Tag Archive for: digital marketing strategy

Tips for Performing a Successful Brand Audit to Improve Your Marketing

Conducting a brand audit can help you understand where you stand within your market and in the minds of your consumers. More specifically, you can: 

  • Identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  • Discover positive and negative perceptions of your brand 
  • Align offerings with consumer expectations 
  • Determine where you stand among competitors 
  • Adjust your overall brand strategy 

Follow these necessary steps to perform a successful brand audit, check in on your brand’s health and ultimately improve your marketing strategy.

1. Create a Brand Audit Template 

It’s beneficial to set up an analysis template to guide your brand audit process. Prior to getting started, you should build a framework around how you will actually conduct it. If you’re doing this internally, you’ll want a guide to follow so that the collected data can be put into action. It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers, so you want to identify the data that actually means something to your business. 

You can define your framework with a checklist of what should be examined and the methods you’ll use to do it. It’s also helpful to organize the list by internal and external brand elements. 

2. Examine Your Website’s Analytics 

Just because a website is visually appealing doesn’t necessarily mean it’s high-performing. If your website isn’t converting, it’s crucial that you understand why. Analytics you should be looking at include: 

  • Traffic 
  • Page views 
  • Bounce rate 
  • Conversion rate 

There are plenty of tools that can provide website analytics but we recommend Google Analytics, as it provides rich performance data, both historic and in real-time. 

3. Analyze Your Sales Stats 

This is one of the best ways to get insight regarding both customer and industry trends. An in-depth sales analysis can show customer buying patterns, which you can then use to redirect your focus. Some things to look for are irregular dips in sales, change in buyer location and competitors offerings. 

4. Take a Look at Your Social Media Metrics 

Social media contains mass amounts of information on your consumers that you can’t get anywhere else. It’s important to analyze your demographic data to have an understanding of who your social media audience actually is. Because it’s common that our target customers may not be the ones interacting with us on social media. Analyzing social data will help you identify who engages with your channels the most, allowing you to reevaluate your communication strategy accordingly to get the most out of your efforts. 

5. Observe Competitors 

To get a full understanding of your own brand health, you also have to determine how your competitors are performing. Some things to check include: 

  • The type of content they’re writing
  • Any brand partnerships 
  • If they’re getting frequent recognition 

Most of this work will be manual, but there are tools that can help give a deeper look into specific elements of a brand. Some competitive analysis tools can provide SEO-driven data, help you monitor your niche, give info on organic traffic and keywords, as well tell you how you rank among competitors. 

6. Ask Your Customers 

If you want to get insight on what your customers think about your brand, just ask them. You can do this through surveys, polls or by just asking for feedback directly. It’s important to look into the minds of your consumers to find out what motivates them, what their pain points are and what influences their decisions to ensure your brand can best meet their needs. 

When it comes to customer loyalty and brand advocacy, you want to measure your NPS (Net Promoter Score). This is found by asking customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service to friends and family via an opinion score. The NPS opinion scoring system is on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being “very unlikely” and 10 being “extremely likely.” 

Final Thoughts

After you’ve completed your brand audit, it’s important to determine what data you want to use and how. Set some goals into places before acting on your findings. What do you want to see come out on these changes? Whether it be an increase in conversions, a more cohesive look or a new customer base, it’s essential to have a clear goal in mind. Lastly, create an action plan to carry everything out.

More from Onimod Global 

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here. 

5 Tips for Improving Your Webinar Success in 2021

While many of us hoped webinars would be a trend that stayed in 2020, they’re still a necessity in the upcoming year. There are many benefits to holding webinars, though. Such as educating your audience, proving your industry expertise and increasing overall sales of your product or service. 

If you’re going to continue to run webinars in 2021 and are looking to increase your registrants and improve its overall success, follow these simple tips. 

