Tag Archive for: social media strategy

Social Media Strategies that Drives Brand Awareness & ROI

In today’s digital age, a robust social media strategy isn’t just optional for businesses—it’s essential for thriving in a competitive landscape.

Social media platforms offer unparalleled opportunities to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and drive tangible results. Globally, there are over 5 billion active social media users—that’s 62% of the world’s population. This statistic shows the influential role that social media has in people’s daily lives. But it’s not enough for you to just be active on social channels.

Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, crafting an effective social media strategy requires careful planning and execution. Here’s how you can create the ultimate social media strategy that boosts brand visibility and maximizes ROI.

What is a Social Media Strategy?

A social media strategy is a detailed plan that outlines how a business or individual will use social media platforms to achieve specific marketing goals. It involves defining the right target audience, choosing the proper platforms, and creating engaging content at optimal times. A well-crafted social media strategy enhances brand visibility, fosters customer loyalty, and drives meaningful interactions that ultimately contribute to business growth and ROI.

It may be daunting to think about creating a social media strategy, but it can provide your business with many tangible benefits, including:

Now that you understand the basics of a social media strategy let’s get to the specific steps you need to take to create one.

1. Set Clear Goals and Objectives

So, what is the first step in creating your social media strategy? The answer is establishing clear goals for your social media presence! Doing so can help you define what success means for your brand, whether it’s increasing awareness, driving traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales. Having specific, measurable goals will guide your strategy effectively. Understanding your target audience is another factor that can play a big role in your strategy. Conducting thorough market research can help uncover your audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors. This helps ensure your content resonates well and drives ROI.

2. Choose the Right Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Select platforms where your target audience is most active. For example, B2B businesses might succeed more on platforms like LinkedIn, while visually-driven brands may succeed on Instagram or Pinterest. Focusing your efforts on platforms that align with your business goals and audience preferences is important. Each social media platform has its algorithms and best practices. Optimize your content for each platform by tailoring formats, hashtags, and posting times. Use native tools like Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics to refine your approach based on performance data.

3. Create Compelling Content

Content is king in the realm of social media. Social media is about building relationships. Engage with your audience by promptly responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Develop a content strategy that includes a mix of engaging visuals, informative articles, videos, and user-generated content. A compelling content strategy helps ensure your content is valuable, relevant, and aligned with your brand’s voice and values. It can also help foster a sense of community. Authentic messaging and engagement can ultimately help enhance brand loyalty.

4. Use Paid Advertising Strategically

Paid advertising on social media can help amplify your reach and accelerate results. Leverage targeting options to reach specific demographics, interests, or behaviors. To maximize ROI with paid advertising, continuously test and optimize your campaigns. A/B tests your ad copy, landing pages, and bidding strategy to identify what works. Regularly review your performance data and adjust campaigns to improve ROI. One helpful tip is to use advanced analytics tools offered by platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to monitor campaign performance and identify areas for improvement. Making necessary adjustments based on your tracking data can help improve campaign effectiveness.

5. Keep Your Plan Updated

Successful social media strategies are not static. Continuously iterate based on insights gained from analytics and audience feedback. Experiment with new content formats, campaign ideas, and optimization techniques to continually improve your strategy’s effectiveness. One of the great things about social media trends and algorithms is that they constantly evolve. Stay informed about industry trends, algorithm updates, and new features introduced by platforms. Adapt your strategy to leverage emerging opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

Final Thoughts

By implementing these steps, you can create an optimal social media strategy that enhances brand awareness and drives ROI for your business. Our mission at Onimod Global is to synchronize your content marketing endeavors with tangible business outcomes. Our data-centric strategies offer insights into your audience’s preferences, your competition’s strengths, and potential industry leadership opportunities.

Stationed in downtown Chicago with offices in Denver, CO, and Waterloo, Iowa, our in-house content team is well-versed across multiple marketing verticals, ensuring we cater to all your unique advertising needs. Our commitment to excellence, up-to-date industry knowledge, and unmatched customer service sets us apart.

Start crafting your ultimate social media strategy today and watch your brand thrive digitally. Reach out to us today.

