Tag Archive for: SEM

Amplifying Content Creation for Enhanced SEO

In digital marketing, content creation is the cornerstone of success for any business or brand striving to make its mark online. It’s a dynamic landscape where adaptation, audience understanding, and unwavering commitment to quality reign supreme.

As we navigate the ever-evolving digital marketing terrain, it’s essential to highlight the misconceptions that often cloud our understanding of effective content strategies. Join us as we unveil a strategic roadmap designed to elevate your digital presence and propel your brand toward sustainable success.

Dispelling Common Myths

Over the years, the digital landscape has gained many misconceptions regarding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and content creation. Debunking these myths is important to establishing effective strategies. Contrary to popular belief, simply gaming Google’s algorithm or stuffing keywords into your content won’t guarantee success. Instead, the key lies in understanding what Google truly values: high-quality, relevant content that genuinely resonates with users.

One of the biggest myths is that SEO yields immediate results. SEO is a long-term strategy that requires consistent effort and patience. It often takes months to see significant improvements in search rankings. Building backlinks (links from other websites to yours) is essential to SEO. However, the focus should be on quality over quantity. Natural and organic link-building strategies stemming from valuable content are far more effective than acquiring numerous low-quality links. Businesses can develop sustainable SEO strategies by dispelling these myths and creating valuable, user-centric content. Understanding these principles is key to navigating the complex landscape of digital marketing effectively.

Creating a Roadmap for SEO-Friendly Content

Developing a roadmap for SEO-friendly content involves strategic planning and execution to ensure that your content not only appeals to your target audience but also ranks well in search engine results. Here are essential steps to craft an effective roadmap.

  1. Keyword Research

Start by conducting thorough keyword research. Identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Effective keyword research is the cornerstone of any successful content strategy. Here’s how to nail it:

  • Identify your primary keyword: This is the focal point of your content. For example, if you’re a pet store, your primary keyword might be “organic dog food.”
  • Expand with related keywords: Include 5-10 additional keywords related to your primary keyword, such as “natural pet nutrition,” “healthy dog diet,” etc.
  • Target long-tail keywords: Consider the questions users might ask about your topic. Incorporate these as secondary keyword targets. For instance, “What are the benefits of organic dog food?”
  • Aim for the sweet spot: Look for keywords with high search volume and low competition. Tools like SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner can help identify these opportunities.
  1. Structuring Your Content

Based on your keyword research, outline a content plan that aligns with your business goals. The way you structure your content can make or break its effectiveness. Follow these best practices:

  • Keep paragraphs focused: Each paragraph should revolve around a single idea or topic, enhancing readability and comprehension.
  • Trim the fat: Avoid wordy sentences that detract from clarity. Using concise language can be more impactful.
  • Format for emphasis: Use formatting techniques like bolding, italicizing, or bullet points to highlight key information. Adding emphasis helps make your content scannable and digestible.
  • Simplify language: Avoid industry jargon or technical terms that might alienate your audience. Instead, use clear and accessible language that resonates with your target demographic.
  1. Align Visuals with Content

Visuals play a crucial role in enhancing user experience and engagement. Here’s how to leverage them effectively:

  • Choose relevant visuals: Select images, videos, or infographics that complement your content and reinforce your message.
  • Optimize for performance: Ensure your visuals are optimized for web performance by compressing images and choosing the appropriate file types (e.g., JPEG vs. PNG).
  • Enhance accessibility: Include descriptive filenames and Alt tags for all visuals to improve accessibility for users with disabilities and optimize for search engines.
  • Break up the monotony: Use visuals strategically to break up text-heavy sections and maintain reader interest. Some tips include adding charts, graphs, or even custom illustrations within the copy.

Consistency and adaptability are key to achieving sustainable SEO success. By following these steps and continually refining your approach, you can create a robust roadmap for SEO-friendly content that drives organic traffic and supports your overall digital marketing goals.

Unlock Your Potential with Onimod Global

Elevate your content creation endeavors with Onimod Global’s cutting-edge digital marketing strategies. From crafting compelling visual identities to executing targeted marketing campaigns, we help empower businesses to transcend boundaries and leave an indelible impression on their audience. 

Whether you’re a burgeoning startup or an established enterprise, our tailored solutions are designed to help amplify your brand narrative, propelling you toward unparalleled success. Unleash your brand’s full potential with Onimod Global—contact us today to embark on your transformative journey.

Mastering Ad Copy

In the intricate landscape of digital marketing, where every click counts, compelling ad copy is all about crafting words that drive action while keeping things concise. This content serves as the gateway to potential customers, influencing their decision to engage with your brand. 