1. Create Lead Gen Campaigns to Secure Registrants

Besides the webinar itself, a lead generation campaign is the most essential step in the overall process. To run a lead gen campaign you need an effective landing page with an easy-to-complete form and clear copy that lists: 

  • The topic and main talking points of the webinar 
  • The date and time 
  • Who will be the speaker and their expertise 

Once your landing page has been created, you can begin leveraging it to secure registrants. Here are some strategies to reach your target audience and getting them to register: 

  • Create Google Ads and paid social campaigns using targeted keywords aimed at your demographic. 
  • Run an email campaign. 
  • Link your landing page in any newsletters. 
  • Write a blog on the same topic of your webinar and use a CTA that links to your landing page. 
  • Create an organic social media campaign. 

2. Perform Lead Nurturing 

Your strategy should include a lead nurturing campaign as well. This should consist of a series of 3-4 emails or text messages that remind registrants of the event and include links to different content assets related to the topic. 

Since you already have your registrants contact info, the link to whatever content assets you include should be un-gated whenever possible. It’s important to balance your lead gen efforts with user experience. The best way to ensure this is to collect information slowly over time and by providing valuable content that keeps your users engaged. 

It’s also important to remember to not send too many nurturing emails or texts. You don’t want to bombard your audience with too many messages and motivate them to unsubscribe before the webinar even takes place.

3. Utilize Polls During the Webinar

Now that you’ve secured your registrants and the webinar is taking place, it’s time to figure out how to keep them engaged. The best way to do this is by posting questions throughout the webinar to keep attendees engaged and collect valuable information along the way. Many of your attendees might be reluctant to use the Q&A portion of the webinar as well. So polling them throughout the event is a great strategy for learning more about your audience in real time. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating your webinar questions: 

  • Ask one question at a time to avoid confusion. 
  • Use simple language to get the most accurate answers. 
  • Introduce the question before asking them and show your attendees where to respond. 
  • Show the results to keep your audience invested. 

4. Create and Distribute an On-Demand Version of the Webinar

Creating an on-demand version of your webinar allows you to get the most out of these online events. By being able to post a recorded version of the event, you can exceed your registrant totals and market to a new audience. These recordings should be gated, as they’re premium content and are likely being viewed by users who did not originally sign up for it.

5. Create Automated Programs to Follow-Up with Attendees 

Since you have already established a relationship with those who attended the webinar, you should set up an automated email campaign to communicate with them. This campaign should be a series of 4-5 messages that include details about your products or services and how they can solve the recipients’ pain points. 

More from Onimod Global 

At Onimod Global, we’re always looking to the future and helping your business reach your full digital potential. Interested in growing your digital presence for your company? Reach out to us here!

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

5 Key Elements for Local Digital Marketing Success

Small businesses can face many growth challenges, such as limited resources, budget constraints, competition, staffing challenges, etc. It can be tough to figure out ways to set yourself apart from other businesses and achieving overall success. Executing a full range of local digital marketing techniques can be a game changer for many companies. Local digital marketing helps connect businesses where customers reside and interact. The opportunity to compete and provide outstanding customer service, are reachable through digital marketing strategies. 

We’re going to discuss the 5 key campaign elements that can deliver an effective local marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes. 

1. Manage All Online Listings 

Clean data and accurate listings are essential for overall digital marketing success. Every mention of your business on the internet is a ‘citation.’ You want to make sure all of this information is accurate. Otherwise you run the risk of not being able to be found easily. Even minor discrepancies you might not think of can have an impact on your results. You can prevent discrepancies by claiming every local listing and providing accurate information to search engines and online directories. Specifically Google, Facebook, Yelp, Apple Maps and Bing. 

You should include as much information in your listings as possible, such as product descriptions, services, hours of operation, deals, promotions, accepted payment types, photos, etc. Accurate and consistent data helps drive search engine rankings, making it that much easier for prospects to find your business. 

2. Local SEO 

Local SEO is fairly similar to listing management. Complete, accurate and consistent updates to listings are critical for high search engine rankings. Algorithms continue to drive more relevant results based on user location. Meaning it’s even more crucial to optimize local landing pages with location information. 

You can locally optimize your landing pages by:

  • Localizing title tags to include city and state names.
  • Optimize meta descriptions to include product categories. 
  • Implement localized schema markup for your business name, number and address.
  • Localize URL structures to include street names and product categories. 
  • Include hours, directions and local descriptions in on-page business content. 