5 Ways Social Media Can Benefit Your Business

Social media benefits millions of users daily. It’s a goldmine for companies looking to build brand awareness, acquire new customers, and increase customer loyalty.  Here’s how to help ensure you’re taking advantage of social media’s dynamic capabilities. 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not just places for sharing photos and messages but also powerful tools for businesses to promote their brand and connect with customers.

A business without a social media marketing plan is certainly at a disadvantage in today’s digital world. Whether you’re a large B2B enterprise organization or a small e-commerce business, we will explore five ways social media can benefit every part of your company and marketing strategy.

1. Changing Customer Service

Social media has transformed customer service in many ways. Businesses today are under mounting pressure to provide exceptional customer service to their fan base, as negative comments can quickly spread and damage their brand reputation. In the past, customers would have to call a company’s customer service hotline or send an email to resolve an issue. The benefit of social media is that customers can now reach out to businesses through their social media accounts, getting their questions answered and issues resolved easily and faster.

As mentioned, social media also provides a more public forum for customers to voice their opinions, which can be positive and negative. By becoming more accessible, transparent, and interactive, social media allows businesses to build stronger customer relationships. By responding to comments and messages promptly and addressing any issues professionally, companies can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and build trust with their followers.

2. Building Brand Awareness 

In today’s digital age, social media has become essential for businesses to build brand awareness. By creating a solid social media presence, businesses can establish themselves as industry authorities and increase their reach. This is especially important in a competitive market where thousands of competing businesses are fighting for the attention of your potential customers.

By consistently posting high-quality content and engaging with their audience, businesses can stand out and establish a loyal customer base. In addition to increasing brand awareness, social media can help businesses monitor their brand reputation and address any negative feedback. By staying on top of social media conversations, businesses can resolve customer complaints and maintain a positive image.

3. Helping Your Brand Stay Relevant

Social media has become a critical platform for businesses to stay relevant in today’s fast-paced world. With trends evolving at lightning speed, social media is where trends are born and spread. To keep up with emerging trends relevant to your audience, it’s crucial to keep your finger on the pulse of social media.

Social media is not just about trends. Social media is a vital component of a long-term brand strategy that helps businesses stay top of mind for years. Brands that ignore or neglect their social media presence risk becoming irrelevant and being abandoned by their communities.

In the face of fierce competition for consumer attention, you must tune into conversations around your brand and industry. Social listening is a valuable tool that allows businesses to analyze what people say about their company. Businesses can build a stronger brand image and foster deeper connections with their customers by engaging with their audiences.

4. Revamping Your Sales Strategy

Social media has become an essential component of a successful business marketing strategy. With the ability to target specific audiences and track engagement and conversions, social media advertising offers a cost-effective way to reach new customers. By creating targeted ads and optimizing them for specific goals, such as website traffic, or sales, businesses can increase their return on investment (ROI) and drive revenue growth. Social media can also nurture leads and build customer relationships through personalized messaging and content. By leveraging the power of social media in their sales strategy, businesses can achieve their sales goals and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

5. Helping Build A Brand Community

Engaging with customers on social media is critical for businesses to stay culturally relevant. According to The Sprout Social Index, 41% of marketers agree brands that actively engage with their communities are culturally relevant. Promptly responding to messages and reviews shows you value your customers’ opinions. With brand community, businesses can build trust and foster deeper connections with their audience.

Social media is another tool that benefits businesses to showcase their personality and humanize their brand. By creating authentic and relatable content and engaging with their followers, businesses can stay relevant and top of mind for their target audience. In today’s digital landscape, where customers have high expectations for personalized and responsive brand interactions, social media engagement is essential for businesses to remain competitive and succeed.

If you’re struggling to connect with your audience, working with a digital marketing agency can help.

Working With Onimod Global

Working with an experienced social media marketing agency can be an invaluable investment if you’re having difficulty connecting with your audience on social media. At Onimod Global, we are experts in providing various digital marketing solutions for every type of business and industry. Our talented social media team excels in content creation, webinar marketing, SEO, and more, as we stay attuned to the latest technological advancements in the digital marketing industry. For a full list of our offerings, see here.

