Tag Archive for: Facebook ads

Micro-Moments: Capturing Consumer Attention in an Instant

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, consumers make decisions and form preferences in micro-moments—those fleeting instances when they turn to their devices to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. Understanding the importance of these critical short periods is essential for any business aiming to capture consumer attention effectively. This blog will explore what micro-moments are, why they matter, and how your business can engage with consumers during these brief yet impactful interactions.

What Are Micro-Moments?

Micro-moments are defined as intent-driven moments of decision-making and preference-shaping that occur throughout the consumer journey. There are four main types of micro-moments:

  1. I-Want-to-Know Moments: When consumers are exploring or researching but are not necessarily in purchase mode.
  2. I-Want-to-Go Moments: When people are looking for a local business or are considering buying a product at a nearby store.
  3. I-Want-to-Do Moments: When someone needs help completing a task or trying something new.
  4. I-Want-to-Buy Moments: When consumers are ready to make a purchase and need help deciding what to buy or how to buy it.

Why Micro-Moments Matter

Micro-moments have become pivotal in the consumer decision-making process due to the ubiquity of mobile devices. Consumers now expect immediate answers and seamless experiences when they turn to their smartphones. Capturing these moments can significantly influence their decisions and loyalty to your brand. Here’s why micro-moments are crucial:

First and foremost, micro-moments represent high intent. Consumers in micro-moments have a clear intent and are often ready to make decisions quickly. This makes them highly valuable for brands. Additionally, with the rise of mobile device usage, micro-moments are predominantly mobile experiences. According to Google, 91% of smartphone users turn to their devices for ideas while completing a task.

Moreover, these moments are characterized by short attention spans. In these moments, consumers expect instant gratification. They want quick, relevant, and useful information to help them make decisions promptly. Furthermore, how effectively a brand addresses micro-moments can significantly impact its perception. Providing valuable information and a seamless experience can build trust and loyalty.

Strategies for Capturing Micro-Moments

To effectively capture consumer attention during micro-moments, businesses must adopt a strategic approach. Here are some strategies to help your brand succeed:

Be There

Firstly, ensure your brand is present across all channels where consumers might seek information. This includes optimizing your website for mobile, maintaining an active social media presence, and leveraging local SEO to capture local search intent. According to Think with Google, 87% of smartphone users turn to search first in a moment of need.

Be Useful

Next, provide relevant and valuable information that addresses consumers’ needs at the moment. Create content that answers common questions, solves problems, or offers useful tips. For example, detailed product descriptions, how-to videos, and customer reviews can be highly beneficial. Think with Google found that 51% of smartphone users have purchased from a company/brand other than the one they intended to because the information provided was useful.

Be Quick

Furthermore, optimize your digital assets for speed. A fast-loading website and quick access to information are critical in retaining consumer attention. According to a Google survey, 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take longer than three seconds to load.

Personalize the Experience

Additionally, use data and analytics to personalize interactions. Tailor your content and offers based on user behavior, preferences, and location. Personalized experiences are more likely to engage consumers and drive conversions. Epsilon reports that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences.

Utilize Local SEO

Moreover, for I-Want-to-Go moments, ensure your business is easily discoverable in local searches. Optimize your Google My Business profile, include location-specific keywords, and encourage customer reviews to boost your local presence. BrightLocal found that 97% of consumers use online media to shop locally.

Leverage Video Content

In addition, video is a powerful tool for capturing attention and conveying information quickly. Create short, engaging videos that address common questions or demonstrate how to use your products.

Implement Retargeting Strategies

Finally, use retargeting ads to re-engage consumers who have previously interacted with your brand but haven’t converted. Retargeting keeps your brand top-of-mind and encourages consumers to return and complete their purchase.

Real-World Examples of Effective Micro-Moment Marketing


Sephora effectively captures I-Want-to-Know moments by providing detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and how-to videos on their website and app. This approach helps customers make informed decisions quickly.


Starbucks capitalizes on I-Want-to-Go moments by ensuring its app and website are optimized for local searches. They also use location-based push notifications to alert nearby customers of special offers.