3. Reputation Management

It stays true that people trust people. Ratings and reviews have a significant impact on potential buyers. On average, consumers read up to 10 reviews before fully trusting a business. The most effective way to increase your reviews is by simply asking your customers to write them. You can make this easy for them by including a button that offers one-click access to writing a review. It’s common to offer incentives or contests for those that leave reviews, but you have to be careful when doing so. Google and Yelp prohibit businesses from offering money, products or services for writing reviews. It’s important that the reviews are authentic, as consumers can be skeptical. Meaning when a negative review comes through, it should be managed but not deleted. Best practice includes replying to their comment and apologizing that they did not have a positive experience and ask them to contact you privately to resolve any further issues. This way other people see that you’re not ignoring them, but you don’t want to continue the conversation in public. 

4. Paid Search and Social 

In any digital marketing strategy, incorporating paid efforts is essential. This becomes even more important when it comes to local campaigns. Customize your messages based on the location of your ads to become personally relevant to those that will see them. Local search and social can be used to capitalize on regions where business is strongest or become a lever that can supplement marketing in underperforming regions to increase awareness and improve sales. For more tips on successfully taking your paid digital marketing strategy local, click here

5. Specialized Landing Pages

Along with customizing ads for certain locations, the landing pages they’re attached to should also be customized and optimized for mobile. Most often, consumers are on the go and looking for local solutions. Local landing pages should be simple yet comprehensive, including your business name, address, phone number, hours, products, services, etc. Effective landing pages have a responsive design with title tags and descriptive schema to send information to search engines. For further tips on creating a high converting landing page, click here. 

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Needing some assistance in any area of digital marketing?  Contact us! We are experts in all things digital marketing including SEM, Web Dev, Automation, Analytics, and much more. Learn more about what we do here, or keep up to date with all things digital marketing on our news page

YouTube Marketing: How to Kickstart Your Strategy

With over 2 billion worldwide active users, YouTube is the top choice for video marketing. But, with being the clear-cut winner comes a lot of competition. There are now more than 50 million content creators pumping out videos daily. With over 500 hours of content uploaded every minute, you are now tasked with figuring out how to make your content stand out among the crowd. 

Whether you’re just starting out on YouTube or trying to improve your strategy, here are few tips to kickstart your marketing strategy. 

Find what content performs best among your audience. 

You can’t be successful on YouTube if your plan is to upload a video and just sit and wait for viewers to find it themselves. With loads of other options, your content and channel has to stand out. 

The best way to do this is by creating fresh, original and entertaining content. Start by researching what works and what doesn’t. By knowing the trends and what’s popular among your audience, you can improve your content. The more effort you put into researching your audience and what they enjoy, the more insights you’ll have to use to assist you in creating your own content.

Pick catchy thumbnails and titles. 

It’s no secret that to get more clicks on your video, it’s necessary to spark your viewers curiosity right off the bat. This requires something that can quickly grab people’s attention, while communicating what the video is about. Your thumbnail and title ultimately play the largest role in this. Your chosen title and thumbnail work together to build a viewer’s anticipation by giving a glimpse of the video, so making them eye-catching is essential. 

Here are some tips on creating a thumbnail that stands out: 

  • Use an image of the most exciting part of your video. 
  • Set the size to 1280 x 720 px (16:9)
  • Create a title that gives the thumbnail context. 
  • Include an attractive background.

Here are some additional tips on creating a clickable title: 

  • Include popular keywords. 
  • Consider using a question your viewers may be asking or searching. 
  • Make it concise and on-topic – aka don’t use click-bait or misleading titles.  

Optimize your content with YouTube SEO.

One of the most essential aspects of marketing on YouTube that many aren’t aware of is SEO. Oftentimes people only think of using SEO when it comes to Google or other search engines. With such a large number of daily users, combined with billions of content being uploaded everyday, YouTube is almost another Google, but for strictly videos. SEO is essential to prevent your videos from just getting lost in the massive sea of content. 

