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How AI is Changing Social Media

Harnessing the power of AI has become essential for marketers looking to optimize their social media content and campaigns. AI seamlessly integrates into major social media platforms, revolutionizing marketing strategies and driving unparalleled results.

According to The 2023 State of Social Media Report, 97% of business leaders recognize AI’s role in optimizing social media data and insights. This blog will explore the dynamic intersection of social media and AI, offering insights and practical tips to elevate your current marketing approach. Join us as we explore the potential of AI in social media and unlock new opportunities for brand growth and engagement.

What is AI in Social Media?

AI in social media marketing uses machine learning and natural language processing to dissect user data and interactions across social platforms. This empowers marketers to leverage AI tools for tasks such as:

  • Personalization.
  • Content creation.
  • Influencer marketing.
  • Customer service.
  • Advertising.

Such integration promotes data-driven decision-making, helping shape social media strategies. The promise of AI in digital marketing is achieving hyper-personalization to deliver tailored experiences that resonate with individual preferences and needs. Let’s look at each task in more detail and how it can change your marketing strategy.

Content Creation

In the digital landscape, content creation is the bedrock of success. It’s essential for any business or brand striving to leave its mark online. Thanks to AI-powered tools, generating high-quality content has become swift and efficient. Whether crafting catchy captions, composing compelling blog posts, or producing captivating videos, AI algorithms can mimic human creativity and language patterns.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms and platforms can now analyze user preferences, trending topics, and historical data with precision. This enables the tailoring of content that resonates deeply with target audiences. However, it’s important to acknowledge that while these language models can swiftly produce information, accuracy and relevance may vary, and there’s always a risk of outdated content. It’s always crucial to check the source to avoid this problem.

Influencer Marketing

In the era before social media, brands relied heavily on traditional marketing channels such as print ads and TV commercials. These campaigns often featured iconic characters like Santa Claus for Coca-Cola, aiming to forge emotional connections with consumers. However, with the advent of social media, marketing strategies underwent a natural evolution. Rather than depending solely on fictional characters or celebrity endorsements, brands now tap into the influence of real-life individuals on social media platforms.

Just as consumers once trusted the endorsements of these beloved characters, the authentic recommendations of social media influencers sway today’s audiences. This shift has propelled influencer marketing to the forefront of social media strategies, with brands leveraging popular personalities to promote their products and services. AI algorithms are key in helping analyze an influencer’s reach, engagement, and audience demographics to identify the right fit for specific campaigns.

Furthermore, AI-powered platforms can help predict trends and measure influencer collaborations’ effectiveness, helping brands maximize ROI. This data-driven approach enhances the impact of influencer marketing efforts and optimizes resource allocation for future campaigns.


Personalization helps increase user engagement, build loyalty, and improve return on investment. When content resonates personally, users are more likely to engage. Engagement takes shape in the form of clicks, shares, or conversions. A brand that shows it understands its audience establishes trust. Over time, this trust translates into loyalty. Personalized campaigns often see a better return on investment because they target the right people with the right message.

AI algorithms analyze user behavior on social media platforms. This includes the types of posts they engage with, the frequency of their interactions, and the time of day they are most active. AI can suggest personalized content that aligns with the user’s interests and preferences based on this data. For example, if a user frequently interacts with fashion-related content, AI may recommend fashion blogs, influencer posts, or advertisements for clothing brands.

Customer Service

AI-powered chatbots have revolutionized customer service on social media platforms. These chatbots can decipher and adapt to individual user preferences and behaviors. They achieve this using sophisticated algorithms. Chatbots help ensure that each interaction feels unique and catered to the user. Instead of generic responses or predefined scripts, customers are treated to a conversation that mirrors their interests and needs.

This hyper-personalized touch helps enhance the user experience and fosters a deeper connection between the consumer and the brand. When customers feel understood and valued in this manner, it naturally elevates their loyalty to the brand. Over time, this strengthened bond translates into increased sales, as consumers are more inclined to purchase from brands they resonate with and trust.


Social media advertising brings many benefits to businesses. Firstly, it can increase a brand’s visibility and recognition. Your brand gets exposed to a diverse audience, fostering recognition and recall. Moreover, social media platforms foster improved customer engagement and loyalty. The conversational nature of social media platforms provides a unique opportunity for brands to build meaningful relationships with their customers.