Amidst the vast sea of data provided by platforms like Google, deciphering the formula for impactful ad copy remains elusive. Today, we delve into the do’s and don’ts of ad copywriting, empowering marketers to navigate this essential aspect of paid search campaigns with finesse.

Understanding Ad Copy

At its core, ad copy encapsulates the essence of a clickable advertisement. Positioned prominently within search engine results, it serves as a succinct portrayal of the advertised offering. Comprising the second and third lines of an ad, sandwiched between the title and display URL, ad copy wields immense power in driving traffic and conversions.

Ad Copy Don’ts

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

In the bygone era of digital marketing, stuffing ad copy with keywords was hailed as the holy grail of search success. However, evolving user preferences demand a more nuanced approach. Modern consumers gravitate towards content that addresses their needs and pain points rather than bombarding them with keyword-laden rhetoric. Ad copy must strike a delicate balance, seamlessly integrating keywords into meaningful narratives that offer tangible solutions.

Steer Clear of Focusing on the Wrong Problem

Understanding the underlying motivations driving user searches is pivotal to crafting resonant ad copy. Businesses often fall into the trap of misidentifying their target audience’s needs and aspirations. Instead of fixating on generic pain points, successful ad copy zeroes in on specific solutions, positioning the advertised offering as the quintessential problem-solver.

Don’t Neglect Ad Extensions

While the spotlight often shines on ad titles and descriptions, overlooking ad extensions is a cardinal sin in the realm of digital advertising. These extensions, ranging from callouts to sitelinks and structured snippets, enrich the ad experience, enhancing visibility and engagement. Embracing ad extensions amplifies click-through rates, underscoring their 

indispensable role in maximizing ad performance.

Ad Copy Do’s

Harness Emotional Triggers

Emotions wield unparalleled influence in shaping consumer behavior. Leveraging emotional triggers in ad copy can evoke powerful responses, compelling users to take action. Whether tapping into positive sentiments or addressing pain points, adeptly integrating emotional nuances elevates ad copy from mundane to magnetic.

Optimize Display URLs

The oft-overlooked display URL presents a prime opportunity to infuse ad copy with keyword-rich content. By strategically aligning display URLs with targeted keywords, marketers can bolster ad visibility and relevance, augmenting the likelihood of ad impressions and clicks.

Prioritize Benefits Over Features

In the realm of ad copy, it’s not about showcasing your brand’s bells and whistles; it’s about articulating the value proposition to the consumer. Highlighting the tangible benefits of your offering resonates far more with users than a laundry list of features. By adopting a user-centric approach and emphasizing how your brand addresses their needs, you forge a deeper connection that transcends mere transactional engagement.

Final Thoughts

Mastering the art of ad copywriting is both a science and an art. While pitfalls abound, adhering to best practices and leveraging proven strategies can propel your paid search campaigns to unprecedented heights.

At Onimod Global, we excel in the field of SEM, using our knowledge to enhance your brand’s online visibility. As accredited Google Partners, we work in crafting paid advertising campaigns across various platforms, helping to ensure a comprehensive strategy that includes both paid and organic search optimization. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your digital marketing endeavors and embark on a journey toward sustained success.

How to Select a Digital Marketing Agency in 2024

Online success starts with the right agency by your side. So how can you identify an agency that aligns with your brand’s unique requirements and objectives?

Embracing digital marketing is crucial for staying competitive, connecting with consumers, and achieving business goals in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. When investing in a digital marketing agency, it is crucial to choose an agency that effectively uses your budget and aligns with your business objectives. To avoid agencies that overpromise and underdeliver, consider our list of three essential skills and key warning signs to be aware of.

SEO & SEM Mastery

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, stands as a cornerstone skill in the realm of digital marketing. Essential for the success of any campaign, SEO and content optimization can’t be overlooked. When evaluating a digital marketing agency, one of the key indicators of their proficiency in SEO is their own website. A well-optimized website not only demonstrates their skill but also serves as a testament to their effectiveness in this crucial area. This is a vital aspect to consider, as it directly reflects the agency’s ability to enhance your brand’s online presence.

In conjunction with SEO, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) plays a critical role in formulating an all-encompassing digital strategy. SEM focuses on leveraging data and content to drive strategy, ensuring a comprehensive approach to digital marketing. When scouting for a digital marketing agency, it’s important to look for those who excel in various facets of inbound marketing. This includes maintaining an active blog, having a responsive website design, intuitive site navigation, and implementing effective conversion strategies with clear calls to action. These elements are indicative of an agency’s capability to handle the complexities of both SEO and SEM, ensuring a robust and effective digital marketing strategy for your brand.