Home Depot

Home Depot leverages I-Want-to-Do moments by offering a wealth of DIY project guides and instructional videos. This content helps customers accomplish tasks and encourages them to purchase the necessary supplies from Home Depot.


Amazon excels at capturing I-Want-to-Buy moments by providing personalized product recommendations based on browsing history and past purchases. Their one-click purchasing feature also simplifies the buying process, catering to the need for instant gratification.


In conclusion, micro-moments represent a significant opportunity for brands to connect with consumers in meaningful ways. By being present, useful, quick, and personalized, your business can effectively capture consumer attention and drive conversions during these critical moments. Embracing these strategies will ensure your brand stands out and engages consumers when it matters most.

By understanding and leveraging micro-moments, businesses can not only meet consumer expectations but also build lasting relationships and drive long-term success. The future of marketing lies in capturing these fleeting yet powerful interactions and turning them into opportunities for growth and engagement. . Contact us today to start telling your company story with social content and paid social advertising by Onimod Global.

Is Threads Ready for Facebook Integration?

Meta has begun a new test for cross-posting between Facebook and Threads, with some users now being promoted to share their Facebook updates to the new, Twitter-like app. Here’s what you need to know.

In the fast-paced realm of social media, platforms like Meta are constantly exploring new features and integrations to enhance user experiences. One of the latest experiments involves the cross-posting functionality between Facebook and Threads, Meta’s micro-social networking app. Today, we’ll delve into the implications of Meta’s test and the potential impact it may have on content sharing and user engagement.

Understanding Meta’s Cross-Posting Initiative

Meta’s initiative aims to simplify the process of sharing updates between Facebook and Threads, offering users a seamless way to expand the reach of their content. The test, currently in limited rollout on iOS devices, allows users to toggle on Threads cross-posting for text and link posts. While this aligns with Meta’s strategy of maximizing content distribution across its platforms, it raises pertinent questions about user preferences and platform differentiation.

Challenges and Concerns: Platform Identity and User Experience

Critics express concerns about the integration between Threads and Facebook potentially diluting Threads’ identity as a micro-social networking platform. Threads, positioned as a counterpart to Twitter, caters to a specific user base seeking concise, real-time updates. 

Integrating its functions with Facebook may blur the lines between the two platforms, leading to a homogenization of content and user experiences. Additionally, the proliferation of cross-posted content raises concerns about redundancy and diminished quality within the Threads platform.

Meta’s Vision: Building a Billion-User Platform

Despite challenges, Meta remains committed to positioning Threads as a billion-user platform, leveraging positivity, AI-driven recommendations, and content engagement. The company’s data-driven approach underscores its confidence in the efficacy of cross-platform integrations to drive user retention and satisfaction. However, uncertainties persist regarding whether Threads users align with Meta’s vision or seek a differentiated social media experience.

Navigating Integration and Differentiation

The tension between integration and differentiation underscores the complexity of Meta’s strategy in managing its suite of platforms. As Meta continues to refine its approach, digital marketers and social media professionals must remain agile, adapting their strategies to evolving user preferences and platform dynamics. By closely monitoring developments and consumer behavior, stakeholders can help ensure that their efforts align with the evolving social media landscape.

Adapting to a Dynamic Social Media Landscape

Meta’s trial of cross-posting between Facebook and Threads is a big move to make sharing content easier across its platforms. But worries about keeping each platform unique, pleasing users, and maintaining good content quality show that combining different social media sites isn’t easy. As Meta works through these challenges, it’s important for everyone involved to stay alert and adjust their plans to match the changing desires of users in the fast-moving world of social media.

As businesses strive to navigate the complexities of the ever-changing social media landscape, staying ahead of trends becomes paramount. Onimod Global understands the challenges presented by innovations like Meta’s cross-posting test and offers tailored solutions to help businesses thrive. With our expertise in digital marketing strategies and commitment to staying abreast of industry developments, we empower businesses to adapt and succeed in the dynamic world of social media. Contact us today at onimodglobal.com to learn how we can elevate your digital presence.