Final Thoughts

]Social media benefits every part of your business, from building brand awareness to improving employee engagement. By creating a social media strategy and leveraging its power, businesses can drive sales, increase customer loyalty, and build a strong company culture.

At Onimod Global, we’re passionate about our experience in brand strategy and social media advertising to help businesses succeed with modern marketing strategies. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help elevate your business to the next level.

What is Social Selling?

In 2023 cold calls simply don’t cut it anymore. As the digital landscape evolves, businesses are turning to social media to reach and engage with new customers. And while social selling has been around for a few years now, many organizations are missing out on this new marketing strategy. 

With more consumers turning to the internet to find products and information, businesses that are not utilizing social selling are missing out on valuable opportunities. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of social selling in today’s business environment and provide practical steps for implementing a successful strategy.

Get ready to level up your marketing strategy and tap into the power of social media.

What is Social Selling?

Increasingly, the opinions of our social network and other consumers factor into our buying decisions.  Research shows Millennials and Gen Zers are 4.1x more likely to say that user-generated content (e.g., product reviews, photos, or testimonials from other customers) is important when they’re considering a purchase. In this era of hyper-connected customers, social selling takes on a new prominence.

Social selling involves utilizing digital platforms to reach potential customers and establish connections. This method is a crucial tool for sales professionals seeking new leads and connections with relevant individuals.

A report conducted by LinkedIn’s “Global State of Sales 2022”, estimated one-third of sellers have successfully closed deals worth over $500,000 without physical interaction with the buyer. Additionally, 89% of customers are more likely to consider a brand if the seller demonstrates a change in their approach.

So how do you become a social seller? If your business and sales employees are already using social media, their best bet is to leverage those networks as sales channels.

Choose Your Network

When it comes to social selling, not all social networks are equal. Different social networks have different strengths and weaknesses, and what works for one business may not be effective for another. To maximize your results, it’s essential to understand the unique features and demographics of each social network and tailor your approach accordingly.

For instance, if your business operates in the B2B space, LinkedIn may be the most effective platform for making connections with other businesses. On the other hand, if you want to find and follow people in your industry, Twitter may be a better option. It’s important to look at engagement rates and determine where your target audience is active to make informed decisions about which social networks to use. By doing so, you’ll be able to reach the right people and achieve your business goals more effectively.

Make a Target List & Know Your Audience

Knowing your target audience is key to successful social selling. To get the most out of your efforts, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the companies or individuals you want to connect with. Creating a list of these target prospects can help you focus your efforts and ensure that you’re spending your time and resources on the right people.

When creating your target list, consider factors such as industry, job title, location, and size of the company. Having a clear understanding of your ideal customer profile will allow you to craft a messaging strategy. This will resonate with your target audience and help you build meaningful relationships. By taking the time to identify and understand your target audience, you’ll be able to maximize the return on investment of your social selling efforts and achieve your business goals more effectively.

Post Relevant Content and Be Consistent

Content is a crucial component of any social selling strategy. By finding and sharing relevant and interesting content with your target audience, you can position yourself as a trusted resource and establish credibility with your prospects. This content doesn’t have to be directly related to your company or products, but it should be relevant and of interest to your target audience.

Sharing media articles, podcasts, webinars, and other resources can help you demonstrate your expertise and provide value to the right people. By doing so, you’ll be able to build trust, establish relationships, and create opportunities for engagement and sales. Remember, the goal of social selling is to provide value and help your prospects, not to push products or services. By focusing on adding value, you’ll be able to achieve better results with your social selling efforts.

Implement Social Listening Tactics

Social listening is a valuable tool for businesses looking to stay informed about what’s happening in their industry. By implementing social listening, you can see what customers are saying and keep an eye on your competitors. This can help you stay ahead of any emerging trends. It can also help you resolve issues in a timely manner. Staying informed and engaging with your audience will allow you to build stronger relationships. Eventually it will lead to better results with your social selling efforts.

Final Thoughts

Social media continues to play a significant role in the sales process and companies need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in order to succeed.  With the right marketing strategy (and agency) in place,  you can help drive growth and increase revenue.