A Diverse and Skilled Team

A premier digital marketing agency distinguishes itself through a team skilled in various domains, encompassing design, development, SEO, content strategy, social media, and brand development. This breadth of knowledge is crucial for navigating the multifaceted world of digital marketing, ensuring that every aspect of a brand’s online presence is crafted with precision and professional insight. The agency’s strength lies in its ability to integrate these diverse skills, creating a cohesive and comprehensive marketing strategy that effectively promotes your brand across various digital platforms.

Central to this strategy is a focus on content marketing. In today’s digital landscape, content reigns supreme, and a successful agency must demonstrate prowess in creating high-quality, SEO-friendly content that resonates across multiple channels. This involves not just producing content but understanding how to develop strategies that engage and convert a wide range of audiences. Moreover, adaptability in content formats is key. Whether it’s crafting compelling videos, engaging social media posts, informative email campaigns, dynamic web content, insightful blogs, e-books, or in-depth white papers, an agency’s ability to tailor content to these diverse formats is essential. This versatility ensures that your brand’s message is not only heard but also resonates with your intended audience, regardless of the medium.

Technological Proficiency and Tool Utilization 

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, an agency’s technological savvy is paramount. It’s essential for an agency to be adept at quickly learning and effectively utilizing the latest technologies to stay ahead in the competitive market. Alongside this technological agility, a deep familiarity with a variety of marketing tools is equally crucial. Proficiency in platforms such as WordPress, Google Analytics, Hubspot, Salesforce, and others is fundamental. This knowledge enables an agency to leverage these tools efficiently, optimizing marketing strategies and delivering measurable results for clients. The combination of technological expertise and tool familiarity is a key indicator of an agency’s capability to navigate the digital landscape successfully.

Three Red Flags to Avoid

Here are three warning signs to look for when searching for a digital marketing agency.

  • Lack of a Dedicated Account Manager: Consistency is key. Ensure the agency provides a specific individual or team for managing your account, rather than a revolving door of contacts.
  • Inaccessible Marketing Data: Transparency is critical. Avoid agencies that withhold analytics and data, as it’s vital for tracking marketing success.
  • Unrealistic Promises: Be wary of agencies making lofty promises, especially regarding immediate top search result placements. Seek those with realistic goals and strategies.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the digital marketing realm requires understanding both the essential qualities of a great agency and the red flags to avoid. At Onimod Global, we strive to align with these ideals, offering our knowledge in SEO, social media, content marketing, and more. We’re committed to enhancing your marketing effectiveness and driving success. 

Contact us today to discuss your digital marketing strategy.

Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rates

Learn simple ways to reduce your website’s bounce rate and improve user engagement with these easy-to-implement strategies. 

Bounce rates are a critical metric that measures the percentage of visitors who land on your website and leave without interacting with any of its elements.

Leaving So Soon?

If you’re trying to market your site and make more sales then it’s important that you know what website bounce rate is all about. An unusually high bounce rate is a signal of poor user experience. Remember that users who land on your site are likely to be interested in what you have to offer. But, if they bounced off right away then it means you failed to keep them engaged. It’s a loss because the user may go to someone else and make them money.

High bounce rates can negatively impact your website’s search engine rankings, user engagement, and ultimately your bottom line. Therefore, reducing your website’s bounce rate should be a top priority for any business that wants to succeed online. Below, we’ll discuss some simple ways to reduce your website’s bounce rate and increase user engagement.

What is a Good Bounce Rate?

There’s no ideal number that literally every business out there should be shooting for when looking to reduce bounce rate.

One company might be perfectly happy with a bounce rate of 75 percent, while another would understandably find it a disaster. The difference depends on what your business goals are, as well as your industry and niche.

However, if you’re looking for a ballpark figure to start with, a bounce rate of around 70-80 percent is cause for concern unless there’s a very good reason for it.  Between 50 and 70 percent is about average. And if you’re between 30 and 50 percent, your bounce rate is considered excellent. What’s considered a good or bad bounce rate can vary from one type of website or landing page to another, as well.

Let’s discover the right strategies to reduce your website’s bounce rate and improve your online success.

  1. Improve Your Website’s Loading Speed

The loading speed of your website has a significant impact on bounce rates. Slow loading websites can be frustrating for users, and they often leave without interacting with any of its elements. Therefore, it is essential to improve your website’s loading speed to reduce bounce rates. Some simple ways to improve website’s page load speed is through:

  • Optimizing images and video, make sure they’re all sized appropriately and compressed.
  • Leverage caching plugins to optimize your website’s performance.
  • Upgrading your web hosting package.
  • Minifying CSS and JavaScript files.
  1. Create Compelling Content

Compelling content is key to keeping your visitors engaged and reducing your website’s bounce rate. Creating content that is informative, valuable, and engaging will encourage visitors to spend more time on your website and interact with your brand. Use visuals, such as images and videos, to make your content more engaging and appealing to your audience.

