to fitsmallbusiness.com, the return of investment (ROI) of spending on UX is 9,900%

Why it Matters: A smooth, intuitive user experience keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to spend more time on your site. It’s like guiding them through your store and showing them exactly what they need.

What to Do: Take a step back and look at your website from a visitor’s perspective. Simplify navigation, improve loading times, and organize content so it’s easy to find. The easier it is for people to use your site, the more likely they are to stick around.

3. Slow Loading Speed

In a world where everyone expects things instantly, waiting for a website to load can feel like an eternity. According to Google, 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than three seconds to load. Slow loading times frustrate visitors and could send them straight to your competitors who offer a faster experience.

Why it Matters: Speed isn’t just a convenience—it’s a big factor in whether visitors stay or leave. A fast-loading site keeps people happy and helps your site rank better in search engines, bringing in more visitors over time.

What to Do: Optimize your website for speed. Compress images, clean up unnecessary code, and consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your site’s content faster. Your visitors will thank you with longer visits and more conversions.

4. Non-Responsive Design

Imagine trying to read a billboard while squinting because it’s too small. That’s how visitors feel when they visit a website on their phone or tablet that isn’t designed to fit their screen. A responsive design adjusts to whatever device someone is using, ensuring a seamless experience.

Why it Matters: More and more people browse the internet on their phones. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on potential customers who will quickly move on to a site that is.

What to Do: Invest in a responsive redesign that adapts your site’s layout and content to different screen sizes. Make sure buttons are easy to tap, text is readable without zooming, and everything works smoothly on every device.

5. Low Conversion Rates

Ultimately, your website should help you achieve your business goals, whether that’s making a sale, capturing a lead, or getting someone to sign up. If visitors aren’t taking action and converting, it’s a sign that something in your design might be holding them back. Businesses that update their website design regularly are 50% more likely to see increased return on investment (ROI).

Why it Matters: A well-designed website guides visitors toward your goals. Clear calls-to-action, easy-to-use forms, and a layout that naturally leads people through the buying process can make a big difference in your conversion rates.

What to Do: Analyze your website’s performance. Look at where visitors drop off, test different calls-to-action, and make sure every page serves a purpose in moving people closer to conversion. A redesign focused on improving these areas can turn more visitors into happy customers.


Your website is your digital handshake with the world. It’s often the first impression potential customers have of your business, and you want to make it count. If you’ve noticed any of these signs—whether it’s an outdated look, frustrating user experience, slow loading times, lack of mobile friendliness, or low conversion rates—it’s probably time to consider a redesign.

Investing in a fresh, user-friendly website not only enhances your brand’s image but also shows visitors that you’re committed to providing them with a great experience. It’s like giving your storefront a facelift to attract more foot traffic and convert more browsers into buyers.

Ready for change? We are your in-house web dev team. Rely on us for new project development or website maintenance. We can do it all – Websites built by a Digital Marketing firm with Search Engine Rankings in mind.

We analyze data from Traffic Sources and Visitor Flow to establish the routes people take to reach you, the devices they use to get there and what they do on your website. Utilizing this information allows us to build highly engaging, search friendly websites for your business.

Contact us today to start giving your website the attention it deserves.

The Art of Landing Pages and Home Pages

If you are involved in digital marketing, you’ve often heard the terms “landing page” and “home page.” But what are they exactly? Are they interchangeable or serve distinct purposes in a successful digital marketing strategy? And how can you optimize both to drive customer engagement and conversions? Let’s dive in and explore these topics.

What is a Home Page?

The home page is the digital ‘front door’ of your business. Visitors typically see the first page when they type your business URL into their browser. Its primary purpose is to provide an overview of your business and guide visitors to other sections of your website through navigation menus.

The home page must be comprehensive and appealing, as it serves a wide range of purposes – from informing first-time visitors about your brand and offerings to providing regular updates for returning customers. It’s a general-purpose page that links to all other important areas of your site.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page, on the other hand, is a more targeted web page crafted with a single goal or call to action (CTA) in mind. It’s where a visitor ‘lands’ after clicking a specific link from an email, advertisement, or search engine result. These pages are often used in marketing campaigns to guide visitors toward a particular action, like signing up for a newsletter, purchasing, or filling out a form.

