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The Importance of Content Marketing in Building Brand Authority

In every industry, competition is fierce, attention spans are shrinking, and establishing brand authority has become essential for businesses. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is through content marketing. 

Consistent creation of valuable and relevant content builds brand authority, fosters trust, and drives business success. In this blog, we will explore the importance of content marketing in building brand authority and how it can benefit businesses in the long run. Here’s what you need to know.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing allows businesses to showcase their knowledge in the industry. Companies can position themselves as leaders and go-to sources of valuable information by creating informative and educational content, such as blog posts, social media posts, and newsletters. Content marketing is not explicitly promoting a brand but aims to stimulate interest in its products or services. This helps build credibility and trust among the target audience.

Brand Authority and Why It Matters

Brand authority refers to the level of trust, credibility, and experience that a brand has established in the eyes of its target audience and industry. It represents the brand’s position as a recognized leader, knowledgeable source, and reliable provider of products or services within its niche.

Brand authority matters for several reasons:

  • Trust and Credibility: Brand authority builds trust among consumers. When a brand is perceived as an authority in its field, customers feel confident in its offerings and are likelier to choose its products or services over competitors. Trust and credibility are crucial for building long-term customer relationships and fostering loyalty.
  • Competitive Advantage: Brand authority sets a business apart in a crowded marketplace. When a brand is seen as an industry leader, it gains a competitive edge. Customers are more likely to choose a brand with established authority over others needing a solid reputation.
  • Increased Customer Loyalty: Brand authority helps in cultivating customer loyalty. When customers trust a brand’s knowledge and rely on its products or services, they are likelier to become loyal advocates who make repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others. Loyal customers can become brand ambassadors and contribute to long-term business growth.
  • Pricing Power: Brands with strong authority can command premium pricing. When customers perceive a brand as the go-to source in its niche, they are often willing to pay a premium for its products or services. Brand authority reduces price sensitivity and allows businesses to maintain healthy profit margins.

The Synergy Between Content Marketing and Brand Authority

Content marketing helps build brand authority by establishing its experience, fostering trust, engaging the audience, and amplifying its reach. Simultaneously, brand authority enhances the effectiveness of content marketing by attracting a larger audience, strengthening relationships, and reinforcing brand identity. They create a powerful combination that elevates a brand’s reputation, fosters customer loyalty, and drives long-term business growth.

The Cornerstones of Content Marketing

The cornerstones of content marketing form the foundation for a successful content strategy. These fundamental elements are essential for creating and executing effective content marketing campaigns. Let’s explore the four cornerstones of content marketing.

  1. Strategy and Planning

The first cornerstone of content marketing is well-defined strategy and planning. It involves setting clear goals and objectives for the content marketing efforts. Digital marketers can contribute to creating a solid plan that helps guide content creation, distribution, and promotion, ensuring that it aligns with the brand’s overall marketing objectives and resonates with the target audience.

  1. Audience Relevance and Value

Creating relevant and valuable content for the target audience is crucial. The second cornerstone of content marketing focuses on understanding the audience’s needs, pain points, and interests. Content should address these needs by providing solutions or entertainment. By offering valuable information and fulfilling their desires, brands can establish themselves as trusted resources and build strong connections with their audience.

  1. Quality and Consistency

The third cornerstone emphasizes consistently producing high-quality content. Quality content is well-researched, visually appealing, and aligned with the brand’s voice and style. It should provide value and be informative and easily digestible. Consistency is also vital to maintain audience engagement and building trust. Regularly publishing content, whether blog posts or social media updates, helps establish a reliable and predictable presence.

  1. Distribution and Promotion

Creating great content is only half the battle. The fourth cornerstone revolves around the distribution and promotion of the content. It involves identifying the most effective channels and platforms to reach the target audience—like the brand’s website, social media, or email marketing. Content marketing generates over three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less. Effective distribution strategies ensure the content comes to the right people at the right time, maximizing its visibility and engagement potential.

Additionally, promoting the content through SEO optimization, paid advertising, social media sharing, and email campaigns helps increase its reach and impact. Distribution and promotion play a vital role in amplifying the brand’s message, attracting new audiences, and driving traffic to the brand’s owned platforms.