  1. Make Your Website User-Friendly

Your website’s user-friendliness is crucial to reducing bounce rates. A poorly designed website with confusing navigation and layout can be frustrating for users and lead to high bounce rates. Therefore, it is important to make your website user-friendly by creating a clear and intuitive navigation system, optimizing your website for mobile devices, and ensuring that your website’s design is visually appealing.

  1. Improve Your Website’s Call-to-Action (CTA)

A clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) can encourage visitors to engage with your website and reduce bounce rates. Ensure that your website’s CTAs are prominently displayed and that they clearly communicate the value of your product or service. Use action-oriented language and make your CTA buttons stand out by using contrasting colors and prominent placement.

Another way to improve your CTA is by visiting the Google Search Console and identify the keywords that your pages are currently ranking for. Then, incorporate the top keywords into your CTA statement. For instance, if your aim is to encourage visitors to download a white paper, use a CTA such as “Download my white paper” instead of using generic terms. This approach is significantly more effective in driving conversions.

  1. Use Relevant Keywords

Using relevant keywords is essential to reducing your website’s bounce rate. Ensure that your website’s content is optimized for relevant keywords that your audience is searching for. This will help to attract the right audience to your website and encourage them to engage with your brand.

When conducting keyword research, which factors do you consider? These factors indicate the potential performance of your keywords. The primary qualities of a keyword should encompass:

  • Search Volume
  • Competition
  • Cost-per-click
  • Word Count

By analyzing these factors, you can determine the effectiveness of your chosen keywords.

To Summarize

Reducing your website’s bounce rate is essential to improving user engagement and achieving your online goals. By implementing these simple strategies, you can create a more user-friendly website and optimize your website for search engines. Ultimately, these efforts will help to reduce your website’s bounce rate and increase user engagement, leading to greater online success for your business.

Get a Free Audit

Do you need assistance in reducing bounce rates, enhancing the conversion rates and improving the user experience of your website? Onimod Global’s free online digital audit can help.

Our complimentary website audit is a thorough examination of your website to determine its smooth functioning, full-proof security, and seamless end-user experience. It helps –

  • Evaluate your website on parameters that determine its visibility in Google’s search rankings
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of your website
  • Unravel issues hampering the website’s performance
  • Suggest the areas in your website that need improvement
  • Increase website traffic and user engagement

Measure organic, paid search and social visibility as well identify any errors or issues with the website here.

As an Onimod Global client, you’ll have access to more advanced marketing tools to enhance your auditing process. From valuable website analytics at your disposal to an in-depth, easy-to-read performance dashboard, we can easily identify ways to improve your website, generate more traffic, and boost your bottom line.

Interested in learning more about our areas of expertise? Contact us here today.

How To Increase Your Online Visibility Through Social Media

Social media plays a vital role in today’s society. It can help you generate buzz around your products and your brand by having users share your content. But social networks are incredibly busy and filled with stimuli. With so much going on, how do you make sure that users will find your content throughout all this mess? Read on to find out more…

Social media is a great resource when it comes to increasing your online visibility. There are so many ways that an organization’s pages can be optimized in order to do so.

We’ll take a look at how you can bring a couple of strategies together to generate more searches for your business—and from this, achieve a greater online presence.

Does Social Media Posting Help With Online Visibility?

While social media cannot directly impact your rankings, you can create a more holistic approach to online marketing. However, social media activity can raise your company’s profile and increase the clicks on their website. What are you aiming to achieve by linking social media activity with online visibility? Here’s a couple things you can do to get started:

  • Getting clicks on your organization’s website
  • Having an increase in online searches for the company
  • Social shares for a wider post reach and increased audience
  • Sharing information to help analyze social engagement

All of the things above have one thing in common and that is that they all increase the possibilities for lead opportunities. The way you can achieve lead opportunities above is by having and creating quality content. Often times quality content gets overlooked, its truly one of the best ways you can leverage and boost your online presence.

Which Social Media Platforms Are the Best for SEO?

Which platforms do you currently use? Most social media platforms can help with online visibility. A lot of people have that mindset, but you should honestly be thinking about  using the platforms that will help you reach your target audience. Each social media platform works slightly differently when it comes to encouraging clicks and shares.