AI is quickly changing the social media advertising landscape by helping enable brands to target audiences with unprecedented precision and efficiency. Machine learning algorithms analyze user data and behavioral patterns to help optimize real-time ad targeting. By leveraging predictive analytics and A/B testing, advertisers can refine their campaigns and achieve higher ROI. AI-powered ad platforms also offer sophisticated ad formats, such as dynamic product ads and personalized recommendations, to deliver highly relevant and engaging content to users.

Last Thoughts

AI is revolutionizing social media by empowering platforms and brands to enhance their marketing and advertising strategies. As AI continues to evolve, the possibilities for innovation and growth in social media are virtually limitless. As we enter this new era, brands and marketers must be agile and innovative and prioritize the end-user’s experience.

At Onimod Global, we’re excited about the endless possibilities that the future of digital marketing holds. If you want to harness the power of new digital marketing trends for your brand, contact us today.

Customer Loyalty Tips To Drive Engagement

In the business world, customer loyalty plays a big role in your marketing strategy. Whether it be more trusted customer reviews on your site, or user-generated content produced by loyal customers, it is also clear that customer loyalty is important to driving you to the top of search page results. Here’s how.

In an era where disruptive marketing and customer-centric approach drives businesses, creating brand loyalty is crucial for your company’s success and profits. In fact, according to Yotpo, 36.5% of shoppers said they would spend more on products if they’re loyal to a brand.

Onimod Global’s Digital Marketing specialists are here to break down the top tips on maintaining loyal customers, so you can have some great success stories online! Here’s what you need to know.

Social Loyalty

Social media is an integral part of any marketing strategy—and it can be a powerful tool for your business. People are more likely to share information about your business with their friends and followers on sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. By creating content that people want to share, your brand can benefit from viral marketing campaigns that drive traffic back to your site. #WinWin

Forever Loyal

Loyal customers will support your business no matter what. These are the people who go out of their way to shop at your store. Regardless if a competitor down the street is offering them a better deal or more convenient location. To get loyal customers, you need to provide stellar customer service, excellent products, and competitive pricing. A great example of forever loyal customers is Target. They price match their competitors and have lenient return policies.

Loyalty Economics

A company’s loyalty and retention efforts will be more successful if they’re improving customer experiences instead of acquiring new customers. If you want to avoid costly marketing efforts that don’t bring in much profit, consider ways in which you can improve the experience of current customers rather than solely focusing on new lead generation.

Loyalty Database

Data is an essential resource for any business, especially those looking to grow. Data regarding repeat customers is even more essential to promoting growth and prosperity.  Once you’re able to gain information about current loyal customers, you can locate new ones much easier. This cuts out a lot of wasted marketing budget on advertising.

Determining Improvements

Running a business can be tricky, and even if you have good customer satisfaction ratings there’s always room for improvement. This issue points back to your loyalty database and what insights it can provide to your business. By going back over the numbers you can begin to paint a much clearer picture for both current and potential customers about your business and why it’s the right choice for them to purchase goods and services from.

How Onimod Global Can Help

Understanding your customers is critical if you want them to engage with your brand and if you want to keep them. Create a trustful and sincere relationship with your users, provide them with the tools they need to be involved and express themselves, focus on their satisfaction with a seamless experience. Your users will be here to stay.

As a business owner, you want to be where your customers are. Onimod Global is a full-service digital agency, and we’re looking forward to helping your business reach its full digital potential.

Interested in growing your digital presence for your company? Reach out to us today to get started here!

How To Build Trust With Marketing

Trust is the glue holding together any relationship. This includes the all-important brand-customer bond. Why is it important to build trust with customers? Customers that feel confident in your brand will not only purchase from you, but will also recommend you to their various social circles. Building your brand in this organic way will help you to become a trustworthy company, but it takes time. Build trust brick by brick, with one piece of content at a time. This is how experts at Onimod Global shape content for clients to create an unbreakable bond that will last between your brand and your customers.

Be Consistent in Your Brand Story

How consistent are you with your brand story throughout your social channels? Take a look at your online presence and make sure you are consistent across all channels. Also be sure that you are following through on promises to customers.