Unlike a home page, a landing page is designed to limit the options available to visitors, removing distractions and focusing their attention on the desired action. This focused approach can significantly improve conversion rates.

The Key Differences

While both landing pages and home pages are critical parts of any website, their purposes, audiences, and structures are distinct. Here are the key differences:

  • Purpose: The home page gives an overview of your business, while a landing page is focused on a single conversion goal.
  • Audience: The home page caters to a wide audience, including new and returning visitors. In contrast, a landing page is created for a specific segment of your audience who’ve shown interest in your ads or marketing emails.
  • Structure: The home page has a navigation menu linking to various sections of your website. A landing page has minimal navigation to reduce distractions and guide visitors to the CTA.

How to Excel at Both

Here are 3 of the best practices to excel at home pages:

Clear Navigation: Your home page should be easy to navigate, with clear menus that guide visitors to important areas of your website.

Compelling Value Proposition: Showcase your unique offerings and what makes you stand out. Your home page should quickly convey who you are, what you offer, and why visitors should choose you over competitors.

Engaging Design: An aesthetically pleasing design, combined with compelling content, can create a positive first impression and increase the time visitors spend on your website

Now that we’ve talked about the home page’s best practices let’s discuss landing pages:

Focus on One Goal: Each landing page should have a clearly defined goal. Whether downloading an eBook, signing up for a webinar, or purchasing, the entire page should be crafted around this goal.

Compelling Headlines and Copy: Use persuasive headlines and copy to convey the value of your offer. The copy should be easy to understand, highlighting the benefits of your offer and why visitors should act now.

Eliminate Distractions: Remove unnecessary navigation elements and links that could distract visitors from your primary goal. The simpler the page, the higher the chances of conversion.

Wrapping Up

Both home pages and landing pages play crucial roles in your digital marketing strategy. While they serve different purposes, understanding and optimizing these differences can significantly improve your online performance.

If you’re seeking assistance with web design, home pages, and landing pages, or need a guiding hand in sculpting a winning social media strategy, look no further! Onimod Global is your ultimate destination for a plethora of digital marketing solutions.

As proud Google Partners, come and explore our services, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

5 Tips to Incorporate Images into Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is more than sending a message to your customers. It involves emotions, needs and desires to have it resonate with your customers. The best way to get your audience to take action is by using images.

Images are more than just a pretty picture—they’re a way to engage with your customers’ emotions, needs and desires. Marketing copy without images doesn’t resonate with customers. Continue reading here to learn more.

1. Images Are Memorable

Seeing a pretty picture sticks with you longer than the short description or advertisment it was shown in. Did you know that when people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of it three days later? But if that same information is paired with a photo (or some other type of image), the likelihood of people retaining that info is increased to 65%!

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your retention rates, try pairing your content with an image.

2. Images Communicate Faster

If you’re trying to be heard and seen in a very fast paced world, images are your best friend.

We see over 5,000 advertisements a day—and most of us can’t even remember what they were for. Think about the images that stick with us: the Coca-Cola polar bears or the red M&M dancing in front of a crazy background.

Images work because they are digested quicker than text. It takes readers about 10 seconds to process and decide on the value of written text—not to mention the time required to read it! On the other hand, the mental and emotional impact from an image happens almost instantly.

3. Images Keep People Wanting More

Images are an important part of content marketing. They encourage readers to stick around and engage with your website.

In fact, TIME magazine wrote a piece about website visitors staying on a site for no more than 15 seconds. Having cool and interesting photos can help engage readers to learn more about what you do as a company and in turn has them spending more time on articles and site pages.

4. Images Increase Engagement

When it comes to digital marketing, the image is everything.

Whether your content includes images that illustrate text or simply accompany an article, readers want to see visuals. Articles and blog posts that contain images get over 90% more total views than those without.

Press releases also see a 45% increase in views when a photo or video are included. The same goes for social media: Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images, and Facebook posts with images see over 2x more engagement than those without.

At the end of the day, visuals make it easy for readers to digest and remember what they’re reading.

5. Images Help Make Sales

Online shopping is even more popular now with significant pushes from TikTok. However, most buyers won’t know what their product will exactly looks like once it arrives. This is where having high quality, and accurate photos of a product are so important. Most consumers want to know the quality of an item by looking at a photo. About 63% of customers think that image quality is more valuable than product information or even a detailed product description.