So, how do you go about optimizing your videos? With the use of tags, keywords, running A/B tests, staying on top of your statistics and researching competitors’ statistics. This can be a lot, especially when you’re just getting started, but there are a number of tools that can help, such as: 

Not only can this help your content rank higher on YouTube, but on Google as well. Google has started favoring video content when it comes to search results. Meaning if you’re video is ranking well on YouTube, Google will want to make it easier to find and share.

Create a schedule and stick to it. 

To be successful and drive engagement on YouTube you need to have a strong presence. This requires regular uploads, meaning at least once a week. This is because the number of videos being uploaded on YouTube continues to increase. To prevent yourself from getting lost among the crowd, you have to keep up. 

Consistently uploading may be more work, but it’s extremely beneficial. It brings more engagement, more subscribers and more feedback, allowing you to improve and enhance your content delivery quickly. 

We recommend creating a monthly calendar with your video topics, titles, tags, keywords and any other details you find helpful. If you have time, you could even create multiple videos in one sitting, so you don’t have to rush to create them each week. 

More from Onimod Global 

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

5 Strategies To Use Customer Testimonials To Gain Leads

We all look for and act on social proof, otherwise known as reviews or recommendations from any community. These recommendations can come in many forms. Word-of-mouth, third-party reviews, as well as what I’m focusing on in this article – testimonials. Customer testimonials influence us all of the time, even subconsciously, on how we behave and also our purchasing decisions.

It doesn’t really matter anymore who the review or recommendation is coming from. What matters is that we see evidence from our peers about services or products that either worked or didn’t. What matters is that we’re seeing evidence from our peers – in this context, other consumers – that the decision we’re about to make to purchase is the right one.

Design Great Testimonials

A great testimonial should include specific product or service details, but what does it all entail? Vague statements such as “great product” or “loved it” don’t usually persuade a customer.  Instead, your testimonials should describe what is so great about your product or service and how it benefited your customers. Include elements such as a name, date, and photographs of the customer or brand that you worked with. This information all serves to help legitimize the testimonial.

Improving Customer Experience

This goal is relatively straightforward. If you improve customer experience, you’ll satisfy more people and generate more testimonials. Consistent engagement is very important because only 28% of positive customer experiences end with leaving a review. If you’re putting effort in to enhance the customer experience, make sure you are also including feedback collection features. It is important to give your consumers the opportunity to provide a customer testimonial.

Understand Customer Journeys

Customer service teams often focus on negative feedback, but we want to remind you that there is a lot to learn from positive reviews as well. They tell you what your company is doing right and what you shouldn’t change. Understanding your customer journeys will help you replicate customer success and generate future testimonials.

Use Visual Content

What’s even better than a text box talking about your amazing products or services? Video content.

For a few of your most enthusiastic and dedicated customers, invest in video production of their testimonials to bring their stories to life. The video will tell your story across different media — on your website, YouTube, and social media — in a unique and engaging way.

Feature Content Anywhere Possible

If you have any compelling case studies, make sure to feature them anywhere you can on your site. Other creative ways to feature them are putting a link to the case studies on your blog, in your email signature, and in all of your social media profiles. The more places potential customers can see the results of your work across different media, the better.

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Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

How To Design Facebook & Instagram Ads That Convert

There are over 7 million active advertisers on Facebook, according to Statista. With this impressive number, you may be thinking that increasing your Facebook and Instagram ads budget is the only way to outperform your competition. The experts at Onimod Global are here to tell you that is not always true. It is possible to achieve a great ROI when advertising on a budget.

Are you considering Facebook and Instagram as advertising platforms, but you’re not sure where to start? Our Onimod Global team is sharing our best practices for creating Facebook and Instagram ads that convert.

Facebook Desktop

Use square format. On the Facebook and Instagram platforms, square videos fill the screen more and will be more engaging for viewers on both desktop and mobile devices.

Create a visual hook. The more you can get your ad to look like it blends into your customer’s feed, the better. However, you also want to make sure that your content stands out. Use bright, cool colors.