It goes without saying most brands have a Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Google My Business accounts. But many businesses also utilize Youtube, Tiktok and Pinterest. But which performs best? Facebook continues to be powerful all over the world. With more than 1.71 billion monthly users, the social media platform is ripe for SEO. Be attentive with your company page and find and nourish your best promoters on the platform. Facebook is a great lead generator, so always stay on brand and use targeted keywords in your posts. Make sure to cross-post videos you produce and publish on your YouTube account as well.

Although Meta owns both Facebook and Instagram, they perform differently for different organizations’ offerings.

Also, any social platform a company uses has to be “on brand” for them, otherwise it will defeat the purpose of boosting your SEO. At the end of the day, a great website should have all the key elements of an effective inbound marketing strategy:

  • An active blog.
  • Responsive design.
  • Intuitive navigation.
  • Effective conversion strategy with calls to action.

What Are the Best Ways to Optimize Social Media for Better Online Visibility?

How can you make the most of your brand’s social media platforms? Here are a couple of techniques that you can use to improve your websites online visibility. 

LinkedIn & Facebook

Most people breeze by “SEO-ing” their About us/Summary section. It’s one of the easiest ways to put the information you want out there for leads to easily access. Filling out as much as you can in the About section is a great start.

  • The “About” summary section gives you the capacity to use 2,600 characters (on LinkedIn, Facebook gives you 50,000!) to explain what you do. Use keywords that your clients are using to find your products and services.
  • Use keywords that describe your products and services in your headline.
  • The “Experience” section also gives you 2,000 characters to show case your expertise. Make sure you include a few paragraphs that talk about what your company provides from a product/services perspective.

How do You know if your Social Media Strategy is Improving SEO?

All social media platforms have some sort of analytics feature that you can use to measure the attention your socials are getting. You can also look into social media engagement tools, which you can download and use to generate tables and graphs. You can compare the social media and website stats to see the effect the former has on the latter. Lastly, you can see the organic changes in your Google Analytics account.

Last Thoughts

Social media is a crucial part of your marketing strategy. It can help you generate buzz around your products and your brand by having users share your content.

As trusted Google experts, our team is here to help with holistic digital marketing strategies including optimizing your Google Business Profile listing and ensuring you have the highest rank possible. Whether you’re looking for SEO tips, social media marketing ideas, or paid media strategies, our goal is to make your business more successful. Get a free audit and see how you can improve your digital presence with us here.

Skills Every Digital Marketing Agency Should Excel in

A great digital marketing agency should have the ability to learn your brand quickly and be ready to act as your in-house digital experts.  Since the digital industry is so diverse, how do you know if a digital marketing agency is really as great as they claim to be?  

Looking for a new digital marketing agency but have no clue where to begin? Working with a good digital agency that specializes in quality marketing strategies is an obvious starting line. Knowing how to choose a digital marketing agency is essential in your search to find the right agency fit for your brand.

Spending money on digital marketing is a big deal, and you want to find an agency that makes the most of your money and works with your business goals. If you’re tired of being burned by agencies that make big promises but deliver no results, check out our three must-have skills (and top red flags) to watch out for. 

1. SEO & SEM

Across the board, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important skills you can have in this field. Knowing how SEO and content optimization work is essential for running a successful campaign. A good marketing agency should have an up-to-date website. If they’re practicing their SEO successfully you can easily find them doing a simple google search. 

Both SEO and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) form your entire digital strategy on a data and content level. At the end of the day, a great website should have all the key elements of an effective inbound marketing strategy:

  • An active blog.
  • Responsive design.
  • Intuitive navigation.
  • Effective conversion strategy with calls to action.

2. A Solid Team

A great agency should have a team that is equipped with versatility and expertise. Building a team that has experts in their respective fields i.e. design, development, SEO, content strategy, social media and brand development, will only make your agency more sought after and stronger as a whole.

Content is perhaps the core of digital marketing. Content marketing will continue to be a crucial part of the game no matter what happens. After you’ve created your all-star team you should then be able to create high quality, SEO-friendly content for various channels. By understanding how to create an effective content strategy you’ll be able to easily engage and convert to various audiences.

Things can be a little challenging when it comes to creating different content formats. From video to social media, emails, web content, blogs, e-books, videos, and white papers, it can be tough to create content that translates to these different formats. Working together as a team is the best way to face the beast that is, content marketing.

3. Tools and How to Utilize Them

Due to the marketing industry being so technology-driven, you need a good grasp on technology as well as be able to learn it quickly. It is immensely beneficial for a marketing agency to have a solid understanding of marketing tools as well as the technical skills that go along with them. For example, a CMS like WordPress – used by a third of websites – can be tweaked to boost SEO. 

Project management tools are important and its always good to ask what platform your desired marketing agency is using.  Nowadays there are many tools you can use to get the job done, for example Google Analytics, Hubspot, Salesforce, the list goes on. The bottom line is, any agency should be comfortable and familiar with all of these tools.