Final Thoughts

Whether you decide to use, Stock Photos, Branded Images/Graphics, Infographics, GIFs, or User-Generated Content there are many ways to employ visuals into your marketing. At Onimod Global, we specialize content creation, image and ad creation and much much more.

Looking to get started on digital marketing efforts for 2023? Contact us today.

SEO Tips to Drive Web Traffic

The first step in any successful inbound strategy is to attract strangers to visit your site. But putting it into practice can be tricky. 

If you don’t take time to get this right early on, then everything else in your marketing strategy can fall apart. Looking to drive more website traffic to your homepage? Here are a couple tips to help get you started.

Optimize Your Website for “Searchers.”

When it comes to SEO, you might think that you’re supposed to optimize your site for search engines. And while optimizing for search engines can be a great way to get more traffic, it’s not the only way.

If you really want to optimize your content for searchers, you need to focus on how they’re going to interact with it. When you create a website that can answer questions and solve problems for them, it will be much more valuable than a site that just shows up in search results.

So when you’re creating a new website or updating an old one, don’t just think about what people will find when they search for something. Think about what they need help with when they arrive on your site.

Emphasize on Keywords

Keywords are like bridges that search engines use to connect the searcher with your content. But if you want those bridges to get traffic, your content has to be interesting enough for them to want to visit your site. When it comes to keyword research, it’s important that you know who your personas are. That way you can create content that addresses their specific needs and problems.

Utilize User-Friendly Websites

Cognitive fluency is the idea that we tend to like people and things that are familiar or similar to things we already know. It helps explain why we like our friends and family so much more than strangers. It explains why every time we see a new car on the road its design seems so familiar; and it explains why websites that attract more traffic tend to have a similar look and feel as other popular sites.

So what does this mean for your website? Well, if you want viewers to trust you or find your services valuable, then it’s important that they see something familiar when they visit your site. But how do you get there?

One easy way is to simply ask your current customers what they’d expect to see on a website like yours. You can ask them about the design or style choices they’d like to see. If your website doesn’t match their descriptions, it might be time to look into additional website optimization strategies.

Utilize Blog Posts

Blog posts are an essential part of your marketing strategy. You can use your blog posts to show that you have expertise in the area, that you understand their problems, and that you have solutions for them. When they visit your site, they’ll see that you’re not just some faceless corporation—you’re a person who cares about what they need and who wants to help them succeed.

If you want to attract visitors to drive sustained traffic to your side, then you need to keep blogging consistently. Blogging on a regular basis gives search engines a reason to crawl your website on a regular basis – again, giving you more opportunities for those search engines to discover and index your pages.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to revamp your SEO efforts, you’ll need the right digital marketing strategy.

At Onimod Global, we offer digital marketing strategies that will take your content creation efforts to the next level. Whether you’re a small business or global enterprise, we’ll work with you to make sure your brand represents who you are as a company and where you want to go next. Contact us today to get started!

Why is Blogging Important?

A stale website is a digital marketer’s worst nightmare. Without a consistent blog, it can be hard to keep your content relevant. No matter what industry you’re in, sharing information is an important way to engage with consumers of all kinds while driving valuable traffic to your site.

So how do you make sure your blog stays fresh? Here are some simple tips to help you.

Blogging Drives Website Traffic

Think of your website, and your blog, as a publication that needs to be updated regularly. This is one of your most valued marketing assets as a digital marketer. A blog helps you stay relevant with customers, prospects, and search engines. Relevant content drives more traffic, its estimated that 93 percent of online experiences beginning with a Google search. 

Here are a couple tips to follow to boost your search-ability:

  • When you blog consistently, your site is more likely to be crawled by search engine spiders.
  • Because of this consistent crawling, search engines will deem your site as active and more relevant than static sites.
  • Active sites are crawled on a regular basis, and will rank higher for the keywords their content is targeting.

Blogging Builds Brand Authority

Customers and prospects are looking for experts. If you want to be seen as an expert in your industry, blogging is the best way to accomplish this goal. By writing blogs, you can showcase your expertise, share industry knowledge, and build trust with customers by giving them insider information about what makes your company special.