At Onimod Global, we are dedicated to helping businesses achieve success with their modern marketing strategies. Whether you need help identifying and targeting your ideal audience or creating valuable content to engage with potential clients, our team has the expertise and experience to help you reach your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with your 2023 digital marketing marketing strategy.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a strategy that focuses on attracting customers to your business. Instead of going out and finding potential customers, you attract them to your site by creating helpful, interesting content that solves their problems and interests them in your company.

Today, many businesses use both inbound and outbound marketing strategies. However, inbound marketing has become the preferred method for many companies because it is more cost-effective and effective at generating leads.

In this blog, we look at what inbound marketing is, how to create an inbound marketing strategy, and examples to give you an idea of what works.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing focuses on creating valuable content and experiences tailored to the needs of a specific audience in order to build everlasting long-term relationships. The focus point of this strategy is that it provides solutions based on the needs of your customers.

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing

Both strategies are used to engage and convert leads. Here’s a look at the the differences between the two:

Inbound marketing

  • Digital content is targeted and specific to audience
  • Content includes blogs, ebooks, SEO, social media posts, webinars
  • The main goal is to entertain or educate your audience
  • Messaging in tailored and personalized
  • Cost-effective approach

Outbound marketing

  • Non-digital content is used to grab customer attention
  • Content includes billboards, TV advertisements, direct mailers, media ads
  • The main goal is to sell
  • Messaging is catered to appeal to a broad audience
  • Tends to be an expensive approach

Creating an Inbound Marketing Strategy

An inbound marketing methodology can be applied in three ways. Attracting, engaging and entertaining all have different content that will engage and convert your leads. Two of the most effective methods for your strategy will come from social media and email campaigns.

  • Promote your content – It can take time for organic content to get views. Promoting your content on social media allows you to create targeted campaigns to a niche audience who are more likely to convert.
  • Build a community – Channels such as Twitter and TikTok offer a great way to build a community on social media through real-time posts and eye-catching videos.
  • Track performance and optimize – By using paid campaigns and analytics you can learn what ads are working and tweak those that are not performing. This could be image changes, content format or messaging used.

Develop or tweak your social media strategy to drive brand awareness and ROI if you don’t already have one in place.

Examples of Inbound Marketing

Here’s a look at some examples from other brands that you can gain inspiration from.


Patagonia has been using their brand to advocate for societal change and equality. They’re an outdoor clothing brand but have spent many years publicly showing their support for climate change and sustainability. They are able to promote this by sharing short stories, videos and other types of media.

Patagonia Brand Activism


Cisco develops, manufactures, and sells networking hardware, software and other high-technology products and services. They have created a healthcare blog that covers a wide range of topics written by experts in the field. The purpose is to create relevant content that informs people about the healthcare industry while also informing them about Cisco and their hand in the healthcare field.

Final Thoughts

Inbound marketing is an essential marketing strategy that many people use today. It’s a great way to engage with your audience and build trust and offer value at the same time.

At Onimod Global, our data-driven content strategies align your content marketing efforts to real business results. Our content strategy services make it easy to understand your audience’s needs, where your competition is winning, and areas where you have an opportunity to lead your industry.

As a Chicago-based, in-house marketing team, we are your partner experts for specific marketing verticals or some nice balance in between. We excel in customer service and will teach you the most relevant and up-to-date digital marketing skills.

Have questions about creating your online presence and need help strategizing? Contact us here today.

Tips for Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

Social media advertising can be a powerful tool for growing your company’s online presence. But it isn’t necessary to advertise on every single social media platform.

Whether you’re just getting started or you’re looking to expand your existing presence, it’s important to pick one platform and get it up and running successfully before opening another one. So how do you go about choosing which social media advertising platform is the right choice for your company?

Here are some tips from Onimod Global.

Consider your Company

When choosing a social media platform, it’s important to take into account the type of business you are and how you want your brand to come across.

For example, a small business that sells handmade products may find Instagram or TikTok more appealing because they are visual platforms. However, if your company is B2B and sells software or services, LinkedIn might be a better fit.

Each channel has its pros and cons. For example, Instagram is great for building brand loyalty among consumers but doesn’t have the same professional appeal as LinkedIn. Similarly, LinkedIn has an excellent reputation for helping businesses grow but some people don’t enjoy using it as much as others.