Maximizing Facebook Ad Performance

Mastering Facebook advertising is crucial for businesses aiming to stand out online, especially amidst evolving privacy changes and platform updates.

At Onimod Global, we understand the challenges and complexities that come with running successful Facebook ad campaigns. Here, we offer insights and best practices to help you elevate your Facebook advertising game and drive tangible results.

To optimize your campaigns effectively, consider the following strategies:

Allow Sufficient Time for Analysis

In today’s digital advertising landscape, patience is key. We advise waiting at least 72 hours, or the entire optimization window duration, before concluding campaign performance. While it’s essential to monitor daily metrics, refraining from premature analysis allows for a more accurate assessment of how your campaigns are truly performing over time. This extended observation period helps ensure that you’re not making decisions based on incomplete or misleading data.

Analyze at the Campaign Level

While it’s tempting to delve into the details of individual ads and creatives, focusing your analysis at the campaign level offers a broader perspective on performance trends. Remember that some conversions may be aggregated and reported with a delay, which can skew ad-level assessments. Analyzing campaigns holistically enables better pattern recognition and resource allocation for optimized performance.

Enable Aggregated Event Measurement

Ensure your campaign objectives are closely tied to web events that directly impact your business goals. For example, if you run an athletic apparel e-commerce store, your main goal may be to increase online sales. In such a scenario, it’s essential to give priority to events like “Add to Cart” and “Purchase” within the Events Manager. This prioritization aligns campaigns with key metrics and minimizes optimization for less relevant ones. As a result, your advertising endeavors are optimized for maximum effectiveness, driving better outcomes for your business.

Implement the Conversions API

The Conversions API serves as a crucial link between your marketing data and the Facebook platform, offering enhanced measurement accuracy and optimization capabilities. By integrating the Conversions API into your setup, you can track and attribute conversions more reliably, ultimately leading to improved campaign performance and reduced cost per action. Using this tool also reinforces your commitment to user privacy, building trust with your audience and regulators.

Leverage the Learning Phase

During the initial learning phase of your campaigns, give Facebook the necessary time to gather data and optimize ad delivery algorithms. Minimize manual edits and avoid frequent changes to allow the platform to learn and adapt to audience behavior effectively. Consider consolidating ad sets or selecting more frequent optimization events to expedite learning and achieve optimal results faster.

Explore All Available Tools

In a dynamic and evolving advertising landscape, it’s essential to explore a variety of measurement solutions beyond the Facebook Ads platform. By diversifying your toolkit, you can uncover potential discrepancies in reporting and help ensure data accuracy across multiple channels. Whether it’s utilizing third-party analytics platforms or implementing custom tracking solutions, leveraging all available tools empowers you to make informed decisions and maximize the effectiveness of your advertising investments.

Embrace Testing and Learning

Continuous experimentation is the cornerstone of successful advertising campaigns. Test different bidding strategies, ad formats, and audience targeting parameters to identify what resonates best with your target audience. By embracing a culture of testing and learning, you can uncover valuable insights, refine your approach, and stay ahead of competitors in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Remember that optimization is an ongoing process, and each test brings you one step closer to achieving your advertising objectives.

Final Thoughts

By adopting these strategies, you can confidently navigate the digital landscape and drive meaningful business results.

At Onimod Global, we’re dedicated to helping you leverage the full potential of Facebook advertising and drive sustainable growth. Contact us today to learn more about how our expertise and tailored solutions can elevate your digital marketing strategy.

How To Improve Facebook Ad Performance and Measurement

Per ususal, the last quarter of the year is a busy one and a very important time for businesses like yours. For 2021 in particular, you are most likely attempting to execute paid social media strategies with Facebook ads and digital marketing plans while navigating through a sea of privacy and platform changes across the entire online advertising industry.