Customers want to know that they’re working with a company that knows what they’re talking about. But strategy is key. When blogging to build brand authority focus on the following:

  • How does your product or services benefit them?
  • What are the pain points that your potential buyer is searching for?
  • How can you help them solve these pain points?
  • Think about FAQs surrounding your products or services. Can you write content that provides helpful answers and insights?

Blogging Improves Customer Engagement

If you’re blogging the right way, then your actively posting about the topics that are causing concern with your customers and personas. And to do this effectively, you have to start engaging with your customers. Blogging makes this a priority and forces you to have these essential conversations with your buyers. By directly engaging with your customers and their questions, you’ll not only create more effective content, but you’ll keep your audience coming back.

If you want to make sure that your blog is posting on the right topics, then make sure it’s being written by someone who knows what they’re talking about. You don’t want someone who has no clue about what they’re doing writing an article on something complicated like SEO or content creation. You need someone who knows what they’re talking about and can write in a way that engages readers.

Blogging is Essential to your Marketing Strategy

Blogging is a critical part of any effective digital marketing strategy. It’s a great way to help your customers and prospects feel empowered, informed, and educated about the products or services you offer. When done correctly, blogging can very likely be one of the biggest revenue drivers of your business. The results will be rewarding!

Final Thoughts

Onimod Global, has over 13 years of experience and expertise when it comes to all things digital marketing and advertising.

From social media marketing and blogging, to innovative SEO strategies and automation & analytics, we provide an array of services that can help ease the load off overwhelmed and overburdened marketing departments, especially in medium to large companies where the flow of different tasks is continuous.

Need help applying the latest marketing trends to your 2023 strategy? Contact us here today.

Best Practices for Great Landing Pages

What makes a landing page great? The primary goal of a landing page is to nurture customers who aren’t ready to buy – yet. And show them how your company can provide them value in that area of curiosity. Great landing pages are essential to any business because they help drive sales to your product and services as well as boost customer experience.

Let’s take a look at how you can implement Onimod Global’s tips to make a great landing page.

Crafting Good Headlines

A headline is one of the first things that a user will see when they click on a landing page. With this in mind, it’s important to write headlines that sell. Here’s are a few tips on how to create a compelling headline for your website:

1. Don’t be ambiguous. Your headline should sum up the content of your video in an engaging, concise and eye-catching way.

2. Make sure it conveys the benefits of your offer. This will make users more likely to stay on the page and act on the call to action.

3. Keep in mind that an optimized page title can also help you rank better in the search engines. Having an indexed landing page on your site that is keyword optimized raises its visibility for that particular query.

4. Finally, make sure your headline for your landing page matches the headline of your email, ad, SEO copy, etc. for a seamless user experience

Having Separate Landing Pages For Different Campaigns

Message matching is an important part of a great user experience.  Message matching is defined as, matching the heading of your landing page with the headline of the ad or piece of marketing your visitor clicked. This is especially crucial if you’re a B2C company.

Most B2C’s create and distribute a large amount of content across many different categories and product types, simply sending users to your homepage or a different product page from your promotional pages won’t allow that message to match up properly.

Be Mindful of the Images You Choose

Hubspot estimates that 65% of people retain information paired with relevant images compared to 10% of people who only hear that same information. Because of this, you want to make sure that your images are inspiring, original and eye-catching, but most importantly you want to make sure they inspire your visitors to action.

A concise, educational video can also boost conversion rates if you’d prefer to go that route. But be mindful of the images you choose. Your images should always help you earn conversions, not distract your visitors. 

Implementing Engaging CTA’s

Your call-to-action (CTA) button is the most important part of your landing page because it’s the way that new leads are created in your system. Without this button, you don’t get potential new customers, and the rest of the copy and images on your page lose their importance. Great CTAs can increase your conversion rates, see some of our following tips below:

  1. Having a convincing CTA button. Avoid using terms like “submit”, “get started”, and use terms like “Get my free trial”, or “Send me the eBook”.
  2. Your CTA button should contrast the surrounding elements on your landing page in order to draw attention.

Final Thoughts

Design and digital marketing go hand in hand. Without the two it can be hard to have your campaigns stand out in order to drive engagement and new leads. At Onimod Global, we can help you craft a strategic digital marketing plan to meet your company’s needs.