The point is: you have options! The key is finding the right match for your business’s needs.

Research your Competitors

Social media is a crowded place.

You can’t afford to not be on social media, but you also can’t afford to look like everyone else. That’s why it’s important to conduct a competitive analysis when developing your social media strategy.

A competitive analysis will give you insights into the competition that will help you:

  • Understand what platforms they’re using (and how well they’re using them)
  • Know what’s working/not working for them
  • Understand how engaged their audience is on each channel

Understand Platforms and their Use

When you’re looking to expand your company’s social media presence, it’s important to do some research on each platform. Each network has its own personality, and the more you understand about how the network works, the better you can tailor your content for that platform.

For example, Twitter is great for conversations and trending topics. LinkedIn is good for sharing professional expertise and company information. Snapchat was the first to introduce disappearing posts, but Instagram Stories are equally ephemeral.

By taking some time to understand the channels you’re considering—and their communication protocols—you will not only help pick the best platform(s) for your company, but also avoid communication faux pas that could alienate potential customers or clients.

Align Social Media with your Marketing Strategy

It’s absolutely essential to any good marketing strategy to know why you’re on social media in the first place. If you want to share content and engage with your followers, there are several platforms that will benefit that strategy depending on the type of content you share. However, if customer support is a top goal for you, Twitter and Facebook should be on your consideration list before Instagram.

Contact Onimod Global

Digital Marketing across multiple social platforms allows us to create visibility for your company in the places your customers are searching, interacting and engaging on social media properties. If you’re looking to take your social media marketing strategy to the next level, Onimod Global can help.

Schedule a consultation with our digital marketing pros here today!

Social Media Strategies That Boost Awareness and ROI

Social media marketing is absolutely necessary for brands and businesses in order for them to stay relevant. By having a social media strategy in place, it helps businesses engage and influence their target audience. 

There are so many campaigns across social media that have gone viral by simply having a strategy in place.

The average amount of time that people spend on social media is 2.27 hours. Considering the increase in popularity with apps like TikTok it has people spending more time scrolling throughout the day. Here’s a look at the benefits of having a social media strategy in place that can drive both brand awareness and ROI.

Benefits of Having A Social Media Strategy

A social media strategy is a plan that outlines your social media goals, the tactics used to achieve them and metrics tracked to measure performance. A strategy doesn’t need to be over-thought and difficult. The best way you can go about creating a strategy is by having a simple yet specific plan with meaningful measurable. 

This will help you clearly identify whether or not the tactics you’re implementing are successful or not. Ultimately, your social media strategy should drive brand awareness and engagement across social media channels for your target audience/s. 

One of the hardest things about social media marketing is consistency. It can be tough to try and recreate a campaign and hope for the same results. By having a social media strategy you can provide your business with the following benefits:

  • Increase Your Brand Awareness
  • Increase Your Web Traffic
  • Generate Quality Leads
  • Quality Data you can analyze and measure

There are so many benefits to social media and having a strategy in place will only strengthen your ability to achieve your business goals.

Steps to Building a Successful Social Media Strategy

Now that we have covered the basics of a social media strategy, let’s get into a couple specific steps you can take to create one. Here’s a couple tips on how you can implement a successful social media strategy:

Set Goals for Your Business

Spending some time in this step will help you understand and define what your social media goals are. This will ultimately determine the rest of your strategy.

Think about what your business wants to achieve from social media and understand that marketing and business goals are different. For example, are you trying to draw brand awareness in the marketplace, or expand your following or generate more leads? You may want to achieve these goals, but it’s crucial to note each one of them as they will involve different tactics on social media.

When you set your goals, define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to understand which social media metrics are important. To be successful on social media, set metrics for each channel you use. Over and above basic metrics you can dig deeper and track audience growth rate. There are many metrics you can use to track success, so narrow them down to what matters to your business.

Research Your Audience & Your Competitors 

Your audience and your competitors go hand in hand. In order to create personalized messaging and content, you need to understand who your audience is and what they want. The best way to achieve that is to do market research. You can do this through online surveys, interviews with your customers or by setting up a focus group.

Once you’ve done this, you will get a better look at your buyer personas which in turn help you create a better understanding of what your ideal customer is. Then you can begin catering to that demographic.