Facebook estimates that in aggregate they are underreporting iOS web conversions by approximately 15%. however this is an overarching number with a broad range for individual advertisers. Facebook claims that the conversions occurring in the real world, like sales and app installs, are higher than what is being reported for many advertisers. Onimod Global experts are here to help you understand these changes, specifically in Facebook ads, and optimize performance in this new environment.

Actions to Improve Facebook Ad Performance and Measurement

As you build your campaigns, try to keep these Facebook advertising best practices in mind:

  • Before you analyze performance, allow some time: Delayed data is a real pain. Due to the fact it’s almost inevitable as well as modeled reporting, we advise waiting a minimum of 72 hours or the full length of the optimization window selected before evaluating the performance for campaigns that are optimized for conversions. Daily assessment is of course still possible for campaigns and should be monitored, but waiting to analyze and report will ensure you get the most accurate picture of performance.
  • Analyze at the campaign level, not the creative level: Where it’s possible and makes sense for your analysis, analyze reporting at the campaign level. While you can always assess performance at the ad set and ad level is possible, some estimated conversions are aggregated and reported with a delay. We advise to take this into account when assessing ads performance.
  • Enable Aggregated Event Measurement: This essentially means to choose the web events (like a sign-up or a purchase) that are most aligned with your core business outcomes and are frequently used as the events to optimize against in your campaigns. If you are running ads optimized against events that have not been prioritized in Events Manager, it may potentially effect your results negatively.
  • Set up the Conversions API: The Conversions API creates a simple, reliable and privacy-safe connection between your marketing data, such as website events and offline conversions, and Facebook. Adding the Conversions API to your existing setup will help you optimize your ad campaigns, decrease cost per action and more accurately measure campaign outcomes while offering the same privacy protections we’ve put in place across our other Business Tools. Many advertisers are already seeing success with Conversions API, and you can check out their stories here.
  • Use the learning phase help Facebook discover the best way to deliver your ads: One tip we recommend to be able to exit the learning phase sooner is to consolidate your ad sets, expanding your audience or choosing an optimization event that occurs more frequently. Another way you can make the most of the learning phase is reducing the frequency of manual edits or expand your audiences, so there are more opportunities for people to complete your optimization event.
  • Take all available tools into account: You may also want to consider all measurement solutions available to you, on Facebook Ads platform and off. During this period of transition, it’s crucial to review all measurement solutions to identify potential underreporting that may be occuring for your business.
  • Continue to test and learn: Through testing new bidding, format and audience strategies, you can identify what is working today and evolve over time as Facebook Ads continue to improve. Testing new creative and marketing strategies is essential for improving your performance over time.

Final Thoughts on Facebook Ads

When there’s even more to take into account in terms of making your Facebook Ads perform better, it’s important to know how each will benefit you and drive results. We will continue to share case studies and considerations to help you drive your business. Our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

At Onimod Global, we have endless experience and expertise when it comes to all things Facebook advertising, general social media advertising, and digital marketing. Got questions about Facebook advertising or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

How to Maximize Lead Generation via Facebook Posts and Ads

With billions of people using Facebook each month, the opportunity for lead generation is endless. Facebook recently shared tips on how to maximize lead generation via Facebook posts and ads to help businesses boost the performance of their Facebook marketing efforts. These tips cover the four critical elements of effective lead generation, intending to help marketers formulate a better strategy for reaching and connecting with potential customers. 

1. Lead Capture

According to Facebook, one of the keys to capturing leads is ensuring that your audience clearly understands what they’re signing up for. They should also clearly understand what makes your product or service worthy of giving their personal email address or other information. Being upfront and having clear communication from the get-go helps ensure that those that are converting are a part of your target audience. 

2. Lead Magnets 

Facebook’s second tip is that brands should adopt the “give before asking” mentality by offering users something in return for their information. This could be a one-sheeter, eBook, discount code, free trial, newsletter, webinar, etc. By providing value upfront you establish trust and a connection with your audience, leading to a better relationship and more brand-loyalty in the future.