Whether you need help with your web design and landing pages or your social media strategy, we are your one-stop-shop for all things digital marketing. For more information on our services, reach out to us today!

Essential B2B Marketing Tips to Grow Your Business

As the world increasingly becomes digital, so too does the landscape of marketing. Would you like to know how to market your business to other businesses? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place.

When people think of B2B marketing strategies, they probably think about direct and outbound marketing techniques.

However, you may wonder which ones are essential for success in today’s hyper-competitive environment. In this article, we will explore fundamental B2B marketing strategies that will not only help your business keep up, but help you get ahead.

Here’s what you need to know.

What Is B2B Marketing?

B2B marketing is a process that involves creating, distributing and promoting products and services to other businesses. It refers to an interaction between two companies rather than an individual. It can be used as a noun (“We have a great B2B strategy”) or as an adjective (“Our sales team is doing great work with their new B2B client base”).

As opposed to consumer marketing, which focuses on communicating with consumers and providing information about products that they might want to buy, B2B marketing focuses on communicating with the people who are responsible for buying the products—typically c-suite or director-level professionals at other companies.

Therefore, B2B marketing is different from other kinds of marketing. One key difference when businesses buy from other businesses is how there is often a longer sales cycle. Buyers are looking for solutions that solve complex challenges related to their businesses. So effective B2B marketing is challenged with providing relevant, helpful and persuasive content that attracts the attention of buyers at all stages of possible interest.

Here are some marketing strategies you can implement to help your business to get ahead of the competition.


We know that research is an important component of any modern marketing effort.

It gives you valuable baselines for measuring your results, and it helps you make more informed decisions. Research also lets you know your clients better—which puts you in a position to serve them better. Market research gives you insight into how your processes are performing. You’ll know which aspects of your businesses are performing most successfully and develop a better understanding of which services you should offer.

For example, if the company’s market research determines that their consumers are more likely to use Facebook than Twitter, they can then target their advertisements to one platform instead of another. Or, if they determine that their target market is value-sensitive rather than price-sensitive, they can work on improving the product rather than reducing their prices.

Specialization Strategy

If you’re looking to grow your business, one of the most important things you can do is specialize in a niche and target it with laser-like precision. You need to be able to show your customers that you have a unique selling point, and that’s what specialization does for you. It lets you become an expert in a particular area, and it can help your business stand out from the crowd.

Specialization makes all of your marketing efforts easier, because it tends to define exactly what you do and immediately distinguish you from the competition.

High Performing Website

Your website is one of your most crucial assets. It is much more than a digital billboard or brochure, as some businesses believed in the past. A successful website is the hub of a businesses online presence and an information-rich projection of its expertise into the marketplace.

Your website is a critical tool for building visibility. Potential clients search online to find service providers, and they need to be able to find your firm’s website in order for you to have a chance at winning their business. Plus, your website enables you to demonstrate your firm’s expertise and become well-known throughout the marketplace.

Your website can also help you attract new customers by providing them with information about your products and services, allowing them to make informed decisions about whether they want to do business with you or not. In addition, it allows you to build trust with potential customers by sharing information about your company culture and values, along with testimonials from previous clients who have had positive experiences working together on projects or assignments.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process by which you can improve the position of a page in search engine results by tweaking on-page and off-page factors. This is done to maximize search engine traffic and make sure your page appears on the first page of results.

There are a few ways to do this:

  • Optimize pages until they appear on the 1st page of search results
  • Claim special features like local search maps or search snippets
  • Get links into other high-traffic content

Final Thoughts

When it comes to B2B marketing, the opportunities are endless. At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, Website development and most importantly, helping you craft your B2B marketing strategy for the years to come.

We know what works and what doesn’t, so trust us when we say that you should consider investing into your digital marketing strategies now before they become obsolete.

Got questions about how to develop a digital marketing strategy for 2022 or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

Effective Ways to Generate Leads Online

The goal of any business is to generate leads that offer long-term value. If you’re searching for effective ways to generate leads for your business online, check out these tactics below.

Entrepreneurs, startups and even enterprise organizations are all in business to do one main thing: generate revenue.