For example: Does your company highlight your unparalleled commitment to customer service – yet your buyers’ questions that are posted on the Facebook page are left unanswered? Consistency in your brand story build trust, but being inconsistent could potentially tarnish your reputation.

Become a Source of Expertise

Everyone is looking for answers to their questions,whether it’s something minor like where’s the closest Italian restaurant to more complex topics like how to rebalance your investment portfolio. When a person searches on Google or discovers something for the first time on social media, it’s an opportunity for your company to be there and answer their question.

Trustworthy content is:

  • The accuracy of the information
  • Providing the right level of detail to address the topic
  • How it’s delivered to a person

Your original perspective is important to include but supporting your advice with reputable sources is essential.

Take a Stand on Relevant Issues

When a company speaks up and takes action on issues their customers care about, they are far more likely to be trusted as an organization. More than 9-in-10 millennials would switch brands to one associated with a cause as they value companies that are transparent and understand the impact of their operations.

To build trust, select a relevant cause that ties back to the purpose of your organization, communicate your support of this issue and take action to make a real impact.

More From Onimod Global

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

How to Build Customer Loyalty That Drives Local Search Traffic

When dreaming up ways to improve search engine results, few SEO specialists consider customer loyalty. However, customer loyalty plays a very crucial role in marketing for a company.

Lessons From Amazon

Amazon never set out to become a brand driven by customer satisfaction. Their primary concern has always been to fulfill orders as efficiently as possible, but along the way they were able to gain valuable insights of customers. All reviews on Amazon are 100% due to the efforts of verified customers. By allowing consumers to share their own experiences, Amazon was quickly able to build an incredibly trustworthy service.

High customer satisfaction translates directly to customer loyalty. Any time a customer is dissatisfied with an Amazon product, they receive a full refund, and typically also gain a complimentary service from the company to incentivize the customer to come back. Customers love to have a voice, and Amazon is more than happy to provide them with a way to be heard by other target customers. Companies with a customer focus certainly have a thing or two to learn from Amazon regarding their customer loyalty methods.

6 Additional Components

It is no simple task to replicate the efforts of Amazon. For this reason, the search engine optimization specialists from Onimod Global are here to offer several simple ways in which you can develop better customer loyalty within your own organization. The following 6 tips are based off of Wesley Young’s article that was recently published through Search Engine Land:

  1. Social Loyalty: Social media has grown to wield an impressive amount of influence over any given company. Recently, Facebook began appealing to users looking for recommendations regarding any number of products or services. This feature allows other users to weigh in on the topic and recommend businesses that they find relevant to their friend’s search. This word-of-mouth by proxy through Facebook is significant because it disrupts typical search engine procedures.
  2. Narrative Control: As mentioned with the example of Amazon, online reviews carry an incredible amount of power. Make sure that you are giving customers a way to express their loyalty via online platforms such as Facebook and Yelp. You can even use this information as a testimonial to the benefits that your company offers.
  3. Forever Loyal: Truly loyal customers will seek out a preferred business no matter what the odds. Young used the example of Chick-Fil-A to represent this ideal. He noted that no matter where he goes, he can find a line out the door of Chick-Fil-A, even when other area fast food restaurants have no wait at all.
  4. Loyalty Economics: It can be difficult to track down truly loyal customers. Typically, a company’s marketing efforts toward new clients are much more expensive than if the company were to simply continue marketing toward dissatisfied customers. For this reason, it may be worth considering ways in which you can better the experience of existing customers rather than solely focusing on new customer leads.
  5. Loyalty Database: Data is an invaluable resource for any business. Data regarding repeat customers is even more essential to promoting growth and prosperity. Once you are able to gain information about current loyal customers, you will be more easily able to locate new ones, which cuts out a lot of wasted ad dollar being used in search engine marketing.
  6. Determining Improvements: Even if a company’s customer satisfaction ratings are high, there is usually significant room for improvement. This issue points back to the loyalty database and what insights it can provide to your business. By going back over the numbers you can begin to paint a much clearer picture for both current and potential customers about your business and why it is the right choice for them to purchase goods and services from.