3. Landing Page 

Landing pages are a critical element to ads. It’s important that once you get a user to click through your post or ad, that your landing page matches what you’ve explained. It’s also important that it has a quality design and effectively collects the information you need. Facebook advises brands to test different versions of landing pages to see which have the high click-through and conversion rates. They also suggest that you should consider setting up a custom audience to then retarget those who have clicked through, but not yet converted. 

4. Lead Scoring

Facebook’s final tip is to create a lead scoring matrix in order to better customize their outreach efforts and prioritize leads based on past engagement. For example, downloading a white paper is worth more points than unsubscribing from your email list. This can help you save time and effort by only contacting the leads that are more likely to convert first. The way you go about establishing your lead scoring table will vary, depending on your offer and goals. But the idea is that by segmenting each of your leads will allow you to better focus the outreach for each of your strategies. 

Final Thoughts 

Lead generation is key to maximizing your Facebook marketing efforts. The more insights you can gather, the better you can hone in on where the right people are for every campaign. Either by focusing on groups directly or using them for Lookalike’s to expand your research. At Onimod Global, we’re experts in digital marketing, specializing in Facebook Ads. If you need additional assistance in the Facebook ad space, or any area of digital marketing, we can help. At Onimod Global we’re experts in all areas of social media and digital marketing. Learn more about who we are and what we do, and contact us here today. 

We also release the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here.

4 Steps to Create a Successful Paid Social Campaign

With the holiday season upon us, eCommerce spend is set to hit new records. With people online shopping now more than ever, reaching out through social should be on the agenda for your brand. 

If you’re looking to refine your approach to paid social ads this season, here are 4 simple tips to create a winning campaign. 

Step 1: Define Your Goals

The first step to any winning campaign is defining your campaign goals, KPIs, parameters, plan and strategy. The easiest way to to do this is by creating a checklist with a variety of questions, such as: 

  • What is your campaign objective? 
  • Why does this matter? What’s your ultimate business goal? 
  • How will you measure success? 
  • What is your budget? 
  • Who is your target audience? 
  • How far through the funnel are they? 
  • What is your ideal audience reach? 
  • Which platforms best reach your target audience? 

Step 2: Design Ads 

When creating your ads, you should be guided by your audience data, social style guide and social listening tools. You should also craft multiple versions of the same ad to avoid creative fatigue. Best practices include designing 3-5 creative options for your ad visuals and writing multiple captions for each. Asking questions in the copy is also a good way to help boost engagement on the ad. 

It’s also important to incorporate different types of ad formats to test what performs best. This includes carousels, stories, video, ect. When doing this it’s important to make sure your creative is within specs and renders properly across all ad formats. 

Lastly, make sure your ad creative and copy are both on-brand and compliment whatever organic content you’re posting at the same time. Also ask for feedback to identify which creative assets are your best. 

Step 3: Build Ad Sets 

To get started on this step, build target audiences and upload your creative assets to your chosen social platforms. 

When building your target audiences you want to create multiple segments such as prospective, lookalike, retargeting, ABM, etc. Here are a few tips for building multiple segments: 

  • To build an audience of prospective customers, use platform offerings. 
  • For lookalike audiences, utilize your company’s first part data. 
  • Create retargeting audiences from your site tracking pixels. 
  • Use platform target parameters to suppress and exclude those you don’t want to reach.

Once you’ve completed these steps be sure to take advantage of custom tracking links to collect data and measure your success. You want to be granular but don’t go too narrow with your targeting.  

You should also be sure to install tracking links and that your conversion tracking pixels are placed correctly on your site. Utilize custom tracking links to collect your data and ultimately measure your success. 

Lastly, bid strategically. Implement automated rules and cost/bid caps to avoid high ad costs. Since there are so many brands running ads during the holiday season, it can be easy for costs to get high. 

Step 4: Launch Campaign

Once you’ve launched your campaign, A/B testing is essential. Learn what resonates better with your audiences and monitor your progress frequently. We recommend running ads for about 1-2 weeks before making any changes. 

Continue to go back and review your goals and KPIs when measuring your success. If there are ads you notice aren’t performing as well, pause them and don’t be afraid to increase spend on the ones that are. 