How Onimod Global Can Help

Onimod Global can play a crucial role in helping businesses with their content marketing efforts. By leveraging the services of our digital marketing agency, you can benefit from a comprehensive and strategic approach to content marketing success. Onimod Global can save time, input our experts’ knowledge, and achieve better brand visibility, audience engagement, and overall marketing objectives.

Final Thoughts

Content marketing is pivotal in building brand authority in today’s competitive landscape. By consistently creating valuable and relevant content, businesses can position themselves as leaders, establish trust, and ultimately drive success.

Contact Onimod Global today for more information on building brand authority with content marketing.

How to Measure Social Media ROI

As one of the top digital marketing channels for businesses, social media is a critical component in your company’s success. Here’s how to engage your network, drive collaboration, stay up-to-date, and share best practices.

Every business should be able to calculate their social media return on investment. By tracking ROI, it shows the monetary value of your social media campaigns. You can double down by using marketing methods that work and avoid ones that dont. Social media is a crucial part to anyone’s marketing strategy if your goal is to drive brand awareness.

Here’s how you can measure your social media ROI and improve your content.

What is Social Media ROI?

When you’re looking to increase your social media ROI, it’s important to know how to calculate the value of your activities.

The calculation is simple: (return – investment made) / investment made X 100 = social media ROI.

If your ROI value is more than 0 percent, it means you’re making money from your campaigns. If it is anything below that, then you are losing money.

ROI calculation depends on your goals and objectives as an organization. Different organizations will have different objectives. There are many social media goals you can choose from. It all depends on your core objective, which could be:

  • New followers
  • Click-through rates
  • Conversions
  • Completed lead generation forms

Metrics Used to Measure Social Media ROI

Your social media strategy is the backbone of your business. Without it, you’re just flailing around in the dark, hoping that things work out.

And they won’t. It’s time to get a plan in place.

  • Engagement – This metric is measured by the level of people interacting with your content and brand. A recent study shows that over one third of executives that create content are using engagement as a way to measure their contents performance. Clicks, likes, shares and brand mentions are all part of tracking engagement for you social media channels.
  • Reach- This metric is measured on views and interactions with your company on social media. Reach can be harder to measure than engagement because it only factors how many people saw your post.
  • Leads – This metric is generated by social media, and it’s important to know which channels provide the most leads and what content drives those leads. The best way to achieve ROI with leads is by linking your campaigns to your activity.
  • Conversions – This metric uses UTM parameters on the links within your posts so you can track clicks by each campaign and platform.

When you have all four of these metrics implemented correctly, it will drive ROI to your business.

Best Way to Track ROI

Once you have your plan laid out and you know which targets you are hitting it is time to set up a system for tracking your ROI. There are so many different types of platforms on the market that do a variety of things for you. The simplest way to do this is by using Google Analytics and setting up goals and event tracking.

Google Analytics is a simple tool to use and their help page provides their users with a step-by-step guide on how to use their program. Most importantly, Onimod Global is a Google partner. Google Partners are online marketing companies, trusted and recognized for exceling with Google’s products.

As more customers use social media to browse, connect and purchase, marketers need to know how social media continuously evolves. No matter what your ROI percentage is, there is always room for improvement. Some last key things to remember are:

  • Understand your audience – make sure you know who is interacting with you and how you can provide them with content that will engage them.
  • Think outside the box – quality not quantity, take time to create interesting and engaging content for your audience.
  • Test and Optimize – fine tune your organic social posts by using new imagery, keywords and headlines.

Last Thoughts

At Onimod Global, our goal is to help you align your content marketing efforts to real business results. Our data-driven content strategies make it easy to understand your audience’s needs, where your competition is winning, and areas where you have an opportunity to lead your industry.

As a Chicago-based, in-house marketing team, we are your partner experts for specific marketing verticals or some nice balance in between. We excel in customer service and will teach you the most relevant and up-to-date digital marketing skills.

Have questions about creating your online presence and need help strategizing? Contact us here today.

4 Tips for SEO Content Strategy

Want to create your best SEO content this year? Try these four data-driven content strategies to get more traffic and leads.

There have never been more new and exciting opportunities to master your content and reach a wider audience than right now.