Don’t overuse branding. Advertising is typically a major turnoff for all customers. The less they feel someone is trying to sell them something, the more likely they are to interact with your ad.

Facebook App

Avoid too much detail in images. In this case, less is definitely more. Make your graphics straight and to the point. Too much detail will either confuse or bore your audience.

Write short copy to fill the space. Do your best to avoid the “read more” button on any of your ads. The ad copy should also be very straightforward, with just enough detail to entice your customer but not information overload.

Choose graphics to blend in with news feeds. Similar to how you would choose an image for an ad optimized for Facebook desktop, you want to ensure your ad doesn’t stand out as an advertisement. The more it blends in, the better interaction you will have.

Instagram App

Don’t use landscape images. A bothersome feature about Instagram is their vertical layout of the app. Always use portrait style images and videos for the best look on your audience’s feed.

Describe how people can use your product. For example, let’s say you’re selling LED signs that can be used for all types of home decor. Show the product in action by taking a video showing the light in different areas of the house. Low production costs and the video will blend perfectly into the audience feed, which translates into better interaction on your ad.

Avoid using too many words on your visual. Instagram gives you so many ways to be artsy and creative in your ad. Make sure you’re not overdoing it on the text and emojis, and really let the media visual that you chose speak for itself.

More From Onimod Global

Following these best practices for Facebook and Instagram ads will help you reach success on a budget. Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

The Ultimate Marketing Strategy for Your E-Commerce Company

Many e-commerce companies cower in fear of its industry leader, Amazon. In just a few short years this online retailer has grown to gather nearly $178 billion in 2017.

Through several key strategic moves such as its recent acquisition of Whole Foods, Amazon has been able to successfully eliminate or minimize the impact of its competition. This wild success leaves many within the e-commerce industry to wonder where exactly they fit.

Fortunately, changing consumer purchasing patterns are helping to provide and even bigger market for all online retailers. But how exactly does a small e-commerce company successfully compete in this type of fierce environment?

Niche Market Strategy

Many e-commerce companies have found a solution with a niche marketing strategy. This type of strategy focuses on an unmet or underserved need of consumers. Since the need is not being met appropriately, these niche brands are providing services that do just that!

Many would assume that a company as large as Amazon would have it all, right? Wrong. Brands like Boxed, Brandless, and Dote are all filling in this needs gap, and as a result that have each seen pretty remarkable results.


Boxed works to deliver bulk consumer goods without any sort of a membership fee. This company recognized that urban consumers struggle to purchase in bulk because of a lack of transportation.

Many people living in large cities do not own or regularly use a vehicle, instead opting for public transportation. This makes it impossible for such travelers to lug home bags upon bags of products.

Boxed perfectly caters to this need by providing large amounts of bulk goods delivered right to your door in a conveniently short amount of time. By carving out this specialized section of the market, Boxed has been able to enjoy substantial profits after finding ways in which they can reduce damage rates to packages, according to Adweek.


The company Brandless has been able to achieve many of the same positive results by implementing its own unique niche marketing strategy. Brandless primarily operates as a company that provides complete honesty and transparency to their customers.

Brandless carries thousands of products that do not have any association with a particular brand. This generic packaging and advertising cuts significant costs and allows consumers to bypass the usual marketing jargon and head straight to the actual product and its contents.

This strategy is effective for two reasons: it saves money and it makes the consumer feel more informed and aware of the products they are purchasing. Such abilities have been incredibly popular with the Millennial generation.


This company specifically targets young women by creating a “mobile mall” that they can shop through using their phone. This single platform combines apparel from more than 130 retailers, which allows consumers the ability to shop through thousands of different items all at once without having to travel to each individual website.

Dote has succeeded in creating a personal and comprehensive experience for their users, and it is all easily accessible to boot. Consumers have become so enthralled with Dote that according to Adweek, they visit the app an average of 3.9 times a day.


All of these brands have achieved greatness, even in the wake of powerful e-commerce giants like Amazon. The key is to differentiate in any meaningful way that you can. While this may not necessarily be the one and only strategy, it does seem to be quite effective.