More from Onimod Global 

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Facebook Ad Tips to Maximize Your Performance This Holiday Season

The 2020 holiday season is here and for many it can’t be business as usual. Businesses must continue to shift and adapt to everything going on and with many distractions, capturing consumers’ attention is more difficult than ever. If you’ve yet to establish a strong online presence throughout the pandemic, you’ll need to start thinking of ways to create a strong brand awareness and stand out among competitors. 

For many, Facebook is a critical marketing platform, especially around the holiday season. The platform recently gave out their top 5 tips for creating ads to maximize your performance while increasing your brand awareness. 

1. Create a voice for your brand. 

Giving your brand a unique voice is the best way to personify your brand. You want to tailor this voice to align with both your business purposes and their target audience. Many brands find success on social media by adopting a certain persona. Facebook suggests this may be key, in addition to ensuring consistency in your tone. 

2. Position your products. 

Visual elements are crucial on all social media platforms when it comes to marketing. Presenting your offerings up front is also a critical part of the process. Display your products up front and center so your audience knows what you’re advertising and why. You can also include your brand message so users can start to associate it with your products. Facebook has also mentioned that putting your brand messaging within the first few seconds of a video ad is key to effectively building association. 

3. Say it with words. 

While visuals are important, you can’t rely on them alone when marketing. Incorporate value propositions into your ads that feature your products or services, explaining why the user should purchase them, what makes them unique from others and what benefits they’ll get from them. You can also start weaving your brand’s messaging or slogan into your ad copy. 

4. Use branded packaging. 

You can easily take your brand to the next level by creating unique packaging that encompasses your company’s look and feel. This also helps enhance the customer experience, making it almost seem like a gift, which is especially nice during the holiday season. Personalized touches are also a great addition to brand packaging. It can be as simple as a handwritten note, but it shows you care about your customers and create a better, more loyal relationship with them. 

5. Spend strategically. 

Brand awareness is a difficult goal to track and measure. Facebook offers marketing solutions that help with quantifying your efforts. For example, you can run retargeting campaigns to reach audiences who already know about your brand, as well as advertise to people who have already visited your website, app, store or Facebook page, or advertise specifically to people who have already made a purchase. 

Final Thoughts

Even though there is a lot going on in the world currently, brands still have to think about their holiday marketing efforts. If you’re struggling knowing how to get going, these tips are a great place to start. If you need additional assistance in the Facebook ad space, or any area of digital marketing, we can help. At Onimod Global we’re experts in all areas of social media and digital marketing. Learn more about who we are and what we do, and contact us here today. 

We also release the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here.

7 Social Media Graphic Design Tips

No matter what you’re sharing on social media, it always performs best when paired with striking visuals. So here are some social media design tip best practices to help your content stand out amongst the crowd. 

1. Determine Your Goal 

Usually, the main goal when using social media is to grab user’s attention and get them to engage in some way. No piece of content will ever cater to all social media users, so the most important factor is figuring out what works for your audience. Here are some questions to get you started when determining the goal of your social media graphic: 

  • Who is my target audience? 
  • Which platforms are they using the most?
  • Which devices are they on most frequently? 
  • What is the message I want to spread?
  • What emotion am I trying to invoke? 
  • What action do I want my audience to take after seeing this graphic? 

2. Be Consistent 

You want to maintain consistency across all design elements and branded materials so that your target audience can clearly recognize who it’s coming from. Whatever graphics you create and share should essentially be an extension of the same brand they see on your website. Be sure to incorporate your brand’s colors and fonts into your designs and avoid anything content that doesn’t accurately reflect your brand. 

3. Tell Your Message Visually 

Majority of people scroll through social media slightly distracted and only for a few minutes at a time. Try to use visuals with minimal text to capture attention and get your message across as quickly as possible. Statistics have shown that people can recall information about 55% more efficiently when it’s paired with a relevant graphic. That’s why you want to choose visuals that evoke a specific emotion you want your audience to feel. Possibly a visual representation of a pain point you know your target audience is experiencing, or that pain point being solved or relieved. 