Unfortunately, there’s no “magic bullet” that can make your website a magnet for prospective buyers. Instead, you’ll want to use a combination of lead generation ideas and tools to grow relationships with potential buyers.

1. Webinars

Webinars are a great opportunity to inform potential customers about your company, products and services. Be sure to inform your audience on how you can solve their problems. This will likely make them more willing to receive your message.

Webinars are a great way to build relationships with prospects and customers by creating a dialogue between the presenter and attendee. Webinars allow for instant feedback from participants through polls, surveys, or quizzes. This is a great opportunity to gather information about potential leads or customers. Having this feedback at hand is beneficial for follow-up emails and calls. At the end of the day it makes those who participated feel like they matter and were heard during the event itself!

If done correctly, a webinar is an excellent way for companies of any size (especially smaller businesses) to reach out to prospective clients while still keeping things simple enough that they don’t have too many resources tied up in running one at all times!

2. Offer Valuable Content

Your audience wants to learn. By creating unique and insightful content, you’ll in turn create interest and/or trust. These are the first steps in customer loyalty, and you guessed  it – leads.

Users are more likely to engage with your products or services if there is a video that explains how it works and how they can benefit from them. This, in turn, makes it easier to make purchasing decisions. Best practices for video content includes:

1. Use an engaging title that captures the user’s attention

2. Use subtitles and captions throughout the video so that users who are hard of hearing can enjoy and benefit from your content

3. Break up your videos into smaller chunks so that viewers can digest each piece of content individually, instead of having to watch all at once (which may be overwhelming)

4. Include a call-to-action at the end of your video so that viewers know what action they should take next

3. Social Media Competitions

When you’re trying to attract the attention of your ideal customers, a social media competition can be a great way to accomplish this.

Competitions are a great way to capture data from your ideal customers, as they typically only require them to do something simple like share/like/comment on a post or follow your page. This makes it easier for you to reach out and engage with them later.

It’s also important to offer an incentive for entering the competition. You’ll want to make sure that the prize is something easily shareable, such as gift cards or products. This will help increase your overall reach and drive leads directly into your business.

4. Create Outreach Programs

Using the internet to find leads is a great way to reach out and connect with potential customers, but it’s not always the best way. Sometimes the best way to find leads online is to track them down yourself!

There’s nothing wrong with this, as long as you go about it in the right way. If you’re surfing the web and find someone who could benefit from your product or service, you should have an outreach program or plan in place to handle this. When you do find a good lead, make sure that you follow up quickly. Don’t let them slip away—it can be hard enough for people to make time for new things, so don’t make them feel like they have to choose between your product and something else important in their lives.

Use social media channels like Twitter and Facebook to get in touch with potential customers who might be interested in what you have to offer.

How Onimod Global Can Help

Lead generation isn’t a one-and-done task. The more you tweak and test every step of your inbound lead generation process, the more you’ll improve lead quality and increase revenue.

Looking for a way to start marketing your business and generating more leads? Learn how lead generation fits into your inbound marketing strategy, plus easy ways that you can start generating leads for your company with Onimod Global. We can assist you with not only LeadGen strategies, but also a range of digital marketing services such as content creation, paid advertising, social media management, SEO, website development and more. Get started on your next marketing project by contacting us here today.


Want to keep learning? Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Is QR Code Marketing For You?

In a world of smartphones and 5G connectivity, QR codes have finally taken off in the world digital marketing.

QR codes have been around since the 1990s, but their use has only recently become common practice. Governments have played a prominent role in this development, bringing QR codes into the mainstream with their use during Covid-19 pandemic response efforts.

How do you know if QR Code marketing is for you? Let’s find out.

The Origin of QR Code Marketing

QR codes were invented in 1994 by a Japanese automotive company called Denso Wave. They created them for the purpose of tracking vehicles throughout production. The code pattern was inspired by a game called “Go” an abstract strategy game known for black and white pieces. Each QR code is uniquely designed so that it can be tied back to a piece of online data.

Codes can be read from all directions, so that the user can scan it quickly and land on the web page immediately. Before the pandemic, many thought the QR code had failed to reach its potential. However, COVID-19 had made QR codes to the center of public attention. Restaurants quickly popularized QR codes so customers can be instantly directed to their online menu.