For more information on marketing strategy, please visit the Onimod Global news page! Our content creation specialists regularly publish new content relating to current industry events and trends.

How to Effectively Market Your Brand to Spring Break Travelers

Each year, thousands of college students pour into the city of Chicago for spring break. Although the city is not as warm as other popular destinations, it does provide plenty of activities for spring breakers to participate in.

All of these extra people mean extra business for you. Make sure to capitalize on this huge event by optimizing your marketing efforts toward spring breakers.


A perfect way to attract students on spring break is to offer them free merchandise. As college students, they are very willing to accept anything that does not cost money.

This allows you an opportunity to get students interested in your brand, and to vicariously promote your brand to other spring breakers in the area. As a rule of thumb, always put your logo on every single piece of promotional material in order to maximize brand awareness. Enlarging this logo is also a good idea so you can be sure to make it stand out.

This method may seem a bit simplistic and perhaps even outdated, but we can assure you that you will see a response from travelers if you incentivise them with a cheap t-shirt or pair of sunglasses.


During spring break, visibility is key. This does not necessarily mean to be visible physically such as with billboards and promotional merchandise. You can also generate an incredible amount of traffic to your business by utilizing online advertising strategies and platforms.

Facebook is an incredible resource for all companies that are looking to directly target a detailed group of people. The Facebook ads manager tools allow you to refine your target audience based on current and previous locations. You can also use a multitude of other keywords or phrases to put your ads in front of ideal consumers. This makes it so simple for you to precisely target college students from out of town that are now within a close proximity to your business.

The other major benefit is that Facebook ads are also highly cost effective. If you create a week-long campaign to drive people to your website, you are likely to generate conversions for mere pennies on the dollar!


The strategy behind Twitter ads is very similar to that of Facebook ads, but Twitter is not quite as successful at generating leads. However, Twitter is absolutely ideal for achieving better brand awareness. If you do not possess a prime location that receives a lot of walk-by traffic, then you could be missing out on substantial potential profits.

With Twitter, you can make sure that students on spring break are seeing your business, even if they are not clicking on the ad. Even on a subconscious level, consumers are more likely to interact with a brand that they recognize than with one that they do not. Now go ahead and get your brand out there!

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To learn more about the digital marketing industry, please visit the Onimod blog today! Our content creation specialists regularly produce up-to-date content so that you remain current on digital marketing methods and strategies.

A few of our most recent articles include: The Importance of Google My Business for Local SEO Rankings, How to Build Customer Loyalty That Drives Search Traffic, 4 Statistics That Should Impact Your 2018 Online Marketing Strategy, and much more!

4 Statistics That Should Impact Your 2018 Online Marketing Strategy

2018 will be a critical year in terms of marketing with all of the constant changes happening within the industry. Therefore, having the right marketing strategy in place will ensure that your organization doesn’t fall behind in 2018. The importance of online visibility in today’s digital world should never be overlooked, and it’s an aspect that many businesses lack. Listed below are four marketing statistics from various sources that will help shape your marketing strategy for the year ahead.

1. Repeat E-commerce spenders spend twice as much as new customers
Customer loyalty is huge, and it’s no surprise that repeat customers are far more likely to purchase more from your business. According to an article from Neil Patel, the “average E-commerce spending of repeat customers is $52.50 compared to $24.50 for new customers.” Moreover, effective E-commerce strategies will be crucial in 2018 and being able to generate solid customer relationships will most likely result in revenue increases.

2. The number of advertisers using Facebook is now over 3 Million
Facebook is an extremely effective digital marketing channel, and if utilized correctly it can greatly increase the ROI for your business. Investing plenty of time and money to the social media giant should definitely be a component of your organization’s marketing strategy, as it will pay off in the long run. According to a report from Statista, “the number of active users on Facebook worldwide has now reached 2.13 billion.” Another interesting Facebook fact found by WordStream is that “the average cpc on Facebook across all industries is $1.72.” Ultimately, there’s a reason that Facebook now has over 3 million advertisers, as the platform can be very rewarding for you business if used correctly.