An SEO content strategy isn’t just a document with instructions and requirements. The best SEO strategies come from an in-depth conversation, whether it’s between a writer and an editor, or a marketing team and the people who actually write the content.  In order to create a strategy, you’ll need access to how your content is performing. If you want to scale SEO, you need to prioritize it.

In this post, we’ll discuss how to make SEO a priority in your content strategy, and how this impacts scaling SEO.

Tip 1: Include SEO as part of the writing process

Incorporating SEO into the writing process is a great way to ensure that your content is optimized as it’s being created. If this doesn’t happen, there’s a chance that optimizations will be made after the content has been completed. This leaves out the opportunity for writers to include relevant keywords that have search volume while they are crafting the piece.

Tip 2: Provide Keyword searches for content topics

Keyword research is a crucial part of the content creation process. This is an opportunity to provide writers with relevant keywords so they can write holistic SEO copy. It allows them to pick and choose the keywords they want to write about to ensure content is in line with SEO strategy.

This can also prevent keywords from product pages from being the focus keyword of the copy. This is done to prevent two or more pages from competing for the same keyword in Google’s search engine results. Finally, it ensures relevant keywords with search volume and user intent are used.

Tip 3: Provide Keyword research for omnichannel campaigns

When you’re creating omni channel campaigns, it can be a challenge to find relevant keywords with any search volume. It’s important to ensure that your keyword research is accurate, because if the keywords you use aren’t relevant, then your campaign will not perform well on search engines. Here are some tips for finding the right keywords:

1. Try to include additional longer-form content with keywords that address users’ pain points and that have search volume. For example, instead of writing “Find out where we deliver in San Francisco,” write “Find out where we deliver in San Francisco, California!”

2. We recommend internally linking these assets into the campaign content to overcome organizational created language. For example, if the user searches “find out where we deliver in San Francisco, California!” and clicks on your ad, you can provide a link directly to your landing page with more information about delivery in San Francisco so it won’t feel like an interruption when they click through from Google Search Ads (GSA).

3. Map out your content by topics and keywords in a spreadsheet so that you can better internally link your content to the user’s journey

Tip 4: Content and keywords should be aligned

Keywords are important—they help Google and users find your site, after all—and they should be considered throughout the entire lifecycle of a buyer, from when they first start searching for information about your product to when they actually make that purchase.

If you’re not careful, you could end up with a disconnect between your keyword intent and the copy on your site. This can confuse both Google and your users, which means fewer people will see and click on your content.

To avoid this issue, make sure there is no disconnect between the keywords associated with copy and different stages of the buyer’s journey. Don’t confuse your users and Google!

Final Thoughts

SEO is a must for anyone who wants to scale their content marketing and create a profitable business model. If you want to learn more about SEO from someone you can trust, we would love to have the opportunity to speak with you.

In the end, Onimod Global is more than in tune with all things SEO, Content marketing and social media, so it doesn’t hurt to drop us a line and ask questions. We are always happy to chat about the latest trends in digital marketing or help you develop a custom digital marketing strategy for 2022. Contact us here today.

Content Creation Tips to Improve Your SEO

When it comes to SEO, a common misconception is that to be successful, you must “trick” the algorithm. Actually, it’s about having a grasp on the key elements of the algorithm and aligning your content strategy with these SEO considerations in mind, while also optimizing for your readership. 

Check out these simple ways to create high performing content that can also help improve your search rankings. 

1. Start with keyword research. 

One piece of content should have 1 primary keyword target and 5-10 additional keyword targets. Think about what your audience might be looking for and what questions they ask online to help determine your primary keyword. Generally, the most successful keywords have high search volume and low difficulty. Keyword difficulty refers to how much competition a keyword or phrase has. The higher the value, the more difficult it will be to compete with others using that keyword as well. It can be difficult to identify the sweet spot of seed keywords (high search volume + low difficulty) but when you do, it can have a great impact on your overall success. 

2. Determine search intent. 

Search intent refers to the primary goal a user has when performing a search query. Oftentimes, users are searching for a specific answer or research. To identify keyword search intent, look for clues in SERP titles. For example, if someone is looking for: 

  • Informational answers, they might use: guide, tutorial, how, what, tips, steps, etc. 
  • Navigational answers, they might use: brand name, product, service, etc. 
  • Commercial answers, they might use: best, cheapest, top, review, etc. 
  • Transactional answers, they might use: buy, price, coupon, promo code, etc. 