4. Avoid Color Discord 

Make sure you’re choosing colors that complement each other, avoiding color discord. Combine contrasting colors to make your graphic a scroll-stopper. The most eye-catching color combinations are those that oppose each other on the color wheel. You also want to avoid using colors that might clash with your own branding, as well as the branding of the social platform you’re using. For example, Facebook’s signature blue. When you’re already competing for attention with the color schemes of other ads, you don’t want to compete with the colors of the site itself. 

5. Establish a Visual Hierarchy 

It’s important to establish some sort of visual hierarchy throughout your design. A visual hierarchy is the use of size and color to emphasize one item over another to draw the viewer’s eye to a certain item above others. Basically, you want to give visual clues to what’s most important in the graphic. Emphasize your message by focusing on the most significant phrases. The title text should have the largest font size, then subtitles, body copy and so on. You should also highlight any sort of CTA that might be included as well. 

6. Be Sure to Use Correct Sizing 

Every social platform requires images with different sizes, specifications and image types. When creating your design you need to identify which platform(s) you’ll be sharing it on. You will most likely have to resize the graphic to fit the specific dimensions of every platform you’re planning on sharing it. This can seem like a tedious task, but this is important for optimization and to ensure important elements of your graphic aren’t cropped or distorted. 

7. Keep it Simple 

Because social gives designers a much smaller canvas to work with, overcrowding can happen fast. You want to avoid overcrowding because it hinders user experience and can make it difficult to get your message across. You can avoid this by: 

  • Using large illustrations 
  • Limiting typeface to 2 fonts 
  • Sticking with 2-3 colors 
  • Utilizing white space to contrast the main bold, colorful element 

More from Onimod Global 

Needing assistance with graphic design, branding or social media? We offer high-end design and branding for your business.

Visual identity and marketing materials are our specialty. Bring an in-house graphic design team to your business with Onimod Global. Learn more about who we are or contact us to bring your digital marketing strategy to the next level today. 

How To Improve Your Facebook Relevance Score

Improving your Facebook relevance score can help you save money and reach more consumers. However, what can you do to boost your relevance score without taking away time from your already busy schedule?

Experts at Onimod Global are here to share everything you need to know about Facebook’s relevance score and how to improve yours!

What is Facebook Relevance Score?

The Facebook Relevance Score is all about the relevance of your ad to your targeted audience. A number from 1-10 (10 is highest and one is lowest) will tell you how relevant your ad will be to your target audience. To improve your ad’s relevance score, you can work on your targeting and the ad creative.

How Does Facebook Calculate Relevance?

There are a number of factors to be considered here. However, before your ad will calculate a relevance score, your ad has to be shown 500 times. After you exceed 500, you can check your relevance score in Ad Manager or any other campaign managing software.

How to see your score in the Ad manager:

  1. Go to Facebook Ad Manager
  2. Click “Campaigns”
  3. Click “Ads”
  4. Click “Relevance Score”

Ads with high relevance scores (8+) often deliver great CPA (cost per action).  Ads with low relevance scores (4 or less) rarely generate great results, at least not for very long.

Why It Matters

The goal is actually to help all parties involved. Facebook grades ads with their relevance score system to provide advertisers with useful feedback, and more importantly, to ensure their platform isn’t cluttered with annoying irrelevant advertising. Ads with low relevance scores result in higher costs, while ads with high relevance scores are rewarded with lower costs.

So, if your ads receive a low relevance score, you need to improve it. This will not only save you money, but will also make sure your ads reach the right audience. The more attention you pay to the relevance score of your ads, the more likely your campaigns will succeed.

How You Can Improve

The good news is improving a Facebook relevance score is quite simple. Here are a few easy fixes to make sure your score is consistently high:

Be specific with targeting: Before you can target the right people, you need to figure out who, exactly, you want to see your ads. While you may think every 18-65 year old in the United States may potentially be interested in your product, Facebook won’t be interested in showing it to everyone. If you’ve never done audience research or created buyer personas before, now is the time to start.