Now that we’ve covered the 3 top things to have as an agency, lets discuss the 3 Red Flags to watch out for.

Red Flag #1 – You Don’t have an Account Manager

A solid agency will pair you with a marketing strategist or account manager who oversees your business’s marketing success.

Something to look out for is talking to a new person every time you call. When you’re looking for an agency, make sure to ask who will handle your account. If it’s one person, that’s great. If they’re running a call center, look elsewhere.

Red Flag #2 – You Can’t Access Your Marketing Data

If the agency refuses to give you access to analytics, you should find an agency that will let you track your marketing success with them. There’s no reason for a digital marketing provider to be dishonest or hoard a business’s data.

The right digital marketing agency will allow you to see your data, and they’ll talk to you about the analytics as they work to improve your marketing performance.

Red Flag #3 – False Promises

If an agency is promising you that your business will be at the top of search results by working with them in a matter of weeks – it’s a bad sign. It’s always important to ask how if they’re promising you things they cant keep. If they’re talking about paid advertising, then rest assured you have nothing to worry about.

Its always best to find an agency that has realistic goals for you to improve your local search results.

Last Thoughts

Digital marketing is fast-paced and demanding. Understanding an agencies top 3 must haves and top 3 red flags to look out for will have you off to the races. At Onimod Global, our goal is to ensure we help improve your marketing and drive success.

From SEO to social media, content marketing and strategy, We can help you gain up-to-date and relevant knowledge that will help you become an awesome digital marketer. Got questions about Facebook advertising or want to learn more about us? Contact us here today.

How to Maximize Lead Generation via Facebook Posts and Ads

With billions of people using Facebook each month, the opportunity for lead generation is endless. Facebook recently shared tips on how to maximize lead generation via Facebook posts and ads to help businesses boost the performance of their Facebook marketing efforts. These tips cover the four critical elements of effective lead generation, intending to help marketers formulate a better strategy for reaching and connecting with potential customers. 

1. Lead Capture

According to Facebook, one of the keys to capturing leads is ensuring that your audience clearly understands what they’re signing up for. They should also clearly understand what makes your product or service worthy of giving their personal email address or other information. Being upfront and having clear communication from the get-go helps ensure that those that are converting are a part of your target audience. 

2. Lead Magnets 

Facebook’s second tip is that brands should adopt the “give before asking” mentality by offering users something in return for their information. This could be a one-sheeter, eBook, discount code, free trial, newsletter, webinar, etc. By providing value upfront you establish trust and a connection with your audience, leading to a better relationship and more brand-loyalty in the future.

3. Landing Page 

Landing pages are a critical element to ads. It’s important that once you get a user to click through your post or ad, that your landing page matches what you’ve explained. It’s also important that it has a quality design and effectively collects the information you need. Facebook advises brands to test different versions of landing pages to see which have the high click-through and conversion rates. They also suggest that you should consider setting up a custom audience to then retarget those who have clicked through, but not yet converted. 

4. Lead Scoring

Facebook’s final tip is to create a lead scoring matrix in order to better customize their outreach efforts and prioritize leads based on past engagement. For example, downloading a white paper is worth more points than unsubscribing from your email list. This can help you save time and effort by only contacting the leads that are more likely to convert first. The way you go about establishing your lead scoring table will vary, depending on your offer and goals. But the idea is that by segmenting each of your leads will allow you to better focus the outreach for each of your strategies. 

Final Thoughts 

Lead generation is key to maximizing your Facebook marketing efforts. The more insights you can gather, the better you can hone in on where the right people are for every campaign. Either by focusing on groups directly or using them for Lookalike’s to expand your research. At Onimod Global, we’re experts in digital marketing, specializing in Facebook Ads. If you need additional assistance in the Facebook ad space, or any area of digital marketing, we can help. At Onimod Global we’re experts in all areas of social media and digital marketing. Learn more about who we are and what we do, and contact us here today. 

We also release the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here.

5 Google Ads Campaign Tips for 2021

Is your 2021 resolution to improve your Google Ads campaigns and increase your overall business profitability? As marketers, it’s important to maintain control over our strategies and campaigns. Google’s optimizations are not always in the best interests of our business, they also don’t exactly know the context of our brands. To succeed in the upcoming year, we must try new things and change our strategies and tactics. We have to integrate more data, retain control over automatic Google optimizations and fight against increased competition. 

Here are 5 things to do and focus on in 2021 to improve your Google Ads campaigns. 

1. Have keyword intent. 

Google always favors consistency with campaigns. The more similar performance your keywords have, usually the better the campaign will perform overall. When selecting keywords, user intent should be the top priority around which we group our keywords. 