3. Over 90% of shoppers’ purchase decisions are influenced by social media
It’s no surprise that social media is important when it comes to potential consumers and what influences their purchase decisions. A study from Iron Paper found that “approximately 93% of purchase decisions are influenced by social media, and that 90% of users trust peer recommendations.” Businesses that have caught on to this trend have seen increases in sales and overall ROI. It should also be noted that image focused platforms like Instagram and Pinterest offer a huge opportunity for businesses to showcase products/services to help influence purchase decisions.

4. 87% of internet users own a smartphone
The overwhelming usage of smart phones has revolutionized the entire advertising industry. Mobile marketing is not the future, it’s happening right now. The Global Web Index found that “87% of all internet users own a smartphone” and that “there are 9 new mobile users added every second.” Therefore, there must be a major focus on mobile responsiveness in any marketing strategy. It’s essential regarding your organization’s website in terms of user friendliness and ranking higher in search engine results.

Contact Us
If you’re business is in need of digital marketing expertise this year in 2018, Contact Us at Onimod Global. Check out Our Work and see what digital solutions we have to offer! We look forward to hearing from you!

2017 Year in Review: Digital Marketing

As we near the end of 2017, we recall many of the new ideas and innovations that this year brought to us. In digital marketing, there have been many changes. Digital marketing is centered around change, as it is required for this industry to live and thrive. Now we take a look at some of the biggest changes to digital marketing in 2017.

The Move to Mobile

This past year saw an incredible shift in user preference to mobile devices. It has grown to such a height that mobile search has now overtaken desktop search. The trend began early in 2017, but did not slow down at all. 33.3% of all transactions from Cyber Monday were completed on a mobile device. This mobile activity is up nearly 17% from the previous year.

It is also worth noting that age does not matter when it comes to mobile. Most people assume that the only demographic utilizing these mobile technologies are younger generations. In reality, older consumers are regularly active on digital devices. In fact, 50+ year old consumers had a 12% growth in smartphone usage over the past year. Read more in our article, “How to Reach Senior Citizens Using Digital Marketing”.

Competition Between Social Platforms

In 2017, each major social platform was vying for the spotlight. Twitter attempted to increase their numbers by doubling the character limit from 140 to 280. Sadly, this change did not produce the desired effect they were looking for, as their Q3 reports showed another decline in activity.

Snapchat focused on increasing advertising revenue. Their ‘Snap Pixel’ gives marketers better insight into consumer behaviors, which is certainly valuable when forming any kind of marketing strategy.

In the end, one social media platform came out on top in 2017. There can only be one winner, and this winner is Facebook. Facebook provides a larger audience, better targeting options, and superior results when it comes to digital marketing. Their resources and refined tools cannot be outdone. It is also very likely that their success will only continue to grow in the upcoming year.

The Importance of a Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing has become much more calculated. As the industry grows, experts are looking to make the most precise decisions when it comes to their digital marketing efforts. This means that anyone serious about digital marketing should be using a well thought out marketing strategy.

Long standing organizations have the benefit of possessing a history of data. This data is invaluable. Past behavior predicts future behavior. So, data can show you exactly what decisions to make, without much risk of failure.

However, if you do not have a large database to fall back on, it is best to begin with broad objectives which are then refined over time as you begin to notice what works and what does not. For more detailed information in creating a marketing strategy, please take a look at our article, “Create the Perfect Digital Marketing Strategy”.

Digital Permeation

As the digital industry continues to grow, it expands across many other industries. Digital marketing presents all businesses with the ability to better market their products and services. The main advantage is digital marketing’s low cost. Of course, digital marketing campaigns can become expensive if desired, but most campaigns produce results for mere pennies on the dollar.

This advantage has allowed digital marketing to infiltrate every area of business possible. There are no real limitations when it comes to digital marketing. Any organization looking to sell their product to a specified target audience can do it.

As a result, digital marketing strategies have been developed for entire industries. Food, healthcare, metal fabrication, you name it. All of these industries have been affected by digital marketing, and will continue to be affected in 2018.