Over 83% of American consumers have canned a QR code at least one, and 72% of people have scanned a QR code within the last month. Creating unique QR codes is a simple task that anyone can do. Nowadays, there are many free online QR code generators that can create them in a matter of seconds.

Since anyone and everyone has now jumped on board to QR code marketing, is there creative ways to implement them into your strategy? Let’s explore some examples of QR Code marketing methods.

Examples of QR Code Marketing

  • Coinbase

Coinbase is a great example of simple yet effective. During the 2022 Super Bowl, the brand created one of the most popular ads that displayed a bouncing QR code. Users could can the code and gain access to $15 worth of free bitcoin if they signed up for an account. Even though the ad slot cost them $13 million, their main goal was to attract attention – which worked. Their website crashed shortly after the ad went live due to a massive surge in web traffic.

  • Starbucks

Starbucks is another coffee retailer who has been incorporating mobile into its everyday initiatives. The Starbucks Card mobile application is now accepted at many Target and Starbucks stores, making it one of the largest mobile payment initiative in the U.S.

The mobile application lets Starbucks customers check their card balance, reload the card and view transactions. The new QR code initiative shows that Starbucks is using mobile to further engage with consumers.

Benefits of QR Codes

As the examples showed, QR codes offer a lot more marketing potential than one might initially think. They are cheap, ubiquitous, and can be used very creatively. Brands today are already taking advantage of QR codes in marketing campaigns so think about how you can also use them to achieve:

– Increased brand awareness

– Increased traffic to your website or blog

– More sales of your products or services

Why Onimod Global

At Onimod Global, one of our main goals is to develop ‘Digital Synergy’ for your company. ‘Digital Synergy’ is about having visibility in the places your consumer needs you, including introducing QR codes for your brand. Every search request is an opportunity; each action on a social site is an opportunity. Having the correct brand, product or service positioning is essential.

We align marketing departments with sales and executive directions. Our consultative approach streamlines and organizes the marketing conversation for your business.  Got questions about QR codes or want to learn more about our services? Contact us here today.

Long-Tail Keywords: What are they?

Are you tired of trying to rank for the two or three-tail high-competition keywords as your competitors? Long-tail keywords could be the answer. What are long-tail keywords and how do they work in search marketing? Let’s find out!

Targeted keywords filled with intent can help you reach your target audience. If they’re clicking to your site from the search engines, chances are they’re finding you through longtail keywords. Let us break down how to use long-tail keywords for your business’ benefit.

What are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are specific search queries that tend to have relatively low search volumes. They make up a large percentage of overall searches when added together. The term long-tail was coined to describe the phenomenon of niche products becoming a top seller.

The term “long tail” refers to the tail at the end of a curve when looking at keyword searches on Google. Long-tail keywords are specific but least-searched. A head keyword is typically a broad term when it comes to searching for a product/brand.

Here are a few examples of long-tail keywords vs. head keywords:

Head Keyword:


Long Tail Keywords:

Nike Air Max Ones

Nike sustainability policy

Vintage Nike shoes

Nike Men’s Yoga Shorts

While exact length doesn’t matter, long-tail keywords are typically at least three words in length due to their specificity.

Why Are Long-Tail Keywords Important?

Head terms are competitive, especially the popular ones. This in turn, makes it difficult for them to rank well with SEO. By using long-tail keywords you’re able to differentiate your business and services while having fewer to compete with to rank on the first page of Google.

Long-tail keywords can help you get more out of your advertising return on investment. High-volume keywords have a high cost per click, but they don’t convert well. Low-volume keywords are highly targeted and therefore have a higher conversion rate.

Using Long-Tail Keywords Effectively

Finding a good long-tail keyword is only part of the heavy task at hand. Once you’ve found your desired keywords, you need to use them strategically on your page. Here are a few on-page SEO tips that apply specifically to long-tail keywords:

  1. Using keywords naturally
  2. Placing keywords strategically
  3. Consider your user’s search intent

Final thoughts

The foundation of any successful SEO campaign is keyword research. In addition to long-tail keyword strategies and other digital marketing updates, we will continue to share case studies and the latest SEO updates to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things SEO, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about keywords or want to learn more about our services? Contact us here today.