Users who have searched for the name of your brand are obviously more likely to convert once they make it to your website. So, any keywords relating to your brand should be grouped together since they bring the best CPA and ROAS. Any keywords mentioning “price” or “discount” are strong signals of purchasing intent as well. Phrases including “specifications,” “size” or “warranty” are important to bid on, but CTR and CR are likely to be lower, so you want to reduce your bid. 

If you want to improve results, it’s important to visualize and quantify areas in which you can improve things and find new business. The trick is to structure your account appropriately. This can be a tedious and complicated process, but there are a number of tools that can assist you. 

2. Declutter your campaigns. 

Keeping a close eye on all aspects of your campaigns can seem overwhelming, yet it can be key to success. Any underperforming spend represents the portion of your Google Ads investment that either has a low quality score or isn’t converting enough. To reduce waste spend, it’s important to focus on two Google reports: Quality Score and Search Query Report. This will help you analyze the search terms that trigger your ads and identify where to increase and decrease spend. 

3. Identify and double down on your strengths. 

It’s a common misconception that bidding on new keywords automatically leads to increasing sales. While this is sometimes true, it’s more effective to make sure you have the maximum market share on the keywords that are your most profitable, beyond just branded traffic. 

The best way to ensure you don’t miss out on any opportunity is to monitor your impression share on Google Ad SEPRs. Lost impressions relate to missed opportunities on searches related to the keywords you bid on. Best practice includes focusing on your top 10 campaigns and checking the market shares of your competitors, monitoring closely when you’re not shown and identifying why that might be. 

4. Use high quality creatives. 

Ad copy and visuals obviously play a huge role in your campaigns. Users are exposed to more than 6000 ads daily, so standing out and grabbing attention is essential. The quality of creative weighs up to 80% in the performance of Facebook Ads campaigns and the case is similar for Google Ads. Optimizing ads and creatives includes giving in to statistics. It’s impossible to know for sure which creatives will perform best without testing multiple versions. It’s also important to continuously test ads. Even when you identify a clear winner in one test, create new versions to continue to test to ensure you’re always increasing your ad performance. 

5. Spend smarter, not more. 

Spend should be allocated not only on keywords or placement levels, but user profiles also need to be taken into account. Data is gathered from users’ declarative info, when and where they’re active online, as well as Google Analytics shared data and inferred data from previous search queries. It’s important to take these user profiles into consideration and make bid adjustments to your most valuable audiences and criteria. 

More from Onimod Global 

At Onimod Global we’re experts in all areas of Google Ads. If you’re looking for digital marketing assistance, we can help your business reach its full digital potential. Interested in growing digital presence for your company? Reach out to us here!

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4 Steps to Create a Successful Paid Social Campaign

With the holiday season upon us, eCommerce spend is set to hit new records. With people online shopping now more than ever, reaching out through social should be on the agenda for your brand. 

If you’re looking to refine your approach to paid social ads this season, here are 4 simple tips to create a winning campaign. 

Step 1: Define Your Goals

The first step to any winning campaign is defining your campaign goals, KPIs, parameters, plan and strategy. The easiest way to to do this is by creating a checklist with a variety of questions, such as: 

  • What is your campaign objective? 
  • Why does this matter? What’s your ultimate business goal? 
  • How will you measure success? 
  • What is your budget? 
  • Who is your target audience? 
  • How far through the funnel are they? 
  • What is your ideal audience reach? 
  • Which platforms best reach your target audience? 

Step 2: Design Ads 

When creating your ads, you should be guided by your audience data, social style guide and social listening tools. You should also craft multiple versions of the same ad to avoid creative fatigue. Best practices include designing 3-5 creative options for your ad visuals and writing multiple captions for each. Asking questions in the copy is also a good way to help boost engagement on the ad. 

It’s also important to incorporate different types of ad formats to test what performs best. This includes carousels, stories, video, ect. When doing this it’s important to make sure your creative is within specs and renders properly across all ad formats. 

Lastly, make sure your ad creative and copy are both on-brand and compliment whatever organic content you’re posting at the same time. Also ask for feedback to identify which creative assets are your best. 

Step 3: Build Ad Sets 

To get started on this step, build target audiences and upload your creative assets to your chosen social platforms. 

When building your target audiences you want to create multiple segments such as prospective, lookalike, retargeting, ABM, etc. Here are a few tips for building multiple segments: 

  • To build an audience of prospective customers, use platform offerings. 
  • For lookalike audiences, utilize your company’s first part data. 
  • Create retargeting audiences from your site tracking pixels. 
  • Use platform target parameters to suppress and exclude those you don’t want to reach.