Once you’ve determined the intent, you then have to identify the proper format to go along with it. Conduct research by checking the top 10 articles in the results page. What formats are other sites using, what are their CTAs and what are their titles and descriptions? 

3. Optimize meta titles, meta-descriptions and H1s. 

A well-optimized meta title: 

  • Corresponds to identified search intent 
  • Contains target keywords 
  • Consists up to 60 characters 
  • Persuades users to click to your website 
  • Includes a CTA 

A meta-description encourages users to click on the SERP links and should: 

  • Be unique 
  • Be 1-2 sentences 
  • Describe the page
  • Include target keywords 
  • Play to a specific emotion
  • Include a CTA 

H1s introduce your content to your audience, so you want to make it catchy. You can create the best performing H1s by:

  • Describing what is going to be discussed in the body of the text. 
  • Include conversational terms such as how, what, why, etc. 
  • Include numbered lists (Top 10, Best 5, etc.) 

4. Structure content to make it easily digestible. 

This is why it’s important that online content is structured to be easy to scan and read. Since you never know who might stumble upon your site, you don’t want them to immediately bounce because your content is confusing or includes too many technical terms to be easily understood. To break up your content, use multiple levels of headers and ensure it’s easy to tell which content belongs to which header. Additional best practices include: 

  • Only discussing one topic per paragraph.
  • Avoiding lengthy sentences.
  • Highlighting main ideas by bolding, italicizing or changing fonts.
  • Include bulleted or numbered lists. 

5. Include optimized visual content. 

Visuals like images, videos, infographics, checklists, templates, etc. break up your content and allow readers to digest content quicker. When including visuals, be sure to optimize their size, names and Alt tags. These practices will ensure quicker page load times, make your content unique, more descriptive and 

More from Onimod Global 

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Maximize the Potential of Your Social Video Marketing Strategy

Consumers are constantly shifting toward the convenient. This is exactly why popularity of video content has soared in 2017, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Users are able to more quickly absorb information through videos, which makes them a very attractive form of advertisement and promotion.

Advertising Implications

The world of digital marketing and advertising revolves around innovation. The goal is to continually adapt to the needs/wants of the consumer in order to be better able to promote products and services to them. Video marketing is proving to be a very effective method in accomplishing this exact objective.

An infographic by Rendrfx states that over 22 billion videos are viewed daily between Facebook (8 billion), Snapchat (10 billion), and YouTube (4 billion). Another statistic that they boast is an online video ad viewer attention rate that is 18.3 times higher than that of T.V. commercials.

The numbers do not lie. What’s more is that daily use of videos is only expected to increase in the next several years. So how can marketers and advertisers best utilize and optimize this trending marketing medium?

Social Spaces Are Best

Social medias have become a wealth of opportunity for digital marketers in recent years. It is a perfect way to tap into the daily activities of target consumers, and to appear as native as possible in advertising style. The more an advertisement looks like a normal piece of news feed foder, the better.

Facebook has become the single most dominant force in social media marketing. With over 2 billion active users, and more than $40 billion made in 2017 from advertisements, according to Statista, it is clear that Facebook is running the show when it comes to paid social media marketing.

Adweek contributor Aubrie Richey wrote a great article on how to get the best value from your Facebook video marketing campaign. Her article is summed up here in the following 5 tips:

  1. Design your ad in a mobile format to best reach potential customers.
  2. Keep the length of your video between 15-30 seconds.
  3. Do not stop being adaptable and flexible with your content!
  4. Your video does not need to be perfect. A less refined video will make the ad seem much more genuine and appealing.
  5. Use video as a supportive piece of the overall customer journey.

More From Onimod Global

This article is only one of the many that has been produced by the Onimod Global content team! We are relentlessly searching to find the most accurate and up-to-date information to keep you informed of what is going on inside of the ever-evolving digital marketing industry.

To read through more of our articles, please visit our blog by clicking HERE. We hope you enjoy reading through the best that our digital marketing experts have to offer!