Competitor research helps you understand what your competitors are doing online such as what platforms they use and campaigns they run. You can also see what their messaging is like, as well as their content and how frequently they post. By understanding how they engage with customers and the success of that engagement you can either emulate it or take another direction to capture customers’ attention.

Social Media Platforms

Choosing the best channels for your business can be confusing at the beginning. There are a lot of platforms out there to choose from. Depending on the type of business you are, you may be making a mistake by not being present on all of the platforms. 

Facebook: Is one of the biggest social media platforms and the oldest around. Facebook offers a targeted way to engage with prospects and customers. 

Instagram: Is a great visual platform. Instagram continues to be one of the most popular amongst younger audiences and has seen huge growth over the past few years. It’s a great platform to showcase products and connect with influencers to grow your customer base. Plus with in-app shopping coming to Instagram soon through shoppable posts, customers will be able to purchase on the platform. 

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the place to be for B2B businesses and provides opportunities for B2C too. It provides businesses with a way to connect in the B2B space both organically and through paid advertising. Content that works well on this platform are blogs, white-papers, eBooks, and industry-related content. 

Twitter: Twitter is a real-time platform which means your content should be timely and relevant. It can be a great customer service channel for brands as it allows quick replies and its hashtags help discover new and trending content. 

TikTok: As one of the fastest-growing social media channels, TikTok is a great place for video content. Known for its short-form and quirky videos, it’s developing rapidly as a platform and can be used effectively for marketing. TikTok is a great place for influencer collaborations. 

Planning Your Content

When you plan your content, you’re creating a tone for your pages. It’s a way for you to figure out if you engage with your audience in a formal or informal voice. It’s how you showcase your brand’s personality. The best way to plan your content is by creating a content calendar. That way you can create posts and schedule them regularly on social networks.

You can measure your posts by monitoring their performance, tracking your KPIs, and lastly, testing out new content to see which keywords resonate with your audience.

Final Thoughts

Doing content marketing without a content strategy is a disaster waiting to happen.

The more you know about how social media works, the better your strategy will be. It’s important to understand the fundamentals of social media marketing along with the intricacies of each platform so you can target the right audience.  

At Onimod Global, our data-driven content strategies align your content marketing efforts to real business results. Our content strategy services make it easy to understand your audience’s needs, where your competition is winning, and areas where you have an opportunity to lead your industry.

As a Chicago-based, in-house marketing team, we are your partner experts for specific marketing verticals or some nice balance in between. We excel in customer service and will teach you the most relevant and up-to-date digital marketing skills. 

Have questions about creating your online presence and need help strategizing? Contact us here today.

Tips to Grow your Small Business Through Social Media

The value of social media for businesses continues to grow, especially in light of COVID-19 pandemic. Social media allows for businesses to maintain connections with existing customers and extend their reach to new audiences. With over 2 billion worldwide users, everyone knows social media has now become a crucial part of an overall business strategy. But as a small business, joining social media effectively can be easier said than done. Let’s take a look at 5 ways you can start using social media to grow your small business. 

1. If you can’t create, curate. 

Posting consistent content is one of the most important factors that goes into increasing engagement. If you can’t create new content on your own, curate other’s content. Tools such as Pocket, Flipboard and Feedly allow you to curate useful, relevant content from other sources and share due credits. We recommend posting a minimum of twice per week and a maximum of 5, depending on your content type and industry. 

2. Use video to keep your audience engaged and growing. 

Nowadays, visual content is key. Algorithms have changed and evolved to actually preferring video content over all other forms. Going even further, 72% of consumers prefer videos over manuals to decide on a buy. There are numerous types of video content you can create to keep your audience engaged and growing. Consider sharing behind-the-scenes looks at your business, product launches, how-to’s, service examples, etc. 

3. Involve your followers. 

Finding ways to directly involve your followers in your content is another way to maximize engagement. Consider making quizzes, polls, giveaways and contests.  Many brands will create giveaways and contests and require those that enter to like, comment or share their posts with their friends. This is a simple and effective way to drastically increase your awareness among your followers and a larger audience. 