Once you’ve completed these steps be sure to take advantage of custom tracking links to collect data and measure your success. You want to be granular but don’t go too narrow with your targeting.  

You should also be sure to install tracking links and that your conversion tracking pixels are placed correctly on your site. Utilize custom tracking links to collect your data and ultimately measure your success. 

Lastly, bid strategically. Implement automated rules and cost/bid caps to avoid high ad costs. Since there are so many brands running ads during the holiday season, it can be easy for costs to get high. 

Step 4: Launch Campaign

Once you’ve launched your campaign, A/B testing is essential. Learn what resonates better with your audiences and monitor your progress frequently. We recommend running ads for about 1-2 weeks before making any changes. 

Continue to go back and review your goals and KPIs when measuring your success. If there are ads you notice aren’t performing as well, pause them and don’t be afraid to increase spend on the ones that are. 

More from Onimod Global 

Onimod Global releases the latest digital marketing news and essential marketing tips every Tuesday and Thursday! To catch up on the top digital marketing news and trends, click here. To find out more about who we are and what we do, click here.

5 Key Elements for Local Digital Marketing Success

Small businesses can face many growth challenges, such as limited resources, budget constraints, competition, staffing challenges, etc. It can be tough to figure out ways to set yourself apart from other businesses and achieving overall success. Executing a full range of local digital marketing techniques can be a game changer for many companies. Local digital marketing helps connect businesses where customers reside and interact. The opportunity to compete and provide outstanding customer service, are reachable through digital marketing strategies. 

We’re going to discuss the 5 key campaign elements that can deliver an effective local marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes. 

1. Manage All Online Listings 

Clean data and accurate listings are essential for overall digital marketing success. Every mention of your business on the internet is a ‘citation.’ You want to make sure all of this information is accurate. Otherwise you run the risk of not being able to be found easily. Even minor discrepancies you might not think of can have an impact on your results. You can prevent discrepancies by claiming every local listing and providing accurate information to search engines and online directories. Specifically Google, Facebook, Yelp, Apple Maps and Bing. 

You should include as much information in your listings as possible, such as product descriptions, services, hours of operation, deals, promotions, accepted payment types, photos, etc. Accurate and consistent data helps drive search engine rankings, making it that much easier for prospects to find your business. 

2. Local SEO 

Local SEO is fairly similar to listing management. Complete, accurate and consistent updates to listings are critical for high search engine rankings. Algorithms continue to drive more relevant results based on user location. Meaning it’s even more crucial to optimize local landing pages with location information. 

You can locally optimize your landing pages by:

  • Localizing title tags to include city and state names.
  • Optimize meta descriptions to include product categories. 
  • Implement localized schema markup for your business name, number and address.
  • Localize URL structures to include street names and product categories. 
  • Include hours, directions and local descriptions in on-page business content. 

3. Reputation Management

It stays true that people trust people. Ratings and reviews have a significant impact on potential buyers. On average, consumers read up to 10 reviews before fully trusting a business. The most effective way to increase your reviews is by simply asking your customers to write them. You can make this easy for them by including a button that offers one-click access to writing a review. It’s common to offer incentives or contests for those that leave reviews, but you have to be careful when doing so. Google and Yelp prohibit businesses from offering money, products or services for writing reviews. It’s important that the reviews are authentic, as consumers can be skeptical. Meaning when a negative review comes through, it should be managed but not deleted. Best practice includes replying to their comment and apologizing that they did not have a positive experience and ask them to contact you privately to resolve any further issues. This way other people see that you’re not ignoring them, but you don’t want to continue the conversation in public. 

4. Paid Search and Social 

In any digital marketing strategy, incorporating paid efforts is essential. This becomes even more important when it comes to local campaigns. Customize your messages based on the location of your ads to become personally relevant to those that will see them. Local search and social can be used to capitalize on regions where business is strongest or become a lever that can supplement marketing in underperforming regions to increase awareness and improve sales. For more tips on successfully taking your paid digital marketing strategy local, click here

5. Specialized Landing Pages

Along with customizing ads for certain locations, the landing pages they’re attached to should also be customized and optimized for mobile. Most often, consumers are on the go and looking for local solutions. Local landing pages should be simple yet comprehensive, including your business name, address, phone number, hours, products, services, etc. Effective landing pages have a responsive design with title tags and descriptive schema to send information to search engines. For further tips on creating a high converting landing page, click here. 

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Needing some assistance in any area of digital marketing?  Contact us! We are experts in all things digital marketing including SEM, Web Dev, Automation, Analytics, and much more. Learn more about what we do here, or keep up to date with all things digital marketing on our news page