The perfect combination of visual and copy: This may sound logical, but that doesn’t always mean it’s obvious.  Focus on improving the visual to improve your relevance score. Also, keep your copy simple and related to what you’re promoting.

Steer clear of offensive and misleading content: This may seem obvious yet again, however it is something to always keep in mind. Always follow the Facebook advertising guidelines and community standards. Besides, social media is a network of millions of people sharing stories. Remember, you want a build a brand and not a bad reputation.

Refresh your ad: This one is crucial, and probably the most common problem you will have with your relevance score. Prevent the target audience getting tired of your ad and try creating another ad creative with new content. If you keep refreshing your ad, your relevance score will continue to rise.

Contact Onimod Global

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

Facebook Ads Boycott: Why Marketers Are Pulling Their July Ad Spend

The list of companies planning to suspend their Facebook ads for the month of July continues to grow. This boycott stemmed from Facebook’s inaction to address hate speech on its platform. 

A civil rights coalition, which includes the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the NAACP, launched the #StopHateforProfit campaign last week when it called on major corporations to put a pause on advertising on Facebook to send a message to the platform that its lack of action is not going to be tolerated. Within a few days The North Face, REI, Patagonia and a few others were the first big-name brands to join the stand. 

So what is this boycott all about and should you get behind the movement? 

Where This All Started

Social networking platforms have been under fire over the past year for allowing false statements made by politicians, the president in particular, to be published with no consequence. These types of campaigns stem all the way back to the election of 2016, with Trump and Clinton. More recently, the main focus of the push came from the president’s recent comments on the BLM protests, which Facebook chose to leave up in the matter of public interest. 

Activists have been pushing for Facebook to follow Twitter’s lead and draw a definitive line on hate speech that cannot be crossed in on-platform discussion, even by the president. Quickly following Trump’s post, Twitter prevented users from viewing the tweet without reading a brief notice that the post glorified violence. Twitter further tightened restrictions on the messages from Trump and the White House by blocking users from liking or replying to them. A few days later Twitter added their first fact-checking labels to Trump’s election-related tweets as well.

Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, on other hand did not feel the same way about censoring the president’s posts. Zuckerberg says Trump’s posts did not violate Facebook’s policy and will remain online, uncensored. 

They ultimately decided to leave the post up because the company’s position is that it “should enable as much expression as possible unless it will cause imminent risk of specific harms or dangers spelled out in clear policies,” Zuckerberg wrote. 

The Boycott 

Last week the NAACP and the ADL officially announced their #StopHateForProfitCampaign with a full page ad in the Los Angeles Times. The campaign was meant to target advertisers, specifically big-name brands. Just two days later, The North Face tweeted, “We’re in. We’re out @Facebook #StopHateForProfit.” The North Face’s commitment applies to ads on Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram, the brand said in a statement, though it will continue to create organic content on Instagram. The list now expands to: 

  • REI 
  • Upwork 
  • Patagonia 
  • Dashlane 
  • Magnolia Pictures 
  • Eddie Bauer 
  • Arc’teryx
  • Ben & Jerrys 
  • Eileen Fisher 

What Will Happen to Facebook? 

It’s not a massive wave of advertisers yet, which means it won’t hurt Facebook in a revenue sense. But it will have perceptual impacts, and could spark more backlash from the platform’s partners and users. Facebook has already admitted that it has a deepening ‘trust deficit’ with ad partners, which it will need to address. The company has already been seeing a slowdown in ads due to the impacts of COVID-19 and the recession. If the list of big names continues to grow, Facebook will have no choice but to listen. 

What Should You Do? 

The decision to join in on this movement is a more personal one. If you support the #StopHateforProfit campaign and feel that it’s important to use your voice as a business, this is the perfect way to do that. On the other hand, this isn’t about calling out or judging marketers whose business relies on Facebook advertisement. For many joining in, this is a very low-risk decision, but for others it’s not financially justifiable. 

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