4. Utilize hashtags. 

Hashtags are one of the best ways to improve your searchability,  gain more awareness and expand the reach of your content. This goes beyond just creating your own hashtags. Find trending hashtags that are pertinent for your business: 

  • For your subject matter: #HowTo’s, #Hacks, #DIYS 
  • For your industry: #Food, #Fashion, #Auto 
  • For your audience: #StartUp, #WannaBeChef, #FitnessFreaks 

Research what’s trending among your audience and find a relevant way to involve yourself into the conversation. 

5. Reach out to influencers. 

Influencer marketing is a great way for new and small businesses to gain traction amongst a large audience. Influencers are now seen as more trusted, relatable and popular than celebrities. Consumers turn to them more for advice on what products to buy, services to use, brands to trust, etc. There are a number of tools that can help you research who the best influencers are in your industry and make it easier for you to reach out and connect with them. 

Final Thoughts

To be successful on social media it’s ultimately about giving value to your audience, whether that be through educating or entertaining. Users are constantly being bombarded with massive amounts of content and ads everyday. Meaning you have to find ways to bring value to them and differentiate yourself from the competition. Strategies will differ based on your industry and audience, but these 5 tactics are a great way for anyone to get started. If you need further assistance in social media marketing, or any other area of digital marketing, contact us today

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here.

Social Media Strategy: Where You Should Start

Has the current pandemic catapulted your small business into the world of social media advertising and e-commerce? In what is already an overwhelming time, starting from scratch on how you’re advertising your small business may seem like too much to take on. Onimod Global is here to help with a guide of where is the best place to start from scratch with a social media strategy.

Audit your current social presence.

Before you are in too deep strategizing about where you need to go, take some time to evaluate where you currently are.

  • Which networks are you currently active on?
  • Are your current platforms optimized (images, URL, bio, etc.)?
  • Which are the most successful for you?

Onimod Global offers a free digital audit that measures your online success in terms of SEO, social media influence, local business optimization, SEM breakdown, and more. Check it out further and get your very own custom digital score.

Define your type of business and ideal customer.

Are you service or product based? Are you primarily B2B or B2C? These are very important questions to determine which socials you need to be focused on creating content and advertisement campaigns for. Every business is unique, but there are industries that perform well on certain social channels versus others. For example, B2B businesses can focus more efforts on social media channels such as LinkedIn and YouTube versus Facebook. These platforms will give you the opportunity to reach your target market in a more direct way. For example, if your company is selling a type of consultancy service, your content is a better match to a professional networking channel such as LinkedIn. B2C businesses, where you’re selling a product or service to anyone and everyone, this can be very successful on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. On these channels, you are able to show your product and service to a target audience that is more likely to convert into sales.

Even the best marketers will fail if they are marketing to the wrong audience. Use the following criteria to help you come up with a highly focused persona of a potential customer:

  • Age
  • Job Title
  • Location
  • Pain points (where your business offers their solution)
  • Most used social network

Create useful and engaging content.

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet.” – Bill Gates

This is arguably the most attractive step of creating your social media strategy. From this post, you now know there are several steps that take place before getting to this point. Your social media content needs to always have a purpose behind it. Decide in your team what your mission is for social media. For example, it could be informing and educating your customers on the respective industry and its services. This ensures the content you curate will be attractive and engaging to your audience.

Here are a few examples of content that you can create:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Interviews
  • Company News
  • Infographics

Remember that quality content is far more important than the quantity of what you post. However, it is crucial that you consider creating high quality, engaging content as a top priority. Experts at Onimod Global strongly recommend creating a content calendar with specific topics and types of content. This will also serve of great use when looking back on the month and reviewing the performance of your content.

Track and analyze.

This is the most important step, a lot of content creation is about trial and error. Let all of your decisions, both in content and in your business in general, be data driven. Social media strategies are never set in stone, make sure you are always evolving.

Are you in need of more assistance with your social media strategy? Onimod Global is here to help with a custom social media strategy and content plan.  Check out the dozens of case studies on our site by clicking here!

More from Onimod Global

Make sure to stay tuned to Onimod Global news for part 2 of this week’s series and learn all about e-commerce and online marketplaces going live Thursday. To catch up on